
Earth at 15th

Meanwhile in heaven, hours passed, but the aspiring warriors who entered the portal have not yet returned.

"In the next hour, I will close the portal. There's nothing more we can do about their fate," said Hicarius, sounding resigned to the possibility that no one will return.

"But master, what happens to the souls that enter the portal?" Ferdie asked with concern.

"Because of their memories from their past lives, they will be tested by Temptation, especially their desires. Perhaps some of them have already failed at that part." Hicarius replied.

"If that's the case, can they still return to heaven?" another aspirant warrior asked.

"They cannot return because once you choose temptation, you will be an addition to hell." Hicarius replied.

"And if by chance your emotions conquer that, next will come mental and physical trials. You will face a fierce battle," Hicarius said.

"As I've told you before, in such a battle, there is death," Hicarius added.

Here it has been proven that the challenges faced by those aspiring warriors are not easy. It's just that the souls who have not lost their memories will face even more difficult trials.

Back in the dimension where Rod is.

"Hahaha. With so many angels in heaven, why did they send only a soul to stop me?" his demonized father said mockingly. "It's impossible for you to defeat me!" he added.

Despite struggling to stand, Rod rose and faced the Demon, ready to fight again with the machete in hand. Then suddenly Rod closed his eyes.

While Rod had his eyes closed, the demon's eyes glowed, and it quickly lunged towards Rod as if it wanted to end the fight.

"Amen," Rod opened his eyes, the demon's claws were close to his face.

Before the demon could pierce his face, Rod swiftly twisted his face dideways and avoided it. As the demon's arm gradually passed by Rod's face, he slashed the demon's arm, in an extraordinary moment he cut off its arm, much to the demon's surprise.

As the demon passed by Rod, its purple blood dripped from the severed arm.

"Aaaaaaaargh!" it groaned, unable to comprehend what had happened. "How did this happen?" it exclaimed, facing Rod. "Grrrrr.."

As he looked at Rod, his eyes widened at the sight, seeing his machete suddenly glowing. Despite his surprise, his anger remained. "You'll pay for this!" exclaimed the demon.

Rod, despite his surprise, suddenly felt a change in his body. His sword began to glow brightly, and it felt incredibly light in his hands, almost weightless. His fatigue vanished, and his body felt unusually light.

"This feels extreme. It's strange." Rod muttered to himself in wonder.

And the demon charged at him again with intense anger. With quick reflexes, Rod dodged vertically. As the demon halted, it failed to notice that Rod had already inflicted a deep wound on its back.

"Aaaargh.." the demon screamed in pain.

"Dad!" Rod exclaimed after glancing at his father. "I love you so much." Rod added, tears welling up in his eyes.

At this point, with the extraordinary strength suddenly possessed, Rod knew he could end the fight and accept the reality that his father no longer recognized him. So, he decided to finish the battle, sparing his father from further suffering.

Once again, his demonized father charged at him, and Rod met the charge with his own. The demon leaped high, and Rod followed suit, colliding mid-air.

Meanwhile in heaven, while waiting for them, Hicarius decided to close the portal due to the lengthy time the warriors spent inside.

"We've exceeded the time by far. What should have been just a brief moment has gone way beyond." Hicarius said, expressing his desire to wait longer but realizing there was nothing more he could do.

Before Hicarius could even command to remove the portal, his eyebrows furrowed suddenly. He noticed a man inside the portal from afar, approaching the portal's exit.

And from within the portal emerged Rod, wounded and weakened from the battle. Mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted.

"ROD!" Ferdie shouted in joy.

They immediately approached him and assisted him as he walked.

"I congratulate you, Rod. You have overcome the challenges you faced," Hicarius said joyfully. Upon seeing Rod's condition, he spoke again. "I understand the hardships you've endured. Don't worry, in a while, all your wounds will heal, and the intense fatigue will fade away."

Afterwards, Rod walked with the assistance of his companions towards the garden to sit and rest.

"After a long time, only now has someone returned from such a trial," Hicarius muttered to himself.

Hours passed, and Rod had recovered. All his wounds had healed, and his fatigue was gone. Afterwards, Ferdie checked on him and asked what had happened.

Rod took something from his side. It looked like a peculiar bracelet. He ran his thumb over it as he reflected on what had happened.

Earlier, as they landed on the ground from the clash with his demonized father in midair, while they were back to back, the world seemed to momentarily pause, as his father's head slowly separated from his body and rolled away.

Shortly after, his father's body began to smoke, igniting slightly until it crumbled and slowly diminished.

"Forgive me, Dad..." Rod said, accompanied by closed eyes and tears streaming down.

After the battle, Rod fell to his knees, overwhelmed by the emotions he felt.

As he knelt in mourning for what he had done to his father, a woman from the tribe where the incident took place approached him. She came up behind him and placed her hand on Rod's shoulder.

When Rod turned and faced the native woman, he saw behind her their whole tribes.

The woman handed him a bracelet engraved with a unique symbol, representing their culture.

After handing over the bracelet, the woman spoke, "Ahe'hee," which was echoed in unison by her fellow tribe members, "AHE'HEE…"

Rod felt the tribe's gratitude toward him. He bowed as a sign of respect.

The portal appeared once again. Rod approached the portal, but before entering, he glanced back at the tribe for the last time.

Unbeknownst to Rod, the dimension where his battle took place was set in earth in the 15th century, where those tribes were Navajo tribes from the northern part of America.