
Spirit King's Incarnation

I didn't know why I chose to save her. Was it to finally achieve something I could be proud of? Something was necessary in my other life. Change. I won't become the same person I was before. I reincarnated into another world of magic and fantasy.  "I'll become the greatest mage in existence." * Story is under a massive rewrite. The version posted on here was my second draft for when I actually begin writing the third and final version. I hope that those who read Spirit King's Incarnation before will read the final version when I finish it. Hopefully I can turn the story into what was inside my head and fix any flaws like plotholes, pacing and many other mistakes. I've been writing this story for two years now and I hope the final version will become something my readers will enjoy reading.

Immortal_17 · Kỳ huyễn
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97 Chs

Chapter 81: Meeting Charlotte's faction

We travelled back to the kingdom the very next day. The streets that appeared when we entered the south gate was as devoid of people as Lonid city. Only a few people set up their shops outside, looking for any potential customers.

I could see that a few shops were out of stock since the Red Hunt caused people to empty out the stores. The magic stores and blacksmiths were the most affected by this.

Only a few stands and house shops were still standing. If seen from another perspective it seemed that the stores were broken into judging by the state they were in.

We arrived at the guild a few minutes after walking for a while. Byron turned to the rest of us.

"I'd like to thank Clyde and Miya for their assistance in the raid. They were our main firepower which I was grateful for." Byron scratched his head rather awkwardly. "I have to be honest, I thought you two would be a pain in the ass. It wasn't the first time we had a student from the academy join us."


I laughed dryly.

"That Marcus Wesley guy was a real prick. I had to stop myself from punching him. His annoying voice was like a fly buzzing next to my ear."

"Huh? You guys know that kid?"

"Yip. Most frustrating teammate ever. Even though he was less cool than you guys, he kept bragging whenever he threw a spell." Kyle was the one who spoke.

"Let's just say we're glad to have had you as our supporters. Anyway, if fate allows it, let's meet again."

"I guess this is goodbye, huh."

"We're free adventurers so we don't stay in the same place forever. It was great working with you guys."

Byron held out his hand. I shook his hand first before he shook Miya's. The party members all said farewell to us. They entered the guild halls after we parted ways.


It was already afternoon when I arrived. Today would be Monday. That meant that I would've been late to the academy.

'I'm soooo tired... I guess I'll take a break from the academy today.'

My mana pool was also reduced by half after yesterday. I had to be careful not to use too much magic in two consecutive days unless I want my core to overheat. You could even lose your ability to cast magic. I didn't want to experience that again.

With my current arcane magic abilities, I was as strong as my seniors, if not stronger in that field of magic. Only a few of them had managed to enter the 6th stage. That included Victoria as well. The president might've seemed kind and gentle towards others when she was really a monster. Few could defeat her in arcane magic alone.

I heard that it was extremely hard to advance your magic once you reach that far. Jacob also found it hard to grow stronger after his ascent to the 6th mana grade stage. He was barely on the verge of unlocking 7th stage.

Miya parted ways with me because she had to do something at the library. It seemed that she was a lover of books so she decided to work as an assistant in the library. It's no wonder why she was always in the library.

I headed to my dorm room and quickly freshened up to start the day. I was a bit tired but I could manage.

When I was about to undress, I saw a note on my bedside table.

'Tch. These noble bastards. I told them to not come into my room.'

However, I was momentarily surprised by the name on the letter.

Erica Wales ◇[Magic Tower Dorm.]

"Erica... Did she reply?"

I sent a messenger to deliver a letter to her before I left the kingdom to do the quest.

Hi, Clyde. Please believe me when I say this: I did not reveal my powers to the people. I kept my promise with you to not do it, after all. The description of this woman is also unfamiliar to me so I apologize for not being able to help you. I am not sure myself who this mysterious woman could be.

P.S – We haven't been together in a while. Can we get together some time?

P.P.S – Has that Ryan guy apologized yet?


I couldn't help but smile.

'Well, she's right.'

With all the stuff that had been going on, we didn't have enough time to bond. Our bond as friends grew stronger when we were in the Kingdom of Habsburg. I wanted to keep that connection.

"I should invite her to the party. Hmm... What does she mean by apologize?"

It was confirmed that he wasn't actually missing but he was travelling around. His disappearance almost caused the duke to gather all his soldiers to find his son.

"That's odd. Well, whatever."

I shrugged. I didn't want to run into the bastard anyway. His bullying that day was akin to a middle schooler flaunting his strength on earth. He was a waste of my time and mana.

Anyway, I'll need to see if I can find out this woman's identity. It was dangerous to leave her be. Maybe she was someone we could make our ally. Erica and her were the same after all.

'Judging by the description of her powers, she couldn't be a phony Saintess.'

Maybe there was a secret class that allowed someone to unlock Holy Light Magic. No, that idea alone sound preposterous. What the hell was up with that incompetent goddess who couldn't even manage the power system of this world?

'I'll leave that to the future me.'

I thought to myself when my eyes landed on another letter. It was hanging out of my school uniform.


It was Charlotte's letter. The realization struck me.


'Since I'm off today, why don't I visit Charlotte's villa? I told her that I'd visit this week anyway.'

I thought that was a good way to end the day. She sent me a letter anyway that we should meet today but the scheduled time was in the evening. It wouldn't really matter if I go now, right? Since she was too busy with her faction related duties, she had been absent for a while now. She had been in meetings nearly every day. I guessed that it was royal duties.

After putting on a formal suit and slicking my hair back, I left the dorm house.


I used Flight magic to soar through the skies since using a carriage would waste my time. The villa I went to wasn't Charlotte's villa on the palace grounds, it was one she recently bought. It was located in the Kion district in Pira city. Since I was wearing formal clothes, I didn't look that out of place.

Since it would've been suspicious for me to fly right onto her property, I landed a bit away from the villa. After buying something to snack on, I headed towards the knights standing by the gate.

How do I describe it... Her villa was fitting for a Royal Princess of a wealthy country.

It was ridiculously huge. Although not as big as the duke's manor but close to it. I saw a bunch of carriages parked outside the property. The coachmen greeted me as I walked by.

It seemed that she was busy with a meeting with her faction.

'Should I come back another day?'

One of the knights noticed me.

"Oh! Lord Clyde!"

"Ah, hello. Is Char–Her highness busy at the moment?"

He nodded.

"Yes but she said that we should open the gate if you were to show up. If they are too busy then I'll take you to the reception room."


He twirled his finger in a circle which alerted the other knight. He quickly moved to open the gate.

A long path of flowers entered my vision when the gate opened. There were flowers everywhere I looked. The pathway was covered with a tall roof.

"It seems that she likes flowers, huh..."

"Ah, it's a hobby her highness had been getting into again. I can remember that she used to do this before her mother..."

"Before Her Majesty was poisoned?"


It seemed to be a sad memory for everyone if they remembered Melodia's previous condition. She was on the verge of dying just a few months ago, after all. I heard from Helen that the queen was able to eat her own meals now.

The treatment seemed to have exhausted her body a lot so she usually slept most of the day. The only time she ever woke up was to bathe. That was with the help of a lot of palace maids.

It seemed that she was getting better by the day.

'That's good but...'

Her assailant hadn't mentioned who was the cause behind this. Who issued the poisoning? That was a question we had yet to hear.


The door opened up revealing a woman with bright blue hair and eyes dressed in knight armour. The one who suddenly jumped towards me and hugged me was Helen.

"Hey, Helen."

She shooed the knight away and brought me inside. The well decorated interior of the house greeted my eyes. As a bumpkin myself, I couldn't help but admire the beautiful inside of her villa.

"How have you been?"

"I've been well and yourself?"

"Well..." Helen smiled wryly. "Things have been going alright with me but the princess seems to be the one that isn't doing alright."

"Huh? But the queen is regaining her health so why?"

"It's not that specifically. She has been struggling to get hold of a curse magician to help her break the seal on Pina's tongue. They'd either refuse or fail midway when they try to remove the curse. It burned a few magicians before so many are now reluctant."


"They said that a forbidden magic user will be needed but given the rules of this kingdom, getting one is unlikely. They are taboo after all."

I suddenly remembered those four curse marks. Charlotte showed us a hologram photo of it not long ago. It was apparently something that forces her to keep quiet. Naturally, she couldn't write out the name either since the curse reacts to the person's brain commands. Mouthing the words was also a no-go.

"Who is she talking with at the moment? I don't want to be a bother for visiting this early today."

"She's speaking with the young ladies from the Bonte, Agnus, Burda, Dasil, Arden and Smith households."

"Huh? All of them gathered? Is she gathering an army for war or something?"

Four of the latter were vassals of the Luxembourg household so I knew them fairly well. The first two were count and marques respectively and they were also great talents in the noble circle. They had great wealth and connections with nobles from other kingdoms as well.

Did she even need a duke in her faction? As the former two households were high ranking nobles, their status in the capital was absolute. Their power lay in politics instead of wealth and military power like the others. I didn't recognize them that much but I've heard of them in the academy.

We ascended the stairs of the mansion. I could see many portraits of Charlotte hanging on the walls. She seemed to like paintings as they were literally everywhere.

'Maybe I should give her a painting as her next birthday present...'

I hadn't drawn in a long time ever since being reincarnated so I might've gotten sloppy.

Helen knocked three times against the door. The muffled voices that came from inside slowly died down.

-Who is it?

"It's Helen, your highness. Clyde has arrived."

-...Okay. Bring him in.

The door opened with a creak and I was greeted with the intense smell of flowers and perfume. It was the smell that would gather when a lot of women were in the same room.

Sure enough, I saw about 7 young ladies present in the room. Charlotte Rosemary Colchis and her faction. The others might've been busy since I could remember there being 18 of them. I didn't know a few of them here. I was only familiar with four of them. The other two were probably new members of the faction.

"Oh, Sir Clyde!"

One of the girls, Smiths young lady—I think—waved at me. The others also turned towards the door. I was greeted favourably by the young ladies. Well, not all of them. Two unfamiliar girls was looking at me with narrowed eyes. They were the Agnus and Bonte young ladies.

"Ah, Clyde." Charlotte put down her pen and smiled at me.

I bowed respectfully. We might've been friends, but she was still a princess that deserved respect. I was still lower than her. I bowed towards the other ladies as well.

"Please sit and have some tea." One of them offered. I could see a bunch of treats on the table. It seemed that they had been here for a while since there was multiple wrappers strewn on the table.

"Thank you. Have I interrupted you in any way, your highness? If so, I apologize."

Charlotte spoke a moment later.

"No, not at all. We were just talking about ordinary things like the party that's happening in a few months. Josephine has also announced that she's pregnant."

She pointed to the girl with drill blonde hair and green eyes. The girl blushed and lowered her head.

"I-It was confirmed a few days ago. I think it may have been on the day me and my current husband went on honeymoon that it happened."

"I wanted to do something special for her. Perhaps a baby shower would do nicely. We have quite a lot of things we need to do besides things related to the faction. Do you remember that night you healed me at my tenth birthday party?"

"Ah, yes. You were speaking with those children, I believe?"

It was that weird drawing of a train I saw.

"Yes. They presented an idea to me that night. What was it called again.... Ah, mana motor if I recall correctly."

'The name is weird but the drawing did indeed look like any old train from earth.'

"I have decided to sell their idea to Duke Rosenberg a few years ago. I needed funds for our faction activities after all. He told us just a week ago that the tracks to all the major nations has been completed and the mana motor is nearing its final phase."

"To all major nations...?" I fell into contemplation. "Does that include the Holy Kingdom?"

Charlotte shook her head.

"We haven't received permission to built anything there yet. Although, one could take the tracks that goes to the Beast Dominion and get off a stop nearby. I checked the map of where the path went and confirmed that it stopped by several villages and towns."

'This is perfect, isn't it?'

I wanted to go to the Holy Kingdom anyway. I wanted to see my sister, Annette. Though, what would she do if I were to show up at her doorstep?

Would she push me away and tell me to leave?


Would she welcome me with open arms?

"Clyde? Is something wrong?"

I shook my head at Charlotte's question.

"No, princess. I'm fine."

"You're spacing out a lot these days, as I've heard. Anyway, I have great news."

"...?" I tilted my head at her words.

Charlotte made a wide grin.

"Lady Kenia has agreed to join our faction. It's only a matter of time before I win against my siblings and take the throne."

I frowned.

"Doesn't she need permission from uncle Henry?"

Even if he was still on vacation with Sadith, she had to wait for the duke to come back. Doing things on her own volition could cause trouble to arise in the household.

"Well, she is already expected to become the next duchess so I think that's unnecessary."

The Luxembourg family had never been involved with royal succession wars in their entire history. That was why the other dukes never moved either. I thought they'd keep their modus operandi. Had Kenia decided to disobey the will of the previous heads?

"That aside, I heard the other day that you'd be appointed as the head of the Bentinck household."

Charlotte asked with an amused smile on her face.

'Why do you hear so many things related to me? Don't tell me it's Helen...'

We talked regularly so Charlotte might've been interested in what I've been up to.

"Ugh...Yeah. that's right." I scratched my nose in averted my eyes. "I have to marry Diane. The engagement party will be held along with my age of coming ceremony at the end of this week."

"Well, isn't that wonderful! Ah, but aren't you and Arielle in a relationship?"

I flinched.

'You just had to remind me of my pain...You wicked girl...'

Charlotte had a teasing expression on her face. All the other girls gasped.

"Sir Clyde and Lady Arielle?"

"Did I perhaps mishear that now..."

"Ugh...I'm not being rude but that cave woman?"

They probably knew what Arielle was like as children. They grew up together after all. Some must've suffered a lot from Arielle's overbearing attitude. If they saw her now, they'd be shocked by how much she changed.


I couldn't hide the shivers of when I remember Arielle's letter.

-If you fall in love with her then I won't forgive you...

"She must've given quite the interesting reply when you mentioned it to her."

"You have no idea..."

I didn't need to be a genius to figure out what her words meant. If the spilt ink on the letter didn't make it clear how frustrated she must've been then I didn't know what could.

It was only a political marriage so no love was involved. Although, on the night of our wedding, we have to consummate. It was apparently required in this world.

'Maybe I should bail? No, I already agreed. Plus, sir Mason has already used money to keep me at the academy.'

I felt like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I could only imagine how much Arielle and Diane would argue. The two were complete opposites.

"Oh my. It seems that she didn't take that well." Judith Burda flipped her fan and chuckled.

All of them looked at me with pitiful eyes. I must've looked scared or something. No, I was scared. Of Arielle's wrath.

"By the way, have you met Diane yet? I figured that since she attended a lot of parties in the past..." I asked Charlotte.

"Yes. I've met her quite a few times before."

"How was she?" Charlotte tilted her head and hummed. "I wonder. I must say that I am quite good at reading a person's thoughts by watching their facial twitches. But when I met Diane, I could barely tell what was on her mind."

"What do you mean, Your Highness?"

"Hmm...It was like she had an indifferent personality that no one could break through. She was so good at controlling her expressions and making the other party enjoy her conversations and company. Her smiles looked hollow and lifeless in my eyes."

'She noticed too huh...'

Diane was indeed a strange girl.

"Well, be careful when interacting with her. I tend to avoid the people I can't read. There's something about her eyes that tells me she has a lot to hide."


Don't tell me she's a mass murderer...

I had such a stupid thought when I suddenly felt my spirits going out of control when they sensed killing intent.


I used Spirit Sense to see what the situation was and saw it.

"No one move out of your chairs."

I said with a dangerous tone in my voice as I stood up.

"Clyde? What's going on?"

I ignored Charlotte's question and only looked around. The other girls were looking towards me with confused expressions on their faces.

I raised my left hand in the air. There was a single platinum ring on my finger.

Rolath's ring of [Silent Casting].

"I have used this artifact to cast two spells silently. First is an extremely powerful advanced class barrier and second is advanced class attack spell called Supernova. I know all of your locations. Doesn't matter where you are in this villa, my spell will hit you. I can expand the range however I wish even if the cost of mana will be large. Destroying this city district would not be impossible for me."

The girls' expressions turned pale. I could sense the disturbance in the intruders' mana fluctuations.

How did he discover our locations, was probably the question on their minds.

"The only worry I have is that I won't be able to control my mana if I release the spell. This whole property will be destroyed along with your bodies. Only this room will remain."

The presences got flustered and slowly left their positions.

The girls looked frightened when I gathered mana around my hands.

"Are you willing to risk it and believe my words to be a bluff?"

A four layered barrier covered the entire room.

『God's Dome』. One of the higher tier barrier spells I found inside Solphia's book of magic. The sky suddenly brightened as I drew a magic circle with the mana I released earlier.


"What the hell!? Retreat!"

Shadows jumped down the roof and ran across the property. There was exactly five of them.


The must've been tasked with spying on Charlotte to find something related to Melodia's recovery. That was not my guess, it was obvious. That was because they sent spies right after Charlotte found a way for her mother to recover.

I turned towards the smiling Helen. She was the only one that was unaffected by my threat to blow up the mansion.

"Helen, did you know?"

"Of course I did. I was only waiting to see what they'll do."

As expected of a knight who was close to Master Rank. Her sensory abilities were better than mine. I had to use spirit sense to locate the intruders.

"Please explain what is going on! Why did you suddenly cast such a powerful spell in our presence!? This can be seen as a threat! Do you know that this could make our households your enemy, your highness!?"

One of the girls stood from her seat and shouted. She was visibly sweating bullets since earlier.

She was one of the unfamiliar ones. The one from the Bonte count household.

"C-Calm down. Sir Clyde wouldn't do such a thing if it wasn't necessary."

Charlotte's eyes turned towards me. Her eyes were telling me to explain. I smiled bitterly.

"They eavesdropped on your conversations. I wanted to scare them a bit. I promise that it wasn't to harm any of you. I suspect they've been here for a few days now."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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