
Earth U17

Earth U17 25 years ago... 

In the middle the forest, a couple stumbled upon, appearing to be fleeing some imminent danger. In their haste, the woman, who was pregnant and about to give birth, could no longer keep up. They halted, and she gave birth right then and there.

After giving birth, the woman urged her husband, "Go now and take the child away, don't let them get hold of him!" But the husband hesitated, unable to leave his wife behind, saying, "I can't leave you. Come, I'll support you!" 

However, the woman knew her body couldn't go on, so she embraced her husband, sitting, crying, and said, "I'll wait for you in the next life."

Even though it hurt him deeply, he accepted it. Before leaving, he gave her a tight hug and a kiss, saying, "In the next life…"

After the woman was left alone, the terrifying creatures arrived. One of them approached her, transforming from a beastly form into a human, and asked about the child's whereabouts.

The woman smiled faintly and replied, "No matter what you do, you cannot take my child into the darkness."

The man replied, saying, "Hmm, into darkness? That's where he truly belongs." with a smirk. Then, he touched the woman's head, and in her final memory, he saw her handing the baby to her husband as he continued to flee.

After seeing that, he twisted the woman's head and cut it off. And they continued chasing and searching for her husband.

With a long run and escape, the man stumbled upon a village where he saw a coral of animals. Exhausted, bewildered, and frustrated, he decided to leave the baby inside and hope that another family could take care of it.

After leaving the baby, the man continued his escape, pretending to still carry a bundle. 

Despite his long run, he was still caught by the terrifying creatures in a distant forest.

The monster, now in human form, immediately approached and took what it thought was the baby from the man's grasp, only to realize it was just a cloth bundle. 

Angered, the man narrowed his eyes and asked, "Where is the infant?" restraining his anger.

The baby's father just smiled. And before the monster, now in human form, could even touch his head to see what's inside his mind, he immediately took his own life by slicing his throat.

In its anger, the monster shouted, "SPREAD OUT AND FIND THE BABY NOW!"

After giving the command, one of its companions spoke with concern, "your majesty, it's almost dawn."

The monster gritted its teeth in frustration, realizing they were running out of time, so it just shouted loudly before they departed.

And here, it was discovered that they were vampires.


After they left, another group arrived at the scene.

The man approached the corpse of the man. He surveyed the surroundings and after inspecting, he said to his companions, "They beat us to it!" The group felt anger and disappointment.

Then, they left, but before they did, they transformed into different forms. They took the shape of wolf-like creatures.


Earth U17 at present day... 

Under the moon's eerie glow in the medieval era, Princess Liora of the kingdom of Eldoria and her companions hurriedly escaped through the forest, pursued by the relentless werewolves. The chilling howls of the wolves echoed through the trees, signaling the danger they faced. The werewolves, shadows in the night, closed in on them with supernatural agility, leaping from tree to tree. The once formidable royal guards were gradually overtaken.

A soldier, the princess's loyal maiden, and the princess herself continued their frantic escape on horseback. The soldiers fought valiantly to protect their royal charge. As a werewolf lunged at the princess, a soldier thwarted its attack with a swift strike, narrowly rescuing her. However, the werewolves were unrelenting. Another werewolf ambushed a soldier, leaving him fallen with a fatal wound.

With each passing moment, the soldiers accompanying the princess dwindled until only three remained. The trio desperately fled, their horses thundering through the moonlit forest. Suddenly, a werewolf leaped at them from the tree branches, causing the princess's horse to stumble and fall.

The princess's maiden swiftly dismounted, rushing to aid the fallen princess. "Your majesty, please stand up," she urged with a mix of fear and determination.

Struggling, the princess attempted to rise, her regal attire stained with mud and blood. "Martah, escape now, leave me, save yourself," the princess said, finding it difficult to walk.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I won't leave you!" the maiden declared, standing by the princess's side despite the impending danger.

And here, they witnessed how the werewolves brutally attacked the remaining soldier, one at the neck and chest, and the other at the abdomen. After seeing it, the two couldn't help but gasp, trembling even more in fear as a werewolf noticed them, glaring and standing to approach. The other werewolf also observed this and swiftly stood, walking towards them, seemingly competing as they simultaneously lunged at them, retaliating against their companion's demise.

Roughly translated, it describes a creature standing almost eight feet tall with broad and muscular shoulders covered in brown and black fur. Weighing between 300 to 400 pounds, it has long arms and sharp claws. Its face resembles a wolf with large teeth, drooling as if eagerly drawn to flesh. This is commonly known as a lycan. 

The maiden embraced the princess as if, in that last moment, she desired to protect her. However, the princess, with unwavering resolve, slowly drew the dagger concealed at her back. It seemed her maiden noticed, adjusting the embrace skillfully to keep the lycans from noticing her intentions.

As the lycan menacingly approached them, a scary growl reverberated through the air, sending shivers down their spines. Suddenly, the sound of rustling leaves filled the silence as someone was walking close to the creature. With a sharp intake of breath, a hand grabbed the lycan's fur behind its head, eliciting a growl of surprise. At the same time, a hushed whisper of movement accompanied a hand reaching for the creature's heart from its back. The lycan whirled around in shock, its claws scraping against the ground with a menacing scrape. 

Seizing the opportunity, the Princess swiftly broke free from the maiden's embrace, the sound of her footsteps quick and determined. With a sharp hiss, the blade sliced through the air before striking its target with a sickening slash, the lycan with a gurgling cry crumpled into the ground. As the sounds of the struggle faded the air was thick with tension, leaving only the heavy breaths of the survivors echoing in the stillness of the night.

After the two lycans fell, the fear that had gripped them seemed to subside. It was then that she saw a young man who had come to their aid. His presence, shrouded in mystery, emanated an air of silent grief and unrevealed sorrow.

As she gazed at the man, the princess was unaware that another lycan was advancing towards her. The man, with determined gaze, quickly sensed the danger. In a seamless motion, he leaped towards the princess, emerging from the foliage behind her. In slow motion, he arrived just in time, pulled her away, and shielded her with a swift gesture.

As the lycan descended from its leap, The man raised his right hand to catch its neck, gripping it tightly. While he grappled with the lycan's neck, another lycan suddenly emerged and attacked him. In response, he skillfully used his other hand to seize the neck of the second lycan. In the struggle to control the two towering lycans, the man faced difficulty. Despite the relentless resistance, the lycans inflicted wounds on his arms with their claws.

Despite the pain and struggle, the man shouted and forcefully slammed the heads of the two lycans together. After the impact, the two lycans were momentarily disoriented. With a powerful YELL, he tightened his grip on their necks and pulled until they were subdued.

The princess and her maiden, witnessing the strength and grief displayed by the man, were both astonished and sympathetic. After the battle's intensity subsided, he sat down, followed by a deep sigh as if exhausted. He then glanced at the princess.

While seated, the princess tightly gripped her dagger, expressing a sense of concern after witnessing the strength, grief, and prowess the man displayed in the battle.

"What kind of creature are you?" the princess asked with concern, while her dagger pointed towards the man.

"Hmmm," he chuckled with a smirk. "I don't know either!" the man replied, his response carrying a hint of sarcastic amusement.

"Or perhaps you are a vampire?" The princess asked curiously.

"The sun, the sunshine, that is my happiness," replied the man with a slight smile of annoyance.

The princess pondered, knowing that vampires have no ability to stand in the sunlight.

The man noticed that a knight who was attacked earlier was still alive and breathing despite the injuries. He stood up and approached the wounded knight. Kneeling down, he took the knight's hand and seemed to convey something. Afterward, the knight smiled as if finding peace. The man closed the knight's eyes using his palm, gently lowering it until he covered the soldier's nose, bringing an end to his struggles.

The princess, sensing the weight of the man's grief, was furious. "What have you done?" she yelled, trembling with anger.

"You have no heart. No mercy!"

After the shouting, the man simply looked at her. As the moonlight painted an ethereal glow on his exhausted yet mysterious features, he spoke, "In a world where lycans roam, sometimes survival requires actions that seem heartless."

The princess, conflicted by the chaos around her, hesitated, her gaze locked onto the man. "Who are you?"

"I am but a wanderer," he replied cryptically. "A guardian of secrets yet unknown."

The princess, still cautious, demanded answers. "Why did you save us?"

His gaze softened as he looked at the fallen soldiers and the solemn knight. "Even in the darkest corners, there are those who carry the light. Consider me a shadow that embraces the light."

The man stood, his form framed by the moonlit forest, a silhouette of mystery. The princess, despite her initial anger, found herself intrigued by the enigma before her.

Amidst his moonlit patrol outside the palace walls, news of the harrowing events reached Prince Yaihr through a guard who managed to escape the clutches of the lycans. His worry for his sister prompted an immediate response.

With a sense of urgency, the prince and his army rode to the location, arriving just as the moon's glow bathed the scene in an eerie light.However, the rescue mission turned into a tense standoff.

The prince's army, unaware of the man's true nature, pointed arrows and spears at the mysterious figure. Suspicion loomed in the air as the prince confronted the scene before him.

"Move away from my sister!" Prince Yaihr commanded, his voice echoing through the moonlit forest.

The prince ordered the arrest of the man. As the princess was escorted to the safety of the royal carriage.