
Spirit Realm Walker

Legends of the Spirit Realm had been passed down since ancient times. It was a world that was hidden from normal people. Although no one had entered the Spirit Realm in modern times, its legend still remained. Zhang Yuanqing was a normal university student until he suddenly received a mysterious black character card. [Character Card rebooted…] [Name: To be named (Please name it immediately)] [Race: Human] [Class: Night Wanderer] [Moral Value: 60 (Initial Value)] "Is this the Spirit Realm? It looks kind of dangerous. What is moral value? Why can’t it go lower than 60?" A few years later, everyone was shocked to see the almost infinite moral value points that Zhang Yuanqing had. "Why does someone like you have so many moral value points?" "Maybe it's because I’ve been respecting the elderly and taking care of the children?" replied Zhang Yuanqing, the greatest enemy of the Spirit Realm.

Paperboy · Khoa huyễn
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40 Chs

Kill (1)

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Dance? Ou Xiangrong froze, unable to think straight.

This spiritual-type tool actually invited him to dance.

Ou Xiangrong sneered. Of course, he could not dance with the enemy's dancing shoes in battle. He immediately bit the tip of his tongue and spat blood at the edge of the willow blade.

As an experienced Spirit Realm Walker and an evil class, he had fought many Night Wanderers and knew the skill characteristics of this class.

Spiritual-type tools were famous for their strangeness. Ou Xiangrong had once been pestered by a spiritual-type tool for several days and was very difficult to deal with.

However, the flaw was also obvious. The actual lethality was slightly lacking.

In addition, spiritual-type tools were generally afraid of things with strong Yang energy. For example, this kind of tool that was suspected to be a parasitic vengeful spirit could be suppressed by blood.

It was not a big problem.

The red dancing shoes, which had landed together, waited for a few seconds. When they saw that the human in front of them was unwilling to dance with them, they seemed to be angry. A dark red glimmer appeared on the sides of the shoes and they rushed towards Ou Xiangrong with a rapid clatter.

Ou Xiangrong remained motionless as he waited for the red dancing shoe to approach. As it leaped toward the front of the car to attack him, he calmly swung his willow blade, trying to severely injure the vengeful spirit residing in the shoe.

However, when the blade cut through the dancing shoes, it did not feel like it had hit something real. These strange red dancing shoes seemed to be in another time and space and did not exist in reality.

Bang! Bang!

The next moment, Ou Xiangrong was kicked twice in the chest and face.

He experienced the pain that had stopped Zhang Yuanqing's heart and made it difficult for him to breathe. At the same time, his face burned with pain and warm liquid flowed from his nose.

This is not a tool for the Night Wanderer class… Ou Xiangrong was stunned and confused.

"Power of the void?"

The characteristics of this tool looked a little like a foreign country's class. How could a Level 1 Night Wanderer have a foreign class tool?

There was no time to think. In Ou Xiangrong's vision, the strange dancing shoes changed direction and trampled him again.

He didn't bother to wipe the blood from his nose. He put his arms across his chest and, with two loud thumps, sent the Bewitching Demon tumbling off the roof of the car.

Ou threw himself forward, sprinting, rolling, and using the vehicles to dodge and weave through the spacious underground garage. He avoided most of the trampling of the red dancing shoes.

However, he was still unlucky enough to be stepped on several times. Every step caused him immense pain. The injuries left behind by the intense battle last night acted up, and his organs were bleeding.

So, so strong… The useless master, Zhang Yuanqing, was stunned as he watched the battle of the red dancing shoes.

Once again, he saw the power and horror of rule-type tools.

Its pursuit could not be broken or interrupted. The target could only passively endure its pursuit unless its rule was overcome, and that was to dance.

In battle, that wasn't practical. Even if Ou Xiangrong gave in to the red dancing shoes and forced himself to tap-dance in shame, Zhang Yuanqing would intervene and cause a mistake in his dance.

If the dance went wrong, everything would be for nothing.

However, Zhang Yuanqing also had a clear understanding of the power of the Bewitching Demon. With the stepping power of the red dancing shoes, Ou Xiangrong could actually withstand it.

His body was terrifyingly tough.

"Ou Xiangrong won't wait for death foolishly. When he realizes that he can only be beaten passively and can't fight back, he will definitely choose to escape…"

Zhang Yuanqing was clear-headed. He had to launch a sneak attack before the other party escaped.

He did not want to kill the enemy, but he had to stall this murderer.

Bang! Bang!

Ou Xiangrong couldn't dodge in time again and was kicked twice in the face by the red dancing shoes. He staggered back and his vision went black and he was dizzy.


Zhang Yuanqing darted out like a cheetah. He grabbed the Demon Subduing Staff and ran wildly. He ran in an arc and circled behind Ou Xiangrong.

He swung the Demon Subduing Staff to his back.


Suddenly, a dense white light blocked the three-edged spike of the Demon Subduing Staff.

This power came from the bronze waist token that Ou Xiangrong held tightly in his left hand. An ancient waist token covered in cracks and blood, like the item of a veteran soldier.

This was Zhao Yingjun's defensive tool.

"Defensive tool?"

Zhang Yuanqing, who had failed in his sneak attack, felt a chill in his heart. He took a wrong step and circled around Ou Xiangrong. The Demon Subduing Staff in his hand struck the white light wall again and again, creating ripples of light.

This time, with the red dancing shoes as cover, he wasn't beaten instantly by the Bewitching Demon. He narrowly avoided several blades and punches.


Finally, under the high-frequency blows of the Demon Subduing Staff and the red dancing shoes, the bronze waist token shattered into pieces, and the white light dissipated into light fragments.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanqing's Night Travel ended and his body appeared.

Ou Xiangrong seemed to have been waiting for this moment. Scarlet appeared in his eyes, and twisted and evil runes surfaced.


Zhang Yuanqing's mind exploded. He lost the ability to think as if he had forgotten that he was in the middle of a battle. At the same time, a voice echoed in his head: Put down your weapon, don't resist. Put down your weapon, don't resist…

Ou Xiangrong grinned hideously and slashed his willow blade at the neck of the young Night Wanderer.

He'd rather take the brunt of that terrible pair of dancing shoes than use this defensive tool for the sole purpose of waiting for the Night Wanderer to strike first.

This tool from the Scout class was already half damaged. If it was used early, it would at most resist the dancing shoes for a moment before being completely damaged.

He might as well endure it and deliberately expose a flaw to lure the other party into taking the initiative to attack.

As he had expected, this young Night Wanderer lacked experience and could not keep his cool. He had indeed been fooled.