
Divine Valor

In the following days of Rod's journey in heaven, he began to find joy in activities and pursuits that strengthened his spiritual life and deepened his knowledge and understanding.

Every day, Rod experienced moments of worship and prayer, where he expressed gratitude to God for all the blessings and love bestowed upon him. It was also a time for him to proclaim his love and devotion to His power.

In the midst of his joy and service in heaven, Rod couldn't suppress his desire to become part of the warriors of heaven. Every time he saw the archangels departing for their missions, the call of his heart to join and show courage and dedication in defending goodness against evil grew stronger.

One day, while he and Ferdie were walking in a vast garden of heaven, Rod suddenly stopped and looked into the distance where he could see the angels offering themselves for their missions.

"Ferdie, I want to join as a warrior of heaven. I want to join them," Rod said, full of determination.

"Have you really thought about this carefully, Rod?" Ferdie asked, his eyes scrutinizing and full of concern. "Being a warrior of heaven is not easy. It's full of challenges and dangers."

After hearing Ferdie's words, Rod didn't falter in his decision. His eyes were filled with determination and eagerness. "Yes, Ferdie. This is what I want for myself. I want to serve and show courage like the Archangels and like Archangel Michael in the face of evil. I want to be part of them."

"haha there you go, finally I have someone to join me! Haha I've been wanting to join for a long time too," Ferdie said, unable to contain his joy and excitement.

Afterward, they quickly approached an angel who was in charge of the training.

"Excuse us, sir. We would like to join and become warriors of heaven," Rod said.

The angel looked at them and replied, "Sure, you can join later with the other newcomers."

Rod and Ferdie looked at each other and smiled. "Thank you," they both said, their faces beaming with joy.

Hours passed, and in their eagerness and impatience, the two of them were the first to arrive at the venue.

"Are you ready, Ferdie?" Rod asked, his eyes reflecting excitement.

"Absolutely ready," Ferdie replied happily.

As the scheduled start time approached, more and more people arrived, numbering over a hundred, all eager to join.

And when the time for the commencement arrived, the angel whom Rod had spoken to earlier appeared before them. It stood up in front of them all and declared loudly, "There is still time for those who wish to retreat to do so."

After the angel spoke, it seemed that none of them wavered, and everyone seemed determined to become warriors.

The angel spoke again and said, "I will clarify, being a warrior of heaven comes with death! I repeat, it comes with death!"

It seemed like there was a rumble caused by whispers among the crowd of those aspiring to become warriors.

"In heaven, all beings are immortal, but in the battleground, there is mortality! And once you are slain, you cease to exist! It means you're ERASED! Never to be seen here in heaven or even in hell. Your existence, your self, will be wiped out!" Explained by the angel.

As the angel's warning seemed to reverberate, the murmurs among the crowd of aspirants grew louder.

"So for those who wish to retreat, there is still time to do so. And for those who wish to continue, face your true and inevitable DEATH!" declared the angel, with a tremor in the final words.

In this turn of events, some of the participants began to slowly retreat. Unexpectedly, more than half of those who joined ended up withdrawing.

Rod and Ferdie exchanged glances, both nodding to each other, showing their mutual determination to continue their journey to become warriors. Despite 60% of the participants withdrawing, they remained resolute in their decision.

After most had left, the angel spoke to the remaining determined and resolute aspiring warriors.

"I am Hicarius," the angel introduced himself. "Like you, I was once just a soul. But because of dedication, love, kindness, loyalty, and strong faith that enabled me to overcome the battles I faced, I was granted wings." With pride, he declared, making them feel his presence as an inspiration.

From afar, Rod saw Archangel Michael, whom he admired, also looking at them.

"Hopefully one day I'll be able to join you on your missions," Rod whispered to himself as he observed the revered archangel.

Afterwards, Archangel Michael approached them, a warm smile gracing his lips as he greeted the new warriors of heaven.

"It brings me joy to see you all ready to fight for goodness and justice," he said in a gentle voice.

Hicarius nodded in acknowledgment of their highest leader.

"Your determination and dedication demonstrate your capability to be defenders of heaven," added Archangel Michael, full of praise.

Rod felt a warm feeling of inspiration in his heart. As he looked at his admired Archangel Michael, he decided to strive and show bravery to one day become a part in the missions of heaven.

In the following days, their training as warriors of heaven under the leadership of Hicarius and other veteran angels continued. With each day of training, their knowledge, skills, and unity as a team of heaven's defenders deepened.

However, Rod couldn't help but wonder why their training mainly focused on sword handling and usage, so he couldn't resist asking Hicarius.

"With all due respect, Master," Rod respectfully said, "it's been several days, why are we only using swords as weapons in our training? Why don't we have firearms or modern warfare equipment like those used during my lifetime when I was still alive?"

Hicarius raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised by Rod's memory that hadn't faded. Nevertheless, he answered with wisdom.

"Are you Rod, correct?" Hicarius asked.

Rod replied, "Yes, I am."

"Here's the thing, Rod," Hicarius explained, "the weapons you mentioned don't affect demons or any forces of darkness. They'll only create holes in their bodies that won't lead to their immediate demise."

Seeing Rod's continued confusion, Hicarius spoke again to ensure Rod's complete understanding.

"Often, we'll face adversaries from the forces of darkness who possess extraordinary speed, rendering the weapons you mentioned ineffective," Hicarius explained. "The swords we'll use in battle aren't just ordinary swords. These swords are blessed by God, imbued with the utmost capability to end the lives of the minions of darkness."

After hearing Hicarius's explanation, Rod fully understood. He then raised his sword slightly, looking at it with a sense of wonder.

"Thank you, Master," he expressed his gratitude for Hicarius's answers to his questions.

Days passed, and amidst their efforts and training, Rod saw the continuous presence and guidance of heaven on their path. Every lesson they learned and every challenge they overcame strengthened their faith and determination to face whatever trials may come in the future.

With every step of their preparation, Rod's dream of becoming a skilled warrior of heaven continued to strengthen and soar in his heart. And with each aspiration, his inspiration and determination continued to grow, ready to face any challenges and trials that awaited their path as defenders of heaven.

Because of this, his training became intense. Even after training hours were over, he continued to practice tirelessly day and night.