
Archangels Sparring

Uriel once again advanced and attacked, but this time Rafael also advanced using his right hand. Their fists met in the middle, creating a powerful impact and a gust of wind.

Afterwards, Uriel delivered a spinning kick to Rafael, which he promptly dodged. Uriel continued his rapid attacks on Rafael, using elbows, punches, kicks, and knees, while Rafael kept evading and parrying. As Uriel relentlessly pressed forward with his fast-paced assault, Rafael being forced backward defending himself.

"Do you guys still see their moves?" Ferdie asked.

"We can still see them, but they're just too fast," Anna replied.

Meanwhile, Rod was observing the two of them intently.

With each exchange of intense attacks between the two Archangels, the voices of the spectators were accompanied by admiration.

As Archangel Rafael evaded Archangel Uriel's attacks, he slowly gathered strength in his right fist, seemingly waiting for the right moment to unleash it against Uriel.

After Uriel delivered a powerful right hook to Rafael, Rafael immediately bowed and bent his knee, then surged upward with extra force to deliver an uppercut to Uriel with all his might.

Afterwards, he released his right hand to deliver an uppercut to Uriel. Rafael delivered a powerful uppercut, accompanied by a leap and a twist of his body that produced a strong upward gust of wind.

Although Uriel was surprised by Rafael's move, he knew there was no time to dodge it and step back. So, before Rafael's fist could hit his chin, he intercepted it with his two arms, pressing them together and covering his chin.

Uriel managed to cover his chin and strengthened his stance to prevent Rafael's fist from slipping between his arms, but due to the force's intensity, causing the surroundings to tremble. Because of that powerful uppercut, Rafael was able to lift Uriel's entire body into the air.

As Uriel flipped in the air, he quickly adjusted and fixed his position using his wings. The attack from Rafael seemed to bring a smile to Uriel's lips as he floated in the air.

"I didn't expect the two of them to take the sparring this seriously," Gabriel said with a chuckle.

After that scene, it brought joy to the warriors, expressing their admiration and appreciation for the two archangels.

While in the air, Uriel's right arm seemed to emit glowing lights resembling veins. Starting from his shoulder, the luminous veins are crawling towards his right hand. After a moment, he created a sword of fire that emerged from his hands.

"Woah..." exclaimed the souls and angels in awe of what they witnessed.

While on the ground, Rafael also generated his own energy, creating a sword. Like Uriel, what seemed like luminous veins emerged from Rafael's arms towards his hand, forming a type of sword.

"You're right, Gabriel, they are indeed serious," Archangel Raguel chuckled.

From below, the light of Rafael's wings, which were light red in color, suddenly intensified. With a swift movement, Rafael flew towards Uriel, appearing like a star in the sky.

But before he could reach him, Uriel's yellow wings suddenly glowed brightly as well. In a spectacular move, Uriel countered Rafael's attack, parrying each step of Rafael's assault using his sword.

Their battle created breathtaking beauty in the sky, as each movement was full of tension and action. The angels exchanged thrusts and maneuvers, while their colorful wings resembled lightning bolts above.

With every sway of their bodies, their swords emitted scintillating sparks, adding to the spectacle of their battle that created a beautiful sight above.

After a long display of prowess in combat, amidst the relentless battle, Rafael descended from above and called out to Uriel to talk.

"My fellow souls and angels, we hope we have entertained you momentarily with our sparring," Rafael addressed the assembled angelic warriors and souls. "I want you to know that no matter how long our battle may be, none shall prevail over the other, for our abilities are equal."

"Uriel," Rafael began, "we both know that neither of us will emerge victorious in this fight. Therefore, I suggest that you invite your finest warrior to face the warrior i will choose."

After hearing Rafael's proposal, Uriel nodded in agreement. "You're right, none shall prevail between us," Uriel replied. "In that case, my best companion in every mission, the angel Octavius, shall represent me."

Upon hearing this, Octavius swiftly flew from a distance towards Uriel.

"You made the right decision, Uriel," Rafael responded, expressing respect for his companion. "As for me, I'll need to think about who I'll choose as my representative warrior. Hmmm..."

Uriel's selection of Octavius, his loyal companion in missions, showcased their trust in each other. Meanwhile, Rafael had yet to decide on his chosen defender.

But after a few moments, he has finally thought of someone…

"Uriel," Rafael began, "I've made my decision."

"I choose ROD," he said, pointing to where Rod stood.

Upon seeing Rafael point towards him and hearing his name, Rod suddenly swallowed hard.

Everyone was surprised by Rafael's decision. Choosing Rod, a mere soul, was highly unexpected.

"Rafael, are you sure about your decision?" Uriel asked, expressing his doubt.

Despite the questions, Rafael remained confident in his choice. "Yes, Uriel," he replied. "I have faith in Rod's abilities and courage. That's why I choose him."

"Rod... It's you!" Anna said, also surprised.

"Really? Me? Are you serious?" Rod asked, puzzled.

"Go to the center. You can do it, Rod," Ferdie said, indicating his trust in Rod.

"Is Rafael serious?" Archangel Samael asked.

"I want to witness this," Archangel Michael said, seemingly intrigued by the upcoming sparring.

"Are you serious, Michael? Are you interested even though you know the angel has the upper hand?" Archangel Samael asked, puzzled by Archangel Michael's interest.

Afterwards, Archangel Remiel spoke up. "It seems you haven't heard who ended the life of the demon Gaap," he said with a smile.

Despite the doubts of many, Rafael decided to trust Rod as his representative warrior. He showed his trust and recognition of each individual's abilities, regardless of their identity.