

He licked the side of my neck and traced his mouth up to the tip of my ear..... I could hear him inhaling me. "You smell sweet. "! He said. "I can allow you to walk away alive from here if you let me have a taste"! Hmmm...... MEN WERE ALL THE SAME. I smirked and whispered in his ear. "Well I ain't the past me anymore"!! And stabbed him in his stomach!

Mano_o · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs





"Some times people get out of your life, not because they want to, but because they need to"!

I always thought that may be my mother died because she had to die but for what reason, i didn't know!!.

Since my father had divorced my mother before i was born,i had never seen him however, I never wished to see him,

We both along with my grand ma lived in our small wooden house which had a beautiful lawn and a garden where i used to play with my mother. She always gripped my waist and danced with me. We both pretended to be a prince or a princess and i always imagined my house as my castle and my garden as my kingdom.

But since she died, my grand ma took me to New York as she had a pastry shop there, however my home land was "Pakistan" where i spend my 8 years of childhood. My village was named as "Willingston" after the British invasion in early seventies however its name was changed after the independence, but yet i loved to call it as Willingston. My mother was from Spain and my father was from America so , yah i was extra talented as i had mastered almost three languages which included Spanish , Urdu and English.

America was really different and lovely but yet i missed the huge crowds in the market place and the famous bazaars and sweet traditional bakeries.

And now i was here, standing at the front of the school gate, my heart was beating fast. It was Monday morning, students were entering the school, some girls were planning to bunk class while others were discussing about there usual weekend parties. But here i was looking blindly at the nothing, my body numb and my throat dry, it was the first time i felt distracted and numb and the cause behind this all was a boy.

Yes!! You might get excited here as for the teens like me . But yet let me be crystal clear that ( don't take it on a different way) i had no interest in him but yet he looked familiar.

When ever he crossed me, I felt an electric shock traveling over all my body, my hands suddenly felt cold and my body numb. And today i standing there like a moron looking no more disgusted than a pure fool.

" Excuse me"!! Some one said behind me and i turned to see who was standing. I was pretty sure that my eyes were showing me illusions because guess what , the one who was standing in front of me was none but the same handsome boy.