
Stand Among Them (Xianxia)

Imagine being a regular college student one day and waking up in a world of ancient martial arts and magic. That's exactly what happens to our protagonist, armed with the legendary Uchiha bloodline from the Naruto series. As they journey through this unfamiliar realm, he discover incredible powers within himself. It's a journey of mastering these powers, facing enemies, and aiming to become the strongest in a world that's completely different from their own. Get ready for an adventure where the Uchiha legacy takes on a whole new meaning!" "Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction story, and English is my second language, so please expect some grammatical errors."

XiaoXiuu · Others
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chapter 5

A sphere hovers above a trigram with a Chinese-inspired design.

In his initial wish, the first thing that came to his mind was a new body because he wasn't particularly handsome and tall during his time as a mortal, and his time is running out.

Therefore, he immediately thought of Uchiha Madara, inspired by the latest fanfiction he had read, where the protagonist took on the identity of Uchiha Madara.


The Sphere spoke, 'My initial request is for a fresh identity, taking on the persona of Uchiha Madara, with no resemblance to Senju Hashirama on the chest.'"

When he said that, he gradually transformed from being circular into his new body as the soul of Uchiha Madara. He was surprised when he said that. 'Wow, amazing! I really feel the cool, handsome, and powerful vibes,' he exclaimed while admiring his new naked form.

Without his clothes, he would look like a strong and fit warrior. His muscles would show that he's powerful, and it's a straightforward display of his strength and warrior background.


"For my second wish, I earnestly desire to acquire a pristine Uchiha bloodline, safeguarding against potential complications like visual deterioration and eventual blindness. This choice is not only for my personal benefit but also with the foresight of securing the well-being of my future offspring."

While uttering these words, he couldn't help but reminisce about the dire situation of the Uchiha clan in the Boruto world, reduced to just two surviving members. To honor the legacy of Uchiha Madara and embrace the purity of the bloodline, he resolved to establish his own Uchiha clan in the realm of Xianxia.

Imagine a flourishing Uchiha clan with over 30 members, each adept at summoning the mighty Susanoo; the prospect of such an occurrence filled his thoughts with excitement and awe-inspiring coolness.


"For my third wish, I yearn for a formidable rod or the indomitable will of D, blessed with high vitality and fertility. This empowering trait would enable me to bring joy and contentment to any fortunate woman who might develop an interest in me."

"It's somewhat emasculating when a woman discovers that your 'asset' isn't as sizable, even if you're handsome or powerful."

"In the xianxia novels I've read, once a mortal ascends to a higher realm or the god realm, it becomes challenging for them to have children due to their elevated cultivation level. While this might be considered useless or a waste for other transmigrators, for me, it holds significant value. I refuse to let myself die again as a virgin, and this is closely tied to my second wish."


While contemplating his last wish, he once again felt his vision blur.

'Shit! Not again. Stay calm, Mike; don't panic. Make your wish,' he reminded himself.

"My final wish is to acquire knowledge about jutsu from the past to the present series of Naruto/Boruto and even in its games."

"I need guidance because I won't know how a jutsu works if I have no idea about it. For example, I want to cast the Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees, but without a guide or technique to follow, I'm clueless."

"If I go for having a system or dimensional pocket or place instead, it's like wishing to be idle. Besides, I want to explore this Xianxia world alone and see how it differs from Earth and what I've read in novels," he said to himself.


While contemplating this, suddenly, a severe headache struck him, and he had to lie down.

"Fuuuckkk!! It hurts!" he exclaimed while holding his head.

In those few minutes, he gradually learned all the techniques or jutsu from the Naruto/Boruto series, and the pain in his head gradually subsided.

"Shit! It feels like I'll die from the intense pain," he exclaimed with rapid breaths, clutching his head.

"Oh, why did I say that? I'm already dead," he added while getting up from lying down.

When his wish was fulfilled, the trigram illuminated again in black and white, slowly fading away, signaling that all his wishes had been granted.

As he stood up, Lord Aetherion rose from his seated position on the throne and approached the trigram where Mike stood. He imprinted his left hand while his palm was open on the same spot where he had cast earlier. Due to this, the trigram rotated again counterclockwise, gradually shrinking until it disappeared.

After Lord Aetherion finished, he spoke, "Now that you've finished making your request, you need to transmigrate to wherever the roulette sent you. Your time here is limited, and if you stay too long, you may not be able to transmigrate. If that happens, it's not my fault," he said to him with seriousness.

He only responded with a nod.

When Lord Aetherion saw his response, he summoned a warp hole near him, and an ordinary staff emerged. However, upon closer inspection, characters were engraved on every part of it.

When Mike saw this, he asked again.

"Lord Aetherion, is there still a chance for us to meet, and is it possible to travel to other universes or worlds besides the xianxia world?"

Upon hearing that, he sighed as he stroked his beard.

"It depends on fate whether we'll meet again and on traveling to other universes. Only time will tell."

"When he said that, he suddenly lost his vision and hearing again, so he couldn't follow what he was saying. He decided to just move on.

After that conversation, Lord Aetherion tapped his staff on the floor three times.


While Mike was looking at the staff, it seemed to shimmer in his vision, and he took a deep breath. "Good luck to me," he whispered.


When the third tap came, Lord Aetherion said, "Good luck on your journey, young man."


After the third strike of the staff, Mike's soul, taking the form of a circular figure, slowly rotated clockwise until it completed a full circle, and then he vanished.

Afterward, Lord Aetherion returned his staff to the warp space and headed back to his throne."





On a foreboding, moonless night, from the summit of the hill, a small village is starkly illuminated by the ominous glow of flames engulfing each dwelling. A desperate woman, her heart pounding in her chest, races through the pandemonium, clutching her child close, with her husband in tow, all making a frantic dash towards the village's exit.

They remain oblivious to the tumult surrounding them—the anguished cries for help, the heart-wrenching sight of a child clinging to their lifeless parent, and the clash of weapons vying for supremacy.

As they approach the exit, their path is obstructed by figures donned in sinister and shadowy attire. Cloaked in dark, foreboding colors and adorned with malevolent symbols, they exude an air of palpable malevolence. Dark jewelry and armor, adorned with menacing elements, complete their ominous appearance.

In the midst of the unsettling scene, one of them steps forward and speaks.

"None of them shall escape; seize the helpless children, defenseless women, and courageous men, and if anyone dares to resist, mercilessly end their lives," he commands his ominous comrades.

"Yes, sect master," the shadowy figures in black attire respond in chilling unison, swiftly fading into the darkness.

Shortly after, anguished cries pierce the air in various directions as some valiantly engage in battles to protect themselves or their cherished loved ones. Meanwhile, others, driven by fear, hastily sprint in different directions, seeking refuge from the impending danger.

"Wife, we need to run," he said to his wife, who was carrying their child. His wife simply nodded, and they sprinted away swiftly.

As they were about to exit the village, he noticed someone trailing them.

"My love, take care of our child," he told his wife, gently holding his child's head as if bidding farewell.

His wife didn't argue anymore, so she ran towards the mountains, and he stayed behind close to where his wife exited, allowing them time to get further away.

When the pursuer was getting close, he unsheathed his sword from his waist. His sword slowly emitted lightning elements as he charged towards them.

As they were about to clash, he activated his sword technique and said,

'Thunderstrike Slash,' a lightning-infused sword technique that charges the blade with electrical energy for a devastating slash. He swung it horizontally to the left, hitting one of the figures in black. However, he didn't notice that another one was following him.

'Bloodbane Claw! ' shouted one of them, transforming his hands into claw-like appendages infused with dark energy. He managed to wound him because these claws could tear through both flesh and spiritual defenses, causing injuries that are difficult to heal.

Then, another one followed up with...

'Soul Devouring Palm,' shouting while channeling dark energy into their palm. It hit his chest, resulting in his experiencing weakened vitality."


The exchange of blows lasted for a while, and he gradually noticed his weakening condition due to the Soul-Devouring Palm and Bloodbane Claw attacks he received earlier. The other two opponents were quick to capitalize on this.

They unleashed the Bloodbane Claw on him again, taking advantage of his weakened state, resulting in a significant slowdown in his movements.

As he observed the impending technique that would strike him again, he couldn't help but reminisce about his wife and child. Overwhelmed with sadness, he resigned himself, saying in his mind, 'I'm sorry; I won't be able to be with you, my child.'

After uttering those words, he was propelled into the burning houses, accepting his fate.