
Spiritual and Elemental Hearts

Paulo Hernandez is a Filipino high schooler who got reincarnated into another world after getting killed by a truck. Now, in the new world where swords and magic clashed to each other and the earthly elements are magic, he is known as Robert Lightningheart, the heir to the Lightningheart clan, one of the most prominent elemental clans in the Kingdom of Saverfort. He would soon learn that he had both lightning magic and wind magic and was a son of two soldiers who died during a war. Shortly thereafter, he would meet other people of royalty, including a rogue princess of a neighboring kingdom and a wild princess of a nearby shogunate, as well as discovering the dark past of his headmaster. But, will he navigate through this strange, yet intriguing world while figuring out what he wants to be in the future?

Roxas0702 · Kỳ huyễn
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175 Chs

Chapter 27 – Showcasing your Skills

Robert's POV

  Later, after lunch, we all took a short nap until 3 in the afternoon. At that time, me, Aaron, Mary, Blaise, and Max, alongside William, Emma, and Peter, went to the clan's training ground so I could showcase my magical skills. Also, I learned that my grandparents' names are Aaron and Mary, too. There, I show them my beginner, lower-tier lightning magic and destroyed a few targets with it.

Grandpa Aaron seems to be impressed by it. "Wow, impressive, grandson. For me, it's a mediocre level of power."

He then showcased his lightning magic, which was more powerful than mine, destroying a few targets with more destructive power.

Me and Blaise are amazed at it.

"Woah, that was way more powerful than Robert-kun's," Blaise commented.

Looking at us, grandpa Aaron responded, "I'm a sage and a master of lightning magic after all."

"I see," I replied.

"What else you have?" Aaron asked me.

I then aimed my right hand. "Electric Force Field!"

I then summoned an Electric Force Field, clouding my surroundings with a dome of electric force field.

Max was amazed by it. "What the…?"

Grandpa was impressed by it, and he asked me, "Anything else?"

To that, I deactivated and dissipated the electric force field, raised my right hand up in the air, and summoned heavy clouds.

Grandpa, grandma, and Max are shocked to see that.

I then shouted, "Thunder Storm!"

Then, lightning rained down from the clouds to the targets, destroying them in seconds.

After that, the clouds dissipated.

"Impressive," Grandpa commented.

"No way!" Max added.

I then turned around and responded, "Yeah, this is my ultimate ability that requires a lot of mana."

"I see," grandpa commented.

"Yeah, he used that on me and William-kun during our battles," Peter said to him as he walks towards him.

"Woah, really?" Max asked back. "He used that on you guys?"

Peter then nodded. "Yes, and I almost died because of that. But, it's my fault that I died because I had insulted your family name."

He then bowed his head slightly for a few seconds. "I'm sorry."

"That's alright, Peter," grandpa responded in accepting his apology. "I'm not that serious on protecting my family name."

Seeing this, I smiled and thought, "Man, everyone is getting along."

I then stopped smiling and continue thinking, "But how about the Windheart clan? Do they knew that my mom married my dad, a member of the Lightningheart clan? Is marriage between clans even allowed in this world?"

I then let out a sigh, and continue thinking, "I better find out sooner than later."

Then, grandpa asked me to have a duel with him.

I then interrupted my chain of thought and responded to him, "Sure, why not, grandpa."