
Spiritual Dragon Douluo

In The Douluo world, Where Strength is respected, How the Teenage boy of Blue star boy uncover the mystery of Douluo continent does these gods are real gods or their is some higher realm then? Let's watch the journey of XuTian step by step create his own journey.

DaoistHI4fqd · Kỳ huyễn
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Spiritual Dragon Douluo: Lethargic Boy

Ten thousand years ago, during a time when the Douluo Continent lacked the presence of the Spirit Hall, there existed only two empires across the entire landmass: the Tiandou Empire and the Xingluo Empire.

The Tiandou Empire held dominion over the northern region of the Douluo Continent, while the Xingluo Empire controlled the southern part.

In terms of territorial expanse, the original Tiandou Empire boasted an area nearly three times that of the Xingluo Empire. During this period, the Tiandou Empire consistently held the advantage in their confrontations with the Xingluo Empire, with a growing inclination towards annexing their southern counterpart.

However, due to internal complications within the Tiandou Empire, despite their advantageous position, they refrained from completely obliterating the Xingluo Empire in a single campaign.

The Wuhundian, a prominent institution, plays a vital role in awakening martial spirits and attracting talented individuals from all walks of life. It has rightfully earned its position as the foremost power in the mainland.

Even the formidable two empires harbor a deep fear of the Wuhundian. The territories directly governed by the Spirit Hall, which are almost equivalent to the size of a province, are an object of concern for the empires.

The unease stems not only from the Spirit Hall's possession of the largest number of soul masters in the mainland but also from the fundamental ideological divide between the Spirit Hall and the empires.

The empires primarily represent the interests of the aristocratic class, whereas the Wuhun Temple focuses on assisting the common people in awakening their martial spirits and promoting cultivation. This approach directly challenges the established privileges of the nobles, leaving no room for reconciliation between the two factions.


Located in Wuhun City, the headquarters of the Wuhun Palace, are the grand Pope's Palace and the esteemed Enshrinement Hall. The city's size and prosperity surpass even the capitals of the two empires.

Furthermore, access to Wuhun City is restricted, limited only to soul masters who have achieved a minimum level of greatness above level 20.

In the heart of Wuhun City, within a lavish manor situated in the Enshrinement Hall, a young baby boy with blond hair and blue eyes, approximately Three years old, sitting in daze.

The young child's delicate face flushed with exertion, while a pair of bright and clear eyes radiated a sense of maturity beyond their tender years.

"Huh!" while saying this, Boy thinks in heart, their is 3 years He travelled in the world of Douluo continent! but In his previous life, he was an ordinary existence as a student, with his only occasional interest being reading novels.

Among all the novels he encountered, Douluo Continent held a special place in his heart, leaving a profound impression on him.

He found himself captivated by the awe-inspiring martial spirits and magnificent soul skills depicted in Douluo Dalu, nurturing a deep longing within him.

However, to his surprise, as a result of an unforeseen occurrence, he found himself transported to the world of Douluo Continent.

Upon his rebirth, he discovered himself wrapped in a blanket, transformed into an unattractive infant. He realized he was being cradled by a man in his thirties, while a woman sat on the bed beside them.

To his confusion, he noticed that people around him were speaking in an unfamiliar language, rendering him unable to comprehend their words. Moreover, due to the disparity between his small body and the soul of an adult, he experienced a prolonged period of lethargy as a young boy. This state persisted for three years until he began consuming high-level Medicine Crystathynum every five months, which gradually helped him recover from the stage of lethargy.

Naturally, due to born orphan in previous life, he felt no longing for his previous life and accepted his current identity with calmness, devoid of any inner turmoil.

What excited him even more was the revelation that his new name in this life happened to be Tian as well. Since he had grown accustomed to this name in his previous life, there was no need for him to deliberately adapt to it.

What brought him immense enthusiasm was the realization that the original body he now inhabited was the grandson of the esteemed Golden Crocodile Douluo, enshrined in the second hall of the Wuhun Hall.

His father is an contra tiangao, Martial soul Golden crocodile, and His mother is Xu Shi, martial soul Golden eagle. due to born with high level soul his memory is quite good compared to other childrens but due to High level soul and Small body he took too much time on the sleep like 12-13 hour per day.

He is familiar with the original work, of course he knows who Golden Crocodile Douluo is.

As a ninety-eighth level Super Douluo, Golden Crocodile Douluo stood as the paramount powerhouse in the world. While he may not possess the same deceptive tendencies as the Tang father and son in the original book, his formidable strength alone was sufficient to provide unwavering support.

As the grandson of Golden Crocodile Douluo, our protagonist possesses a significant possibility of inheriting the esteemed Golden Crocodile King Martial Soul, a top-level martial soul that undoubtedly rivals the power of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. After all, Golden Crocodile Douluo wouldn't have reached the ninety-eighth level of cultivation without such a formidable martial soul.

Furthermore, Golden Crocodile Douluo holds a prominent position within the Wuhun Temple. There exists another Golden Crocodile Douluo who has surpassed the age of 120, making him even older than Qian Daoliu. Such seniority commands a high level of respect within the Elder Hall, even from Qian Daoliu himself.

Additionally, our protagonist was already aware of the general direction of the upcoming plot. However, the identity of the future protagonist remained uncertain at this point.

After 3 years of expirence He is able to completely understand the Douluo continent language, And also found that the current pope of the pope hall is Qinn Chiraoji which is 85th level contra which is around 35 year old.

Due to the protagonist's prolonged period of lethargy, his mother, XuShi, raised concerns and discussed the matter with his father. Upon examining the baby's body, the father discovered that his mental power exceeded that of a normal child. Recognizing the need for special attention, he sought out herbs and medicines to aid the baby's condition.

During this time, a new Soul Conta named Yue Guan, whose martial soul was the Chrysanthemum, emerged. Yue Guan, who would later become the Chrysanthemum Douluo, was approached for advice on suitable herbs for the baby. Due to the baby's fragile body, powerful medicines were not permissible. In response, Yue Guan examined the baby's condition and offered a portion of his martial soul, the Chrysanthemum.

The Chrysanthemum, being an immortal herb, could be consumed by the baby and provided some benefits, although its efficiency as a martial soul was limited. Yue Guan then provided a prescription, recommending the consumption of parts of the Chrysanthemum every five months for a year.

In gratitude for this act of kindness, the protagonist's father, Tianhan, extended attention and support to Yue Guan, offering cultivation resources as a gesture of repayment.

As the sole heir to the prestigious lineage of the Golden Crocodile Douluo,Xu Tian father Tianhan is surrounded by countless individuals who go out of their way to win his favor. And let me tell you, Tianhan graciously accepts every bit of attention bestowed upon him without a trace of hesitation.

This thing Xu Tian father also taught Xutian. But also Tianhan taught him perfectly well that in the world of Douluo Dalu, it's all about strength. So he never lets those flattering folks distract him from his ultimate goal. On the contrary, he dedicates himself tirelessly to enhancing his physical prowess day after day.

After eating the Herbs low profile Chrysanthemum Herb twice a year Xu Lann is able to control the lethargy able to control the body freely.

Due to contact with the novel of Douluo dalu series, He is able to understand that age of soul ring depends on Physical fitness and Mental power.

Where phyiscal fitness helps to absorb the pressure generted by soul ring and mental power used to fight the resentment of the soul beast soul.

While he was thinking, A lady comes in the courtyard, she wears the purple color frock with golden star emoded, came to where Xutian sitting looking him while pinching his cheaks and said.

"Hey, Today, my baby what is he thinking"

Xutian said while resisiting the hand of girl said" Mom! Today I feel good and do not feel like sleepy, like old ways."

Xu Shi said in surprisingly:" Ohh! So your health become good. so for this let's Make dinner special and go to your grandpa and dad for home to dinner."

Xutian smiled and said" Mom! what are you going to make today?"

Xushi said:" It's and surprise So baby first take bath and come to dinner at night."

Xutian:"Hmm Mom."

Xutian went to his room in which two maids are standing one is holding a towel, After taking towel Xutian went to bathroom took bath.

The maid approached swiftly, her presence attentive to his every need. With meticulous care, she delicately wiped away his back in the baby Xutian's body, ensuring that he was perfectly refreshed. Then, she dutifully tidied the mirror she held in her hands, ensuring it reflected nothing less than his flawless image.

Satisfied with his his cute appearance, XuTian stepped out of the magnificent manor, to invite his grandpa for dinner from the manour.

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