
A Personal Fight

We booked it out of the lift and looked alongside us, seeing around four TSA guards on the right of us, speeding towards us with their wands like creatures. "Come on, how about we move!" Malachi yelled.

"Along these lines!" I said, and I drove us to one side. We in the long run started to abandon up these steps with the four TSA agents still behind us, drawing nearer and closer. We came to the highest point of the steps, and we ran over another entryway. The followers started to utilize their wands, and I got Malachi's arm and pulled him back.

"What are you doing?" he inquired.

Out of nowhere, a bolt was sent over our heads, causing the walls to break into pieces as most of us dodged, and we hopped away from the wall.

"Are you insane?" he said. "We could have passed on!"