
Demon Generator

When Rod heard the angel's offer, he was filled with joy and hope. However, despite his eagerness to return and be with his parents, he felt a sense of unease within himself.

"Before I make a decision," Rod began, humbly, "I just want to clarify everything. What are the conditions and consequences of my request? What will be the effects on me and the people around me?"

"The angel smiled and gave a simple answer. "You have nothing to worry about, Rod," it said, showing good intentions.

"Returning to your life will bring joy and happiness to you and your parents. You have nothing to fear, for everything will be done for your well-being."

Upon hearing this, Rod's heart seemed to overflow with joy and anticipation. But despite these promises to Rod, his conscience seemed to warn him.

Rod stood up and spoke with humility. "I will trust in God alone, He alone owns everything, and He alone has the power to make the impossible possible. While I am grateful to you, I will seek guidance only from Him, especially in the decisions I will make in life."

After Rod spoke, the angel fell silent for a moment.

"Rod," the angel began, "you need to know that your father's time in the world is nearing its end."

Rod couldn't believe what he heard, but he felt that there was truth in the angel's words. Until the angel returned their surroundings to where his father was.

Once again, beneath a bridge where his parents were staying, Rod saw his father resting alone. There he was, lost in thought, seemingly unaware of the danger lurking nearby.

Suddenly, Rod's enemies arrived, people filled with anger and hatred in their hearts. Before long, they spotted his father, and one of them swiftly struck his father with a piece of wood, BAAAAAGH".

His father fell to the ground, writhing in pain from the blow.

While his father lay on the ground, another gang member delivered a powerful punch to his face, POWWW."

Trembling in pain and beginning to weaken, his father struggled, while Rod remained transfixed by what was happening.

At that moment, his father was choked and could no longer speak. The hands of his assailants swarmed him, hitting his nape of the neck, chest and kicking his stomach.

"STOP!" Rod shouted, but his voice seemed to be just like a wind passing in front of these people. He couldn't hold back the tears flowing from his eyes as he witnessed the violence unfolding.

Slowly, before his eyes, his father grew weaker. Every breath seemed to be the last, as his face turned pale, and his eyes grew dim.

In the final moments of his father's life, he heard the last laughs and taunts of his enemies. His heart bled with pain and anger, but he couldn't take any action.

And amidst the darkness and chaos, his father quietly surrendered in the last moments of his life, his hands lying limp on the ground as his breath gradually weakened and finally ceased.

Rod let out a loud cry as his anger and regret intensified. "WHY? Why does this have to happen to him? It's not fair!" he exclaimed, while sobbing in front of his father who had passed away.

"Rod," the angel said in a gentle voice, "life is full of trials and not every journey will be easy. But there is light amidst the darkness, and there is hope despite the pain and sorrow."

Afterwards, he saw his father's soul separated from his body and it was also escorted by an angel and taken to the judgment queue like Rod had gone through. But to Rod's unexpected surprise, unlike him who went to heaven, his father was cast down into hell.

"But why? Why did my father's soul go to hell?" Rod asked, his voice filled with shock and confusion.

The angel turned to him, with compassion in its eyes. "It is the decisions and actions of humans that determine their fate. Despite the goodness in his heart, there were also sins he did not repent for and did not forgive. Unfortunately, his soul could not enter the kingdom of God," it explained.

Despite his pain and regret, Rod's determination and faith gradually returned. "No matter how painful the situation, I will not give up," he said with determination.

The angel showed him what was happening to his father in hell. Here, he saw his father in extreme agony and suffering. The voice screaming in pain was chilling. His body was submerged in boiling sulfur, yet he could not die. So his father felt the pain acutely.

After showing Rod what was happening to his father in hell, the angel spoke. "There is still a way for them to escape the sea of fire, and that is by surrendering their souls to Satan. Upon surrendering to Satan, they are lifted from the boiling sulfur and turned into demons."

And here, Rod saw that every soul who surrenders themselves to Satan is lifted from the boiling sulfur and turned into a demon. This is where he realized why the forces of darkness never diminish.

But unexpectedly, he heard his father suddenly shout loudly.

"Satan, take me out of here! I surrender myself to you!" shouted his father, unable to bear the suffering in the sea of fire.

"Fa... Father..." Rod seemed surprised by his decision.

After that, his father's soul rose from the sea of fire. And as it floated in the air, he saw its appearance changing.

Suddenly, his father's body grew larger. It became muscular, but its skin turned red, as well as its eyes. Its nose became pointed. Its hair disappeared, replaced by two sharp horns that curved slightly forward. Its forehead wrinkled, and two sharp fangs protruded from its lower jaw due to their length. The upper teeth became sharp. Scales appeared on its shoulders, chest, and entire back. Its fingers elongated, and the tips became sharp.

Rod was stunned by what he witnessed and couldn't believe it. Tears streamed down his face once again at the sight.

After his father transformed, it seemed like it was immediately commanded to wreak havoc in a certain place. Through a portal that suddenly appeared in hell, his father entered.

"Rod," said the angel accompanying Rod. Then, the angel pointed his finger at a spot and circled it. Afterward, a portal opened.

"This is your chance to prove your courage and determination to fight against darkness," said the angel.

Rod felt overwhelmed with confusion, pain, and sadness. He couldn't fathom how to accept the truth that his father had become a demon, a creature of darkness that he needed to fight and defeat.