
An Improved Octobrush

Leaving Angela to participate in more Turf Wars, Lumiose and I made our way towards a small building with a green sign at the top that read "Ammo Knights". When Lumiose led me into the establishment, I could hardly believe my eyes. Lining the walls, stacked on shelves, and stored in crates were weapons of all varieties and types. I could barely contain myself as I looked at the shine of polished Splattershots, the size of resting Splat Rollers, and the intricacy of the unloaded Splat Chargers. Every fiber of my being urged me to observe these items up close, but my good manners prevented me from acting on those desires. Instead, I took notice of a somewhat small horseshoe crab person with binocular-like goggles who was sitting behind a nearby desk straightening the interior bag of a Splat Bomb. I walked over to him and asked, "Hallo! You are owner of Ammo Knights?" The anthropomorphic chelicerate looked up at me, smiled, and answered, "You got that right! The name's Sheldon. Are you interested in buying a weapon?" I nodded vigorously and responded, "Yes, yes! Have money, will buy!" Sheldon laughed and said, "I appreciate your enthusiasm! Feel free to browse my selection as much as you want." I smiled gleefully as I replied, "Thanks for you, Sheldon!" The horseshoe crab put down the dormant explosive he was working on and said, "Don't mention it! I always like to see a fellow…wait a minute…" I saw Sheldon's eyes squint through his goggles as he peered at my face with a scrutinizing gaze. "Hold on," he said after a moment of inspection, "You're not an Inkling. You're an Octoling! What are you doing here?!" My face took on a look of shock before Lumiose interjected, "Don't worry, Sheldon, he's friendly. He's been with me for some time and he hasn't shown any signs of aggression." I nodded in agreement as I added, "Lumiose is correct! I only appear on Inkopolis Square to learn of Inklings!" Sheldon gave me a suspicious look as he responded, "Is that so?" A tense moment of silence passed before the shop owner's face relaxed. "Okay," he stated, "You seem trustworthy enough. Feel free to take a look at my weapons." I breathed a sigh of relief before responding, "Thanking you. No betrayal now."

With that, I made my way through the shop's contents, squeezing my way past boxes of explosives, racks of Blasters, and an ink-refill station. Near the back of the building, I encountered something that made my head buzz with excitement: a group of Octobrushes! "Wow," I said while removing one of the weapons from their hooks, "Your have these?!" Sheldon looked over at me and answered, "Of course! Is that what you were looking for?" I walked over to the horseshoe crab and responded, "Yes! How many is cost?" Sheldon replied, "That would be 8,200 coins. My gleeful smile became a sorrowful frown as I said, "Oh…not have enough coins. Only few rewards from Turf War." Seeing that I was in need, Lumiose said, "Why don't I give you some of my money? I have enough to spare." I looked at the Inkling with sheer admiration, responding, "You will? Perfection! Thanks for you, friend!" Lumiose gave me a small smile as he bestowed upon me the required funds, which I granted to Sheldon. "Thank you," he said, "Before you go, why don't I tell you about the Octobrush so that you can use it to its full potential?" I shook my head and answered, "None need. I am have great experience with Octobrush. I am confident of skill." Sheldon gave me a knowing smile as he retorted, "Are you sure about that? Because I'm sure that the Octobrush you've bought just now is nothing like what you've used before!" Now, this was something that I could not believe. How could I not know my favorite weapon inside and out? "Sheldon," I inquired with a curious tone, "What is difference between these Octobrush and one I use?" Sheldon straightened his goggles as he answered, "For one, I bet that your Octobrush never had Autobombs as a sub weapon before! These new additions to the bombing field can provide real control of the battlefield. Just deploy one wherever you see fit too add extra pressure onto your opponent as you rush them down with your brush! And when you're dealing with a tricky foe that always seems out of reach, that's when you whip out the Inkjet special to blast them sky-high! If you enjoy fast-paced offense and efficient sweeps of the area, then you made the right choice." Judging by his pleased facial expression, I could tell that Sheldon enjoyed sharing the details of his store items. Furthermore, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had indeed learned something new about my weapon; for it to have this new "Autobomb" and a built-in special weapon was wonderful news to me. "Ah," I said in acknowledgement, "Sheldon is correct. Never use Autobomb before. Thanking you for tell me information! I will have use knowledge well." Sheldon clasped his hands together and responded, "I'm sure that you will; you seem like a real weapons enthusiast! Here's hoping that your new Octobrush will help you in your battles." The shell-topped individual gave me a heartfelt salute as he finished, "Have a good one, soldier!" I smiled and returned the gesture, saying, "Same! Have you a great date!" After saying my farewells, I exited with Lumiose out of the Ammo Knights building.

As I carried my Octobrush, I said to Lumiose, "You say no one knows I am being different. How was Sheldon have knowledge?" Lumiose responded to me in a whisper, "That's because he was actually watching me as I did my Hero work. You see, he helped me with what I was doing by loaning me some weapons that he designed. In exchange, I had to test out his creations on the field for him to observe." Interesting. I would never had believed that Sheldon of all people would have ties to something as important as the New Squidbeak Splatoon. "Wait," I inquired, "If Sheldon knows New Squidbeak Splatoon, why no tell him I Agent 8?" Lumiose shook his head and answered, "There's no way that I could do that. I haven't even told him that I'm Agent 4; revealing that info would give me attention that I'm not ready for. It's best to keep your position secret for now." I nodded with understanding; I could see what the Inkling was speaking of. "Anyway," he said, "Now that you've got what you wanted, did you want to do some more Turf Wars?" I held my brush in my hand and answered, "Absolutely. You are coming, yes?" Lumiose shook his head again and responded, "I would like to, but I have some stuff to take care of. Angela should still be in there; you can go have fun with her." "Okay," I replied, "Is fine. Good luck for task!" With that, Lumiose and I headed our separate ways.

After some slightly more eventful Turf Wars, Angela and I exited the Lobby to find a worried-looking Lumiose. "Hey, bro," said Angela, "Why the long face?" The younger squid answered, "I was talking to the support people over where Basstian is going to be staying. They said that because arrived suddenly, arranging a home is going to take some time. Unfortunately, that's just what happens when you come here without a pass or invitation." My face too became wracked with anxiety as I said, "Oh, no! I will bee homeless?" Lumiose crossed his arms and replied, "That might be the case. Unless…" His eyes lit up as an idea popped into his head. "Hey," he said, "Why don't you live with us for now? We can keep you until your housing situation gets all figured out." At this, Angela objected, "Hey, why's he got to hang out with us? We're already crowded enough!" Lumiose gave his sister a look, saying, "What are you on about, Angela? It's only us two that've been in that house. Unless you're saying that the fat you've gained from all that fast food has increased your width?" Angela glared at her sibling and blurted, "Watch it, bub! My figure hasn't changed at all! With all that sitting around you do with your Squiffer, are you sure you're not the fat one?!" Lumiose looked back at me and continued, "Anyway, don't mind her, Basstian. We're happy to have you stay with us for as long as is needed." I smiled with gratitude, stating, "Appreciation for you. I will be good guest." Lumiose gave a thumbs up, answering, "I hope that's true. Come on, let's go; it's getting late." I looked up at the sky, surprised to see that it was turning orange. Did time truly pass by that quickly? Ah, no matter, I enjoyed myself nonetheless. As Lumiose led Angela and I out of Inkopolis Square, he said to his sister, "Also, who said I was sitting around? I'll have you know that the Squiffer requires a lot of movement." Angela rolled her eyes and retorted, "Yeah, yeah, keep on blabbing up excuses. What you do is move around once and camp like a piece of ship." Lumiose returned, "I do not! Only Splat Charger and E-Liter users do that!" Angela responded, "Oh yeah? Well, I bet that you're secretly trying to be like those people, you weirdo." Lumiose angrily answered, "So what if I am? At least I'm not rolling around like a dust bunny with those Dualies of yours!" Angela huffed, "What did you say about my girls?! Ooh, you've done it now!" A stared with confusion at the arguing Inklings. Was this the condition of their relationship? For being siblings, they were not very friendly to one another. Jereef and I may have had our minor complications, but never to this degree. The entire situation was very strange to me. I could do nothing but observe as the two bickered their way to their living quarters.