
Belittlement Kills

As Rod and his selected companions closed in on Gaap's location, Gaap, underestimating Rod's prowess. Instead of directing more of his forces towards Rod, he sent more of his monster army to face Cyrus and his group of angels, believing them to be the greater threat.

With a smirk on his face, Gaap taunted, "Let them have their little skirmish. They're no match for my monsters."

Meanwhile, Rod's determination burned brighter with each step. "This is it, everyone! Gaap's belittling of us will be his downfall. Let's show him the power of unity and determination!"

As Gaap's attention was diverted, Rod seized the opportunity to strike. As he charged towards Gaap, a massive monster loomed in his path, blocking his way to the demon leader. With a fierce look, Rod faced the monster directly, ready to overcome any obstacle in his path.

But before he could reach the huge monster, Ezra, with unparalleled accuracy, unleashed a volley of arrows, striking the monster's head and causing it to falter. "Not so tough now, are you?" Ezra quipped with a smirk as the monster stumbled under the force of his arrows.

With the monster momentarily stunned, Rod saw his opening. With a determined glare, he locked eyes with Gaap, who now realized the grave mistake he had made in underestimating Rod. With his sword raised high, Rod leaped onto the creature's head, using it as a stepping stone to propel himself higher into the air.

With a battle cry that echoed across the battlefield, Rod descended upon Gaap with a ferocious determination. "For all the angels you've harmed, for all the souls you've destroyed, your reign ends here, Gaap!"

In a single fluid motion, Rod brought down his blade, slicing through Gaap's defenses and severing his head from his body.

As Gaap's lifeless body fell to the ground, a hush fell over Rod's companions and the angels. Their wide eyes showed a mix of surprise and disbelief, struggling to fully grasp the reality of their victory against such a formidable enemy.

"He did it," Ferdie exclaimed. "ROD DID IT!" he shouted.

Finally the truth sank in, a glimmer of hope wrapped around their hearts, strengthening their resolve and warming their spirits. Their cheers and cries of triumph expressed their joy, echoing through the air and bursting across the entire battlefield.

"Yeah…. We did it!" also shouted one of Rod's companions, their voice trembling with adrenaline fueled excitement. "Gaap is no more!"

A wave of relief washed over them, their spirits lifted by the realization that they had overcome seemingly impossible odds. Yet, amidst the celebration, a sense of urgency lingered, a reminder that their mission was far from over.

Suddenly, there's like a glass that just broke, and the barrier that had long separated Archangel Remiel from the battlefield disappeared. The arrival of Archangel Remiel was greeted with awe and reverence, while his towering figure displayed an aura of righteous fury and unwavering determination.

"Finally, the time has come," Archangel Remiel declared, his voice resounding with authority and purpose. "Amaymon's reign of terror ends now."

Without a moment's hesitation, Archangel Remiel leaped into action, his movements a blur of divine grace and unparalleled skill. In the blink of an eye, he closed the distance between himself and the nearest monsters, his sword flashing with a blinding brilliance as he struck down his foes with unmatched precision.

With each swing of his blade, Archangel Remiel's suppressed rage erupted into a whirlwind of destruction, his every strike a testament to his unwavering commitment to justice. In the span of just a single second, he was able to kill two to three monsters, their lifeless forms crumbling to the ground.

The battlefield erupted into chaos once more, the slashes of swords and the roar of monsters filling the air. But amidst the turmoil, one thing remained clear, Archangel Remiel had finally joined the battle, and with him came the promise of redemption for all who stood against the darkness.

With renewed vigor coursing through their veins, Rod's companions rallied around him, their morale boosted by the triumphant defeat of Gaap. It was as if a surge of energy had revitalized their spirits, infusing them with an unshakeable determination to see their mission through to the end.

As the battle raged on, the tide began to turn. With Archangel Remiel leading the charge, their coordinated efforts began to wear down the monstrous horde. Blow by blow, strike by strike, they pressed forward, their determination unyielding in the face of difficulty.

With each monster that fell, the momentum shifted in their favor. Slowly but surely, the numbers of their enemies dwindled.

"Keep fighting!" Rod shouted above the din of battle, his voice ringing out with unwavering conviction. "We've got them!"

With a renewed sense of purpose, they fought on, their spirits undaunted by the remaining challenges that lay ahead. Victory was within reach, and they would not rest until the last of Amaymon's minions lay vanquished at their feet.

As the battle raged outside the Cathedral of Darkness, the ground shook with each clash of weapons and roar of monsters. While at the front of the Cathedral, Rod and his companions finally finished their enemies..

Suddenly, with a blinding flash of light, the air crackled with electricity as Archangel Remiel descended from above, his glowing gray majestic wings outstretched as he landed in front of the cathedral. The sheer force of his arrival sent shockwaves rippling through the air, momentarily halting the chaos around them.

With a determined look, Remiel met Rod's gaze, conveying silent praise for the young warrior's courage. And it seems to tell Rod that this battle was his alone to face. In that brief exchange, Rod understood that it was time to step back and allow the Archangel to confront Amaymon on his own.

Without a word, Remiel turned towards the cathedral, his presence radiating with an aura of divine authority and power. With each step he took, the very ground beneath him seemed to tremble, echoing the thunderous beat of his heart as he marched towards the imposing doors of the cathedral.

As he reached the entrance, the doors swung open with a deafening creak, revealing a swirling vortex of darkness that seemed to devour the very light around it. Undeterred, Remiel stepped forward, his sword drawn and his spirit aflame with righteous fury.

With unwavering determination, he plunged into the heart of the darkness, his every movement a testament to his steadfast commitment to the battle against evil. And as he disappeared into the depths of the cathedral, the air crackled with anticipation, for the true showdown against Amaymon was about to begin.

"Rod, are we going inside?" Ian asked.

"No," Rod replied. "The way Archangel Remiel looks at me indicates that this fight is meant for him."

"What's the plan then?" Anna asked.

"Let's help our comrades finish off the monsters," Rod answered.

"I like that!" Ian said, seeming to enjoy the fight…