
The Party

"Why is it dangerous for me to tell others that I'm in the Limit Removal realm?" (You)

"No, no, no, no... that's not what's dangerous. What's dangerous is telling others about your system... and a little less dangerous is telling people about your past life memories. The church, and anyone affiliated with them commonly sees anyone with a power outside the known skills and abilities as a demon and will kill you accordingly... while knowing your past life would only cause our scientists to want to study you like a lab rat." (Mercury)

"How many people that we know are members of the church?" (You)

"Only a couple dozen of our friends are, however about 60% are strongly affiliated, and then another 20% are loosely affiliated. I mean even we are loosely affiliated... however, we don't hold that opinion, so you don't have to worry about us turning you in." (Salem)

"Okay, thanks mom and dad for telling me that. I will make sure I do as you ask dad... So do you think I could have my room to my self so I can start getting ready for the party?" (You)

"Sure" your mom then dad say one after the other, they then leave you to get ready for your party. 

Upon entering your party your best friend Marma Ladde runs up to you.

"Congrats on turning 18!" *Switching to a whisper* "and on your breakthrough." (Marma)

"Thanks Marm... where are the drinks?" (You)

"Follow me." (Marma)

She leads you to the bar. You grab your favorite drink then socialize. 

One of the people you were talking to happens to be in the Lord realm, his name alludes you.

"If you keep breaking through like this I may end up coming to you for advice on how to break through... however I do know that to break through the limit on ones life you have to learn how to feel your own life, and manipulate it's flow... how you do that is up to you to figure out, as everyone has a different method that works for them... if you try someone else's technique you may very-well end up ending your life instead of extending it." (Man)

After this man says that, a notification pops up in front of you, reading "Quest: Names have meaning!

Objective: learn the man's name without asking him what it is.

Reward: A technique for manipulating your life that works for all."

After you read that notification it disappears. 

You look at him to determine his age... all you can tell is that physically he is about the same as you, however you know that looks can be deceiving due to how cultivation works.

"Thanks for your advice, is this your gift to me? If not which one is it?" (You)

"Oh, no, this gift is a way to congratulate you on breaking through. My birthday gift for you is the one in the invisible box over there." (Man)

Your gaze following his finger, to see a bow seemingly wrapped around a box made of air with a note attached. You casually make your way over to that box, and learn that the man's name is Ryan Kush. 

You then see another notification pop up:

"Quest Completed

Quest: Names have meaning!

Objective: learn the man's name without asking him what it is.

Reward: A technique for manipulating your life that works for all.

Please choose how you'd like to receive this reward:

1- as a book anyone can read, if you loose it or it is stolen it is up to you to try to get it back if you have yet to master the information, however this is the only way you can share the method freely.

2- as tattoos inscribed on your body. For others to learn it they would need to see you naked, you would need the same (looking in the mirror), however it can not be lost nor stolen.

3- as information directly in your brain. The only way for you to share this information with others is to practice it well enough that you can explain it to them accurately... any inaccuracies could potentially kill them."