
Spirit Realm

Thirty thousand years ago, race battle Heaven calling themselves "Gods" Natural stormed the Spirit. Hundreds of races rise up in resistance, but ultimately suffered a crushing defeat. Human Race was the first to surrender, and the rest of the Hundred races soon follow in sequence. Over the next ten thousand years, all races enslaved by a race fight Heaven. They are abused, and live under the shadow of terror. The march of conquest The Race Fighting Heaven does not stop there. By Nature Spirit as a starting point, they invade other secret dimension, and spread the war to the rest of existence. After exhausting their combat power, they eventually defeated by the Hundred Ras utilizing this opportunity. Without other options, they fled to the starry sky outside the kingdom. Thirty thousand years later, in an era where Heaven Fighting Race had faded to an ancient legend, a young man who has a lineage amnesia Heaven Race Fighting was raised in a household that was not significant. While struggling to live, she quietly awaiting the resurrection of the lineage.

Blank_User · Kỳ huyễn
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60 Chs


Because Ling Chengye no longer prohibit family members entered the caves of Mount Herb, suddenly became very lively.

Every day there are a lot of people from the Family Ling that goes to investigate with confidence and hope, but the results were all the same; it is a futile pursuit.

Even people like Ling Chengye and Du Qishan, who has reached the Opening Nature Christmas, can not avoid getting lost in the mysterious formations; even more impossible for others to succeed walked into the depths of the rock caves.

Follow one after another failure, many people gradually change their strategy and treat Qin Lie as a key to continue.

Since then, there are many family members who waited Qin Ling Lie early in the hope of entering Herb Mountain with him, follow right behind Qin Lie to successfully enter the depths.

Unfortunately, every time they ventured into the rock caves, they suddenly lost and can not see the traces of Qin Lie. Obviously there is the formation of illusion and formation of fog in the cave stone, preventing people coming to see people on their side.

After several attempts, people slowly began to yield. Although they are still full of curiosity about the Qin Lie in their hearts, they slowly give up after unsuccessful match.

Ling Chengye, knowing well the personality small and minds Du Jiaolan, afraid that he would seek to eliminate Qin Lie, so he ordered Ling Feng and Ling Ying to accompany Qin Lie every day when entering and exiting Herb Mountain, preventing him from being killed in Street.

Settings Ling Du Jiaolan Chengye cause can not find the opportunity. Family members Ling hatred grew, and he saw Qin Lie as a thorn in his side.

After the engagement ceremony ended, Ling Qin Lie Yushi visit even more often. Sometimes he would bring food in the morning so Qin Lie no longer have to go to the Ling family dining room to eat.

Late in the afternoon, when Qin Lie back, he often found that he was there before him.

Increasingly Ling Yushi perform his duties, such as a bath, folded sheets, clean, and tidy up, the more he became skilled at it. He also maintains mengomelnya habits, so Qin Lie know every little thing about the city of Ling like the palm of his hand.

Sometimes, Yushi Ling suddenly became silent and used both hands to support the chin in crystal clarity. Sparkling beautiful eyes looking at it, it seems like he wants to see through the secrets he was hiding inside his heart.

Each time he did this, Qin Lie will suddenly become nervous, and he carefully will keep his expression calm.

Yushi Ling would sometimes sigh of disappointment and sometimes shaking his head and laughing uncontrollably which makes Qin Lie can not guess her inner thoughts.

Daily cultivation Qin Lie unchanged despite Mountain Herb to life. He still continued to persevere and never lazy.

One day passed.

Deep in the cave system wide Herb Mountain, Qin Lie, reclining on a stone pillar. She held her breath, focusing his mind, and cultivate core support animal Lightning Condor Umbra.

The floor around it was covered with gray flakes, powder; they gradually formed when the core beast explodes after their energy completely absorbed.

Without realizing it, from more than forty core obtained from hunting animals in Solitary Ridge, he had only a few remaining. Not only that, a few sticks Ice Grass Stalk he accumulated was gone.

After a period of uncertainty, the core of other wild animals in his hands crumble into dust. His expression was serious when he secretly distribute power.

Traces of spirit energy transferred from the ocean spirit Dantiannya, slowly flowing through the muscles and blood vessels, and drips and converge toward his left arm. Spiritual energy in the muscles and blood vessels immediately began to speed up and ran in the direction of the index finger of his left hand as a wave of severe storms!

"Bzzt bzzt bzzt!"

Electric sound strange flow of pulp forefinger. His fingers in agony due to the swelling of spirit energy, and bright red color as if burned by fire.


Spirits soaring energy seems to have collided into an invisible barrier. It could not penetrate the finger pulp and suddenly receded back into the palm of his hand, causing his sudden numbness and loss of all sensation.

"Still not good ..."

Qin Lie slowly opened his eyes and waved his left hand. His handsome face was filled with a trace of anxiety and helplessness.

Recently, his spirit energy in a sea of ​​spirit dantiannya become more abundant with the help of core beast, so he was prepared to charge to the seventh level of the Natural Improved. Unfortunately, he tried to break through several times, but every effort to produce failure.

Refinement realm divided into nine levels. The first six levels are relatively easy to cultivate. It mainly focuses on collecting energy of the spirit, the spirit of open ocean, and then continue to use the energy of the spirit to feed meat and slowly strengthens the muscles and blood vessels, making it easier to penetrate the first six levels.

During this period, when practitioners of martial arts fighting against other people, they mainly rely on the toughness of their bodies. They can not use their skills and spirit can not expend the energy their spirits to hurt or kill someone else.

The reason for this is because-martial at this level can not break their spirit energy through their body, so they can not "emit energy of the spirit."

With the energy of their spirits trapped in their bodies, it means they will not have the lethal nature and can not be poured into the spirit of artifacts that significantly enhance the ability of a practitioner of martial combat.

Only after penetrating to the seventh level of the Realm Improvement, practitioners will be able to issue a martial spirit energy in their bodies through every part of their body to use it offensively, kill their enemies, or their spirit energy poured into the spirit. artifacts to unleash their fearsome power.

Practitioners of martial at this level can also smooth the bone, marrow, and their organs to make their bodies harder.

Because of this, the sixth and seventh levels of Nature Completion regarded as a watershed. Although only a difference of one level, they are separated by a huge chasm.

When he fought with practicing martial of Shattered Ice House at the time, it seems like he has a lightning coiled around his body, but the lightning was not really "emission energy of the spirit," it is lightning from sky to land on his body, guided by the energy of his spirit , Lightning had most of the forces of nature.

Without thunder and lightning from the sky, he will not be able to achieve this step. In the future when he was involved in the battle, he will not be able to rely thunder and lightning to be there all the time, so he needs to break through to the seventh level of Nature Repair as soon as possible.

Refinement seventh level of the Realm can also generate energy to penetrate the bone, marrow, and organs, which can help process the Eradication of Thunder of Heaven.

In the eyes of many people, only those who have stepped up to the seventh level of Natural remedies can be counted as a true martial practitioner; those below the sixth level can only be called as a martial artist.

The reason why Ling Ying Ling Feng also admired since he broke into the seventh level of the Natural Improved. He is a true martial practitioner younger generation Family Ling.

"I have to pass this threshold as soon as possible!" Qin Lie rest for a while, just until pain and numbness of the left hand is reduced. Then, he pulled out the core beast Lightning Umbra others. "There are only three left. I have to be quick and breakthroughs. Remaining pills and rock spirit that I brought back from the mountains Arctic can only be used on the seventh level of Nature Completion. "

He just gave most pills and the spirit of rock that he got from the practitioners of martial Shattered Ice Manor as an engagement gift. There are still some left in the mountain caves, which he saved for himself.

"Zzzt Zzzt Zzzt !!"

After a while, a loud crisp sound coming from his fingers, as if it would burst. However, the energy of the spirit that flows seemed stymied by hydrovalve. It could not be filled out of the dregs of his to be released at all.

In the cave, Qin Lie attack and attack, try and try, but he failed every time.

"It is not efficient enough, still not good. There must be a better way. "Lie Qin narrowed his eyes, locking his brow, and deep in thought. Suddenly jerked his heart and mind, and he shouted in a low voice, "Orb of Life Pressure! Without tranquility of mind! "

Regardless of whether he will not be able to get up for a long time, she took a deep breath, focus your mind and consciousness, and slowly felt a lump his soul floating out of his head, flying towards Suppressing Aftershave Soul Orb.

As time passed, he gathered more awareness of the soul and continue to gather it all in Orb Discounter Soul.

The Soul Suppressing Aftershave Orb hidden in the middle of his forehead began to shine from afar as if it was jet black eyes.

In the cave, the light emitting Soul Orb Pressure dim, flickering, and it looked very mysterious and strange.

Slowly, the soul left his body sensation came again, and it looks like his soul is in the murky space in Suppressing Aftershave Soul Orb. He could see every movement of his body. He was even able to control his body to do some simple movements and make his body instinctively cultivate ...

In a mysterious space, he really could clearly see the energy of the spirit of the world in the cave which merges towards her, at a very high level. He could even see the energy of the spirit were as thin as fog light with casual flowing into his body through his pores.

Pores she could not see no matter how much he widened his eyes magnified several times in these conditions; they are so obvious that it is unimaginable!

Peace of Mind in a state of strange and unpredictable this, his soul is in a state of departure, but her understanding of her own very deep to levels unimaginable!

In this state, as though he managed to resonate with heaven and earth, and can attract and collect more energy of the spirit ...

With his hidden soul in soul Pressure Orb, Qin Lie watched his body instinctively cultivation, and he also witnessed the spirit energy that flows in the muscles and blood vessels increases, charge toward his fingertips every time!

He found that when he cultivated in these conditions increases, the wall that held her from stepping into the seventh level of Natural Purification seems to be getting thinner.

Sharpened his mind, slowly understand that cultivating condition Mind Peace Without causing energy gathered spirits faster, and the speed of flow in the muscles and veins become faster as well.

Cultivating this kind of through his instincts, his body can automatically adjust, adjust to the optimal state. It was so magical that she felt that the existence of the soul does not need.

It's amazing so it can not be described with words!


After a period of uncertainty, a beam of blue lightning suddenly out of his fingertips. Rays lightning flashed and disappeared instantly, and then destroy a stone in a stone wall in front of him.

When the soul is faltering seeing flashes of lightning, he was very excited. He then fought with all his strength, relying on agitation and excitement in his heart to repeatedly strike the ball.


His head is suddenly jerked, and then feeling his soul back suddenly flooded his mind.

Lie Qin got up.

Over the last five years, this is the first time he did not need the help of external stimulation; he relied on his own determination to escape from a state of tranquility not Think!

"Hehehe." Qin Lie sat there with my mouth open and could not stop smiling idiot.

With the help of the state of Peace of Mind, not only he penetrated to the seventh level of the Realm Improvements, he also found out more about the amazing points of the condition of Peace of Mind. In addition, he now gets a new ability to escape from it. This significantly increases their confidence, as if he saw the future of the magnificent and beautiful.

"Rrrm! Rrrm! "

Stomach rumbling noise woke him because of his excitement. Only later did he realize that his body emaciated and withered; he did not know how long she was starving.

Because it has been so long since he last ate, his pace a bit wobbly. He held on to the rock wall and slowly walked out of the cave with pale skin.

At the entrance of the cave, Yushi Ling's face looked haggard. His eyes were filled with unresolved concerns. He looked into the distance, leaning against a wall while watching anyone who knows how long.