

At the signal of Yaihr, numerous vampires emerged once again and charged towards Zecharia. Nevertheless, his companions continued to fight with determination, matching the intensity of their bloodthirsty adversaries. The spread of blood within the palace persisted. As the number of vampires dwindled, so did the number of fighters for Eldoria.

With each swing of his sword and swift, precise movement, Zecharia dispatched his foes. Alongside him were Jack, Cole, Cereal, and Princess, their collaboration seemingly strengthening them in the face of the perilous battle.

However, the arrival of the vampires seemed endless. At this point, Zecharia devised a plan—he decided to target the leader of the vampires, Yaihr. So, after beheading three vampires in front of him, he swiftly ran towards Yaihr.

As he charged towards Yaihr, a group of vampires emerged and blocked his path, but Zecharia leaped high over the heads of that group of vampires to surpass them, and now he was descending directly towards Yaihr while his sword was raised and ready to strike Yaihr down. And as he descended towards Yaihr, the General suddenly appeared, blocking and parrying Zecharia's sword.

"Hahaha, do you think approaching me will be easy? You're mistaken," Yaihr said, with a hint of insult in his tone.

On the other hand, Yaihr noticed a shift in the wind. It seemed that the people of Eldoria seemed to be gaining an advantage. At this point, his attention turned to Princess Liora.

And so he decided to end the life of the Princess. While Zecharia's attention was focused on battling his General, Yaihr began to walk towards the Princess. With each step he took, an unexpected danger was felt. It seemed like a strong heartbeat could be heard as he approached the princess. As he closed in on the princess, he slashed at all the soldiers in his path with his sharp claws.

The princess did not notice this because she was preoccupied with the battle. However, when she saw it after defeating her opponent, she was surprised to find Yaihr in front of her, with his eyes gleaming and a grin on his face, as if eagerly eager to kill her.

After being surprised, Liora tightly gripped her sword and attempted to strike Yaihr, but he simply brushed it aside and sent the princess's sword flying away.

"Ting... ting... ting." As Princess Liora's sword fell, Jack noticed it and saw that the princess was in danger in the hands of Yaihr, who was about to kill her. So, he quickly rushed towards Yaihr to slash him from behind.

But Yaihr's reflexes were sharp, so before Jack's sword could even touch his body, he quickly turned and grabbed the blade of Jack's sword. While Jack struggled to push the sword held by both of his hands, Yaihr just smiled at him.

Using his other hand and sharp claws, he quickly slashed Jack's neck.

"Jack! NO!" Princess Liora shouted loudly with tears and shock.

It felt like the world slowed down at what happened. Upon seeing it, Cole and Zecharia were shocked. Zecharia, in the midst of battling the General, lost focus and was taken advantage of by Yaihr's vampire General. He slashed Zecharia, and due to the surprise, Zecharia couldn't defend himself. His chest was cut, hitting his necklace which caused it to snap and fall from his neck.

Zecharia fell as if lifeless. He seemed to mourn for what happened to Jack and could hardly move. It appeared that he cared more about the pain he witnessed with Jack than the wound he received from the enemy General. As he fell, not only did blood spill from his body but also tears streamed from his eyes. "Jack...." he whispered.

On the other hand, filled with anger, Cole charged at Yaihr. "Grrr!! You blood sucker bitch!" Cole shouted as he launched his attack on Yaihr.

With a smirk on his face, Yaihr gave Cole a backhanded slap, causing him to be thrown against the wall.

Meanwhile, the General approached the lifeless Zecharia, seemingly ready to end his life once and for all.

As he was about to bury his sword into Zecharia, before it could pierce his heart, Zecharia suddenly grabbed the hilt of the General's sword. The General's hands trembled, struggling to bury his sword. And as he fought against Zecharia's strength to drive the sword into his heart,

And suddenly…. Zecharia's eyes gleamed red. His eyes sparkled as if aflame with a crimson hue.

Zecharia slowly rose, still clutching the hilt of the General's sword, causing the General to struggle even more with his grip. Zecharia seemed to have transformed into a different being.

Upon standing, he pulled the sword towards him, and as the General approached, Zecharia seized him in the neck, swiftly grabbing his throat and ending his life without any difficulty. Then he threw his lifeless body.

Then he saw Yaihr about to attack the princess. Before Yaihr's sharp claws could reach the princess, Zecharia suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes ablaze with crimson fire. Appearing to be out of his senses.

He immediately intercepted and grabbed Yaihr's hand. "Arrrgh... Zecharia?" Yaihr exclaimed in surprise at the sudden change in Zecharia's appearance.

After intercepting, while grabbing Yaihr's hand, Zecharia's other hand seized Yaihr's neck.

While holding Yaihr's hand and neck, he pulled his hand until the entire arm was pulled out from his body. "Aaaargh..." Yaihr screamed in pain.

While still fighting back with his remaining hand, Yaihr's other hand was again grabbed by Zecharia and pulled until his entire arm was severed. And again, Yaihr screamed, "AAAARGH!"

As the eclipse ended, the sunrise became elusive as thick clouds suddenly covered the sky, accompanied by thunder that seemed to foretell bad weather. After severing Yaihr's arms, he threw him, and Yaihr hit the palace wall with such force that it caused it to collapse.

As he drew nearer to Yaihr, filled with anger, a strange sensation rippled through Zecharia's body. At first, it was merely a tingling at the base of his spine, but soon, it intensified into a powerful surge of energy coursing through him.