
Stand Among Them

Imagine being a regular college student one day and waking up in a world of ancient martial arts and magic. That's exactly what happens to our protagonist, armed with the legendary Uchiha bloodline from the Naruto series. As they journey through this unfamiliar realm, he discover incredible powers within himself. It's a journey of mastering these powers, facing enemies, and aiming to become the strongest in a world that's completely different from their own. Get ready for an adventure where the Uchiha legacy takes on a whole new meaning!" "Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction story, and English is my second language, so please expect some grammatical errors."

XiaoXiuu · Khác
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30 Chs

Chapter 21

In the serene morning light, Xiao Yun busied herself in the kitchen, baking delicate snacks for her beloved little brother. She knew he was preoccupied with thoughts of his cultivation path, and she hoped her treats would bring him a moment of comfort and joy.

As she worked, beads of sweat formed on her brow, a testament to her dedication to perfecting the snacks. With a gentle hush, she whispered to herself, wiping away the perspiration with a quick motion of her hand.

"Finally finished," she murmured to herself, a small smile playing on her lips. "Let me taste if it's just right."

With care, she selected one of the freshly baked snacks and placed it in her mouth, savoring the flavors. A satisfied nod confirmed her assessment.

"It tastes just right," she concluded with a soft chuckle, her confidence unwavering. "I'm sure he'll like it."

With the snacks prepared to her satisfaction, Xiao Yun made her way to Madara's room, cradling the food in her arms. When she arrived at his door, she rapped lightly, the sound echoing softly through the hallway.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

"Madara, it's your sister, Xiao Yun," she called out, her voice gentle yet filled with warmth. "Can I come in?"

Without hesitation, Madara's voice floated back to her, granting her entry. With a smile, she turned the knob and stepped inside, her heart swelling with affection for her brother.

As she entered, her eyes fell upon Madara, deep in thought, and his brow furrowed in concentration. Her eagerness to offer him comfort and her homemade treats filled her with a gentle urgency, yet she approached him with careful steps, mindful not to disrupt his deep contemplation. She moved toward him, her heart brimming with affection, her steps light but purposeful.

"Have your favorite spirit fruit pastry and celestial tea," she offered, her tone gentle and reassuring as she presented the food to him.


"Spirit fruit pastry," made from the delicate flesh of the spirit fruit found in the nearby forests. These pastries are filled with sweetened fruit preserves and baked until golden brown.

"Celestial tea" is made from rare herbs and flowers gathered from the highest peaks. This tea is said to align one's qi and promote mental clarity.


Xiao Yun approached the desk with a gentle sway, delicately balancing the freshly baked treat in her hand. Placing it before Madara, she watched as he eagerly seized the snack, indulging in its sweetness. While he savored the pastry, Xiao Yun's gaze drifted to the notebook resting nearby, piquing her curiosity.

With a slow and deliberate motion, she reached for the notebook, glancing at her brother before speaking.

"Can I see what's inside this notebook?"

Despite his mouth being full of fruit pastry, Madara managed a nod in response.

Carefully, Xiao Yun opened the notebook, revealing its contents—detailed explanations of two distinct cultivator types. She couldn't help but wonder if these were the paths her brother was considering. Glancing back at him, she sought confirmation.

"Are these the two cultivator types you think would suit you?"

With a mouthful of pastry, Madara simply nodded.

Sensing her brother's uncertainty, Xiao Yun offered her guidance.

"I know you're confused about which of these two suits you, so do you want advice from me?"

After indulging in the food and drink his sister had prepared, Madara finally spoke in response to her question.

"Can you, sister?"

"Of course," Xiao Yun replied, her tone soft yet firm. "But remember, once I explain, the choice is yours. And if it doesn't suit you in the end, don't hold it against me, okay?"

Madara nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the weight of his decision.

"Let's start with the sword cultivator," Xiao Yun continued, her voice imbued with both experience and familial wisdom. "We'll explore its advantages and disadvantages, drawing from my own insights and those of my father, who walks the path of the sword," Xiao Yun clarified, her voice steady with a blend of personal experience and familial wisdom.


~Advantages of Choosing to Be a Swordsman (Sword Cultivator):

"Swordsmen often focus on intricate techniques and forms, allowing them to exploit weaknesses in their opponents' defenses with precise strikes."

"They can wield various types of swords, each with unique abilities, granting them versatility in combat situations."

"And they prioritize speed and agility, enabling them to swiftly maneuver around opponents and evade attacks."

"While primarily specializing in close combat, swordsmen can also engage in mid-range combat, utilizing their swords to strike from a distance."

~Disadvantages of Choosing to Be a Swordsman (Sword Cultivator):

"Swordsmen heavily rely on their swords for combat, making them vulnerable if disarmed or if their weapon is damaged or destroyed."

"While skilled in close combat, swordsmen may struggle against opponents with superior strength or martial arts skills in close-quarters combat."

"Some sword techniques may require the consumption of spiritual energy or cultivation resources, making prolonged battles potentially draining."


"This information came from my father's friend, who is a body cultivator," Xiao Yun added, her tone gentle yet informative. "My father shared it with me because, like you, I found myself in a similar situation, torn between the paths of the sword and body cultivation."


~Advantages of Choosing to Be a Body refiner (Body Cultivator):

"Body cultivators focus on enhancing their physical bodies, granting them immense strength, endurance, and resilience to withstand attacks."

"They excel in close-quarters combat, relying on their physical prowess to overpower opponents with brute force and martial arts techniques, and they can fight effectively even without weapons, relying solely on their fists, kicks, and body techniques."

"Also, body cultivators often rely on their internal energy, requiring fewer external resources for combat."

~Disadvantages of Choosing to Be a Body refiner (Body Cultivator):

"They may struggle against opponents who specialize in long-range attacks or magic, as their focus on close combat limits their ability to defend against such attacks."


As Xiao Yun engaged in discussion, Madara remained silent, his mind diligently dissecting the merits and drawbacks of each cultivator type. With a focused gaze, he weighed the options meticulously, considering the implications of each path with clarity and precision.

"Indeed, both cultivator types possess their inherent strengths and weaknesses," Madara acknowledged. "However, I've noticed that my sister's analysis solely focuses on these aspects. She overlooks the individual behind the cultivation method—their societal standing, whether they come from influential or humble backgrounds."

"Hmm... status in life, prestige, and power," Madara mused, contemplating the weight of these considerations. "They end up in that state because they have enough resources to meet their needs."

"Resources?...wait... that's it," a realization dawned upon him.

"If we base this on resources, since all cultivator types need resources to expedite their cultivation or to sustain the cultivation type they've chosen,"

Madara decided to patiently await his sister's conclusion before probing her with his newfound insight.


"While powerful in close combat, body cultivators may lack the versatility of swordsmen, who can employ a variety of weapons and techniques."

"Body cultivators, especially those who prioritize strength and endurance, may be slower and less agile compared to swordsmen, making it harder to evade attacks or pursue agile opponents."


After she concluded her explanation, Madara seized the opportunity to inquire further.

"Sister, between these two cultivator types, who requires the most resources?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, but..." she began, her response trailing off.

"Sword Cultivators heavily rely on high-quality swords and other spiritual weapons to enhance their combat prowess. These weapons are often crafted from rare materials imbued with spiritual energy, requiring significant resources to obtain or create."

"They require access to cultivation techniques specifically tailored for swordsmanship. These techniques may be passed down through martial sects or obtained through rare scrolls or manuals, which can be valuable and sought after."

"Many sword techniques and abilities require the use of spiritual energy, which can be cultivated through meditation, absorbing spiritual essences from the environment, or consuming spiritual pills or elixirs. Gathering and refining spiritual energy can be time-consuming and resource-intensive."

"On the other hand, Body Cultivators often require rare herbs, plants, and other natural ingredients to concoct pills, elixirs, and medicinal brews that enhance their physical strength and cultivate their bodies. These ingredients are often difficult to find and may require dangerous expeditions into remote or dangerous areas."

"They need access to specialized training grounds, cultivation chambers, or training manuals that focus on physical conditioning and martial arts techniques. These resources help them strengthen their bodies, refine their techniques, and unlock new levels of power."

"Injuries sustained during intense training or battles can hinder a body cultivator's progress. Therefore, they often require access to spiritual medicine, healing pills, or regenerative elixirs to aid in recovery and ensure they can continue their cultivation without setbacks."


"That's all I know regarding your question," Madara. I hope it helps," she concluded.

Madara simply nodded in acknowledgment of his sister's response. Observing his nod of acknowledgment, she proceeded with her explanation.


"And lastly, their power output."

"In terms of attack power, it's difficult to definitively say whether swordsmen or body cultivators have the highest output, as it depends on various factors such as the cultivator's level of cultivation, their mastery of techniques, and the specific circumstances of the battle."

"Sword Cultivators can deliver devastating attacks with their swords, utilizing precision strikes, techniques, and sometimes even elemental or magical enhancements."

"Their attacks often focus on targeting vital points, exploiting weaknesses in defenses, and delivering swift, lethal blows. Some sword techniques may also have the ability to unleash powerful energy waves or elemental attacks, further enhancing their offensive capabilities."

"And body cultivators rely on their physical strength and martial prowess to deliver powerful blows using their fists, kicks, and body techniques."

"Lastly, they can exhibit incredible feats of strength and speed, capable of overpowering opponents with sheer force and agility. Through cultivation, body cultivators can enhance their bodies to extraordinary levels, allowing them to unleash devastating strikes that can shatter defenses and break through barriers."


"We'll conclude our discussion here. I hope it aids you in deciding which cultivator path you wish to pursue, Madara," she remarked as she collected and arranged Madara's plate and cup on the tray.

Then, as if she recalled something important, she paused before leaving his room. 

"Before I forget, while I was out earlier, I heard that many people admired and enjoyed what you played. You've become famous in our village because of it," she informed him. 

"Don't worry, I made sure Li Lu didn't reveal that it was you who played that day." 

With a reassuring smile, she added, "And whatever decision you make, I'll always support you," before leaving Madara's room.

Madara couldn't help but smile at his sister's supportive words. After a brief moment of silence, he refocused his thoughts on the decision at hand.

"From what I gathered from my sister's explanation, both paths demand resources," he reflected.

"But what distinguishes the body cultivator is its unique need for rare herbs, elixirs, spiritual medicine, healing pills, or regenerative elixirs," he concluded, recognizing the distinct requirements of this particular path.

"For others living a luxurious lifestyle or with influential connections, acquiring these resources might not pose a challenge. But for us, it's difficult due to our lack of wealth and connections," Madara reflected, acknowledging the disparity in access to necessary resources.

"Furthermore, body cultivators may face limitations in agility compared to swordsmen, making it challenging to evade attacks or pursue swift opponents," he continued, recognizing the potential drawbacks of this path.

"Moreover, I'm hesitant to rely solely on my bloodline, the Sharingan, to dodge fast attacks. There's uncertainty surrounding when, or even if, my bloodline will awaken," Madara added, expressing his reservations about depending solely on his innate abilities.

After a moment of contemplation, he reached a decision.

"I've made my choice," he concluded, his mind now clear on the path he intended to take.