
Spirit Within : Original

In a world where an spirit energy is a common in nature, Where humans consists of animal spirits, one can use the abilities and strength of that animal spirit they posses , Some of the spirits contains some special abilities, people uses this power to fight, defend, work and development. The protagonist Rayner Lucifer alias ray is a boy born without a spirit, but he wants to become the strongest in the world to save his friends by growing his power, the story revolves around him.

Adi_Kotha · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted

As the college was on high alert due to the intruders, Ray was searching for the intruders, he was so cautious from being found by teachers , he knows that he may be in trouble if they find him, as the search was going on suddenly ray feels someone behind him as turned around slowly to see who it may be and he felt shock.

The next morning Levi visits Ray's room while he was getting ready for the class and they both greeted themselves and they headed for the dining hall for the breakfast and there they met with Jenny and Julie outside of the dining room and they went inside as the dorms for both Male and Female are different but the dining hall for all of them is same.

While they was going to eat, there heard something "Hey, look who decided to show up!" sneered Jake, the ringleader of the bullies and a senior of the them . His cronies chuckled, reveling in discomfort of Julie and Ray.

As Ray and his gang tried to ignore them and Julie quickened her pace, hoping to escape their taunts. But Jake and his gang were relentless. They closed in around Julie, blocking her path."What's the matter, girl? Cat got your tongue?" Jake taunted, a malicious glint in his eyes.

Julie's heart pounded in her chest as she mustered the courage to respond. "Please leave me alone. I haven't done anything to you mister."

"Oh, but you have," he replied, a cruel smirk forming on his lips. "You think you can just talk to your seniors like that and waltz in here like that and also I can't sense any spirit power from you and without an animal spirit roaming around ? and moreover we can't have weaklings like you tarnishing our reputation."

His words struck deep, and Julie's confidence wavered. She took a step back, trying to find an escape route, but the bullies closed in even tighter, As jack was about to lay hand on Julie and Suddenly Ray interrupted them by coming in middle of Jake and Julie, As Levi was shocked as Ray was beside of him all the time and in a blink of eye he was in middle of them, he was so amazed and Ray was talking to Jake " Sorry for the interruption sir ! please let us go without any trouble and please excuse her for her mistake and I am sorry on behalf of her" as Jake got angry by Ray words and shouts bigger and says " How dare you to talk back me and moreover you also seems spiritless to me and talks back to me, you low spiritual being" and he punches Ray on face so strongly that Ray fell down and his face became red.

As Jake and his fellas laughs desperately by seeing Ray and Jake lifts him by grabbing his shirt collar and says " you weak and lowly being fell for only one punch and this is going to end your attitude towards senior and you will witness the power of my Boar spirit(laughing desperatley and a blue color aura energy was emitting from him)" and by seeing the whole thing Jenny and Julie were silenced due to shock and Levi inner thoughts " this is not how it happens, I think it was a dream" and Jake was about to punch Ray with his spirit power and suddenly a loud voice heard by all of the students " What is going on here and why are using your spirit power in the dining hall Mr. Jake Biden and your'e harassing the freshers" as all the students astonished by the voice, It was the lecturer in the college,By seeing the lecture there Jack was terrified and ran off to his class and the lecturer was Mr. Franklin Rossvalt.

Levi says "As per students he was the strictest lecturer in the whole college and he punishes students severely and he doesn't have feeling of strong and weak and once he was solider in the National kingdom and right hand man to one of the five deities, If it wasn't for him we are all crushed by those senior mobs and Ray I don't know that you are that weak and fell for only one normal punch of him".

As the professor approached Ray and his friends he says " you have started mess on your first day of the college Mr. Lucifer and be safe from those seniors, I think you've got it apperantly Jake was just a medium strong guy, there are some other students in the college who can fight me toe to toe, don't go in their way.", after saying that he lefts the place.

Julie was so anxious and asks Ray " Do you know him by any chance Ray?" and Ray replies that " Actually the deity he serves as right hand was my dad" his friends amazed by that and Levi asks " where have you been last night Ray, I've came to your room and you're not there and could you tell us about your dad more?" as Ray replies " Actually Last night I was searching for something to drink and lost the way and the Mr. Rossvalt found me while he was searching for the intruders and he safely brought me back to the dorm and about my dad I will tell you later but one thing about him he was so strong that he can fight equal to the mighty golden lion and that's I can tell for now and shall we go to class, otherwise we're gonna be late."

Levi inner thoughts " he was lying about the last night" and he says " what can't tell me about your dad now come on man." 

As they headed to class their first class was about mental training and as the class was going on, there was a sudden voice stopped them "excuse me sir may I have a minute" as all saw at entrance it was a assistance lecturer in the college and he said " Sir I have a information for students and as well as staff, the intruders who entered into college had been beaten up somebody and their is no threat for the college at present and students may get a relief."

As the scene changed to a room where principle and other staff including Mr. Rossvalt was also present their and they were investigating the one of intruders who was conscious and he was speaking in very low voice " apparently there was an young man of age between 17-19 and he was in warrior suit and he brought all twenty of our men so easily and he was so powerful." and the principal asked him a question " why are you here and who sent you people?" and for that question the was terrified and said " I..... I can't say it, they will.... will kill me so violent, please leave me." and due to the fear he went unconscious.

As scene changed to Rays's class, the class was about the sword training and all of them practicing so hard and Levi noticed something in Ray and talks himself " he was holding the sword just like a trained and powerful swordsman." and he asks Ray " Do you know how to fight with a sword?" and Ray replies " apparently I don't know how to use a sword (with a smirk) " and Levi again with his inner thought " he was lying again.. I think so." 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thanking you,

your's Adi

contact me on instgram : spiri_twithin

Adi_Kothacreators' thoughts