
Demon Amaymon

In heaven, after Archangel Remiel finished speaking with God, he called for a gathering to organize the warriors who would accompany him on a mission. He summoned Hicarius to gather ten thousand warriors to join him on his mission.

Hicarius assembled four thousand angels and six thousand souls according to Archangel Remiel's request, including the newly initiated warriors, among them Rod.

"Rod!" Ferdie shouted upon seeing Rod.

"It looks like Hicarius has something important to say, that's why we were summoned," Rod said to Ferdie as they approached the vast expanse where they were called by Hicarius.

"Hey!" Anna greeted upon seeing the two.

"I think we're about to join a mission. All of us begginers included," Ezra said, suddenly appearing with Ian.

Upon their arrival, from a tall crystal-like rock stood Archangel Remiel. In front of the ten thousand warriors, he spoke.

"My beloved warriors," Remiel began, his voice resonating with power and confidence. "The time has come for us to face a formidable enemy in the Shadow Realm."

"We will tread the path of valor and courage, and under the protection of the God, we shall prevail," declared Archangel Remiel with authority and bravery.

The warriors in front of Archangel cheered loudly, ready to follow him and fight.

"I know that our battle ahead will not be easy. We will face various kinds of monsters led by their leader, Amaymon," said Archangel Remiel.

"Amaymon is a fallen angel who has now become one of the highest-ranking demons. He is one of the demon princes, known for his ruthless and brutal nature, as well as his strength and cunning." Remiel added.

Beside Archangel Remiel, Hicarius also stood up and spoke.

"In the Shadow Realm, the power of darkness is exceedingly potent, allowing monsters and realms of darkness to thrive. It also has deep connections to various worlds and dimensions, enabling monsters to establish forces that invade different places." Hicarius explained.

"And most horrifying of all, it serves as a natural breeding ground for these monsters." Hicarius added.

"What is our mission? TO FINISH AMAYMON AND EXTERMINATE THE MONSTERS THERE! NO ONE WILL BE SPARED!" Archangel Remiel shouted, followed by the cheers of the heavenly warriors. "FOR VICTORY!"

His words inspired the warriors, displaying their determination and readiness for battle. In his eyes, one could see a strong desire to prove their courage and dedication in serving the God under his leadership.

After Archangel Remiel's statement, the souls were divided into groups. 500 souls in each group led by appointed angels in charge.

The five hundred souls, including Rod and the beginners were gathered by the angel in charge.

"I am Gaspar, and I will lead you," the angel introduced. "I know that most of you in this group are beginners. But do not worry, for your determination and courage will be more valuable than any experience. What we need is unity and effort to overcome the challenges we will face in the Shadow Realm."

"Angel Gaspar, we fully trust in your leadership. We are ready to listen and follow your commands," spoke a beginner soul.

"Thank you for your trust. Our mission will not be easy, but through cooperation and dedication, we will succeed. Now, let us come together and prepare for the battle. Each one of us has a role to play in the success of our mission. Let us help one another and show the Shadow Realm the strength of our unity," Gaspar said, brimming with hope.

Taking the opportunity to talk with Gaspar, Rod approached him.

"With all due respect, Gaspar, but how do we get to the Shadow Realm?" Rod asked.

"Entering the Shadow Realm is no easy feat. However, there is a way, through the use of a portal located in a certain place with strong energy. This portal only opens at the right time and under the right conditions. Currently, the available portal is located in the shielded rocks of Mount Veridis, a place far from the shelter of the night. There, a ritual needs to be performed to open the portal," Gaspar replied.

"What? What kind of ritual?" Rod asked again.

"The ritual will be performed by the archangel in charge of the mission. Perhaps a prayer? But I'm not sure," Amiel replied.

"So in that case, the portal is not directly from here in heaven straight to the Shadow Realm. What will happen is that we'll create a portal here going to the place you mentioned and from there we'll gather the ten thousand warriors while Archangel Remiel performs the ritual to enter the Shadow Realm?" Rod said.

"You're right," Gaspar replied.

"Expect to encounter various types of monsters. There will be large ones, fast ones, and flying ones," Gaspar added.

"If we succeed in the mission and kill Amaymon, will that be the end of the forces of darkness?" Rod asked.

"Not yet," Gaspar said.

"The forces of darkness are led by seven what they call the kings of darkness," Hicarius said who suddenly appeared and joined the conversation.

"The infamous Satan Lucifer leads them, followed by Beelzebub, Abaddon, Mammon, Belphegor, Asmodeus, and Azazel. Fortunately, Archangel Michael already defeated Azazel. Amaymon is said to be the prince of Asmodeus, so the mission won't be easy," Hicarius added.

"When you want to learn about the adversaries of darkness, Rod, all the information about rebellious angels is found in the Chamber of Knowledge," Hicarius added.

"Thanks. I'll also strive to enhance my knowledge about such matters," Rod replied gratefully.

Afterward, Rod prepared himself. Along with Anna and Ferdie, they went to the armory to get their equipment, their weapons.

Ferdie chose a sword, aligning it to his comfort, while Anna opted for dual blades. Meanwhile, Rod noticed a sword separated from the rest, although it seemed old, it still had a sharp edge. Unable to take his eyes off it, Rod decided to take it as his weapon.

"I'll have you as my companion in my first battle. May God guide us." Rod whispered to himself as he gazed at the sword.