
Spirit King's Incarnation

I didn't know why I chose to save her. Was it to finally achieve something I could be proud of? Something was necessary in my other life. Change. I won't become the same person I was before. I reincarnated into another world of magic and fantasy.  "I'll become the greatest mage in existence." * Story is under a massive rewrite. The version posted on here was my second draft for when I actually begin writing the third and final version. I hope that those who read Spirit King's Incarnation before will read the final version when I finish it. Hopefully I can turn the story into what was inside my head and fix any flaws like plotholes, pacing and many other mistakes. I've been writing this story for two years now and I hope the final version will become something my readers will enjoy reading.

Immortal_17 · Kỳ huyễn
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97 Chs

Chapter 36 part 2: Conference(2)

The man in the video was undoubtedly the same as in the vision she saw.

Rods that shoot out of his hands. A towering muscular body that stood over 2m.

His destructive power could be observed as they continued watching the video.


The entire conference room was silent when the video ended. No one could utter a word. The only sound was the ticking of a clock for a while.


One of the knights who were stationed by the door muttered. He had never seen such destructive power before in his life. Sure, he knew the strength of his captain of the Knight Order, Elsa but this was on another level.

Iris heard his mutter.

'He was a monster indeed.'

But she didn't feel fear. She was determined to bring this enemy down.

'No matter how many of them there are, we were given the role of protecting the three nations.'

"I propose that all of us enter the Red Abyss dungeon."

To that everyone showed a strong reaction.

"What!? What about the worry of nations invading us!?"

Duke Rosenberg got up from his chair and roared. He was a handsome middle aged man with combed hair and a trimmed beard. His body was covered in muscles that it would make one question why he is not a warrior.

"I'm in the process of building tracks to the nations on the order of His Majesty! What if bandits get out of control and decide to steal the resources!?"

"Please calm down. Not all of us will be going at once. We will be going in pairs. The others will share their duties with each other. If I go then Eredhel will be responsible for my duties as she is the sub leader."

Eredhel came up to Iris and looked at everyone present.

"Please allow me to make up for the shame of not being able to keep up with your expectations in the last fight. I will surely grow stronger as the sub leader of the White Order."

Both of them bowed with their right hands next to their hearts. It was a sort of pledge as the members of the Order.

"Hmm... Very well."

Philip J. Colchis, the monarch of the kingdom of Colchis was the first to raise his hand in favour.

The next ones to raise their hands were the dukes of the North, along with the grand duke, Henry Luxembourg.

"I do as well. If this means we're able to strengthen our kingdom's heroes then let it be so."

The Southern dukes also raised their hands in favour.

"Without Clark leading the forces, I'm basically a sitting duck. You better send knights from the Knight Order to protect the production of the tracks."

Richard Rosenberg harrumphed and raised his hand as well.

"I do hope all of you come back stronger. Who knows if the Magic Empire will send out their own protectors of that nation to invade all of us. Those four are the second problem we have to deal with. There is the worry of the Republic as well."

Rosalinda looked troubled but raised her hand regardless. She was worried that the Magic Empire will send those 'Four' to their nations. They were strange individuals that suddenly landed in the Magic Empire one day. Not much was known about them other than the fact that they are on the level of the White Order's strength.

Especially one of them who was a threat all on their own.

"Do not worry. They will not be a threat once we finish our training."

Iris replied firmly.

More and more people raised their hands in favour. The entire room was filled with words of encouragement or worries for them to get stronger.

Only one remained sitting quietly.

The senior Wizard of the Mage Association and the chairman of the Royal Academy, Rezar. He was an old man with a sharp glare in his eyes and wrinkles on his face. His wisdom of the supernatural phenomenon known as magic is second to none.

"I have some concerns, Lady Iris."


Iris obediently listened. What was important at the moment was getting the support of all the council members.

"You have already used the national treasure known as the 98th rune to ascend to your current level of strength. The "ascension" caused all of you to be bedridden for an entire month so the rune's power could manifest. I am worried that it will be worse this time. Who knows? It may even cause death."

Iris gulped hard.

She knew what he meant.

"Yes, but–"

"As the chairman of the Royal Academy and the leader of the Mage Association, I was the one who personally activated the last rune. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm the only one who knows how dangerous these ascension runes can be."

The entire conference room was silent as everyone listened to his words.

'He's not wrong.'

Eredhel thought as she looked at Iris.

The latter was standing stiffly next to her with her head lowered. Eredhel was about to speak before Iris spoke up.

"Chairman Rezar."


"If we cannot do something as simple as withstand the power of a rune then we do not deserve this title. We must take risks to become stronger so we may protect the continent."

The old man smiled meaningfully.

"Very well. I will prepare the rune for all of you. The Mage Association gives our support."

With that said, he raised his hand with a small smile.

Iris felt the tension lift from her shoulders. She sighed in relief.

"May I ask one more thing of his Majesty?"

Iris went on one knee as she addressed their king.

"Hm. What is it?"

Philip nodded his head for her to speak.

"Please give us authority over what to do with the girl called Artoria."

"Artoria? What are you planning?"

"...As she was able to wield the sword of legend of the first King I am certain that she will be a great asset to our kingdom's forces. Please allow me to nurture her."

Iris' real goal was to recruit Arthur as the ninth seat of their organization. After the previous holder died, they had been unable to find a suitable candidate. One strong enough had appeared. They hadn't really seen her fight before but Iris was certain.

Artoria was a curled up dragon waiting to emerge.

"Hmm..." Philip closed his eyes in contemplation. "We still don't know much about her which is why I told Duke Luxembourg to keep her in his residence for the time being. He was sent there to train when he was a child, after all."


"But if you believe that she will become a valuable ally in the future then I will allow it. Take the necessary precautions before allowing her inside this Fortress' offices."

Iris' eyes brightened.

"Thank you very much, your Majesty!"


Philip stood up and got the attention of the other leaders of the continent.

"As all matters have been resolved, I believe this meeting is over. Once another threat big enough to threaten the continent arises then we shall gather again."

"All rise!"

The knights stationed by the door shouted.

All the leaders of the continent stood up.

"Great work, big sis."

Eredhel lightly nudged Iris.

The latter smiled.

"Now that all preparations are complete we can focus on getting stronger."

The leaders moved out of the conference room one by one. It wasn't long before the White Order were the only ones left.

Rosetta was also present in the room. She was quietly observing the monsters gathering in the sea. There were all sorts of huge creatures down there.

'My bones need some stretching. Perhaps I should head down there.'


Rosetta called out to Iris as she was busy handing out instructions.

Iris asked Rosetta to train her before. Naturally this will happen in the worlds of the Red Abyss. The two of them will go as a pair. Even if she looked like your regular old woman with a fit body, she was actually one of the powerhouses on the continent.

She was more than capable of protecting herself.

"The Red Abyss at its current state is nothing like it was in the past. I've experienced its active phase before so I know first-hand of its dangers."

It was 30 years ago that the Red Abyss suddenly went active. The reason was unknown. Although its scale couldn't be compared to the Red Era, millions still fell victim to the monsters that was affected by the Labyrinth of Worlds.

"The training I will give you if you survive the ascension will be nothing like you had before. You will wish you were dead."

"Isn't that basically what we always did in the past when I was a child?"

Iris smirked.

"I can still remember how I used to go to bed every night with aching bones."

Rosetta chuckled.

"It'll be the same this time." She patted Iris on the shoulder. "Only much worse. You said all of you had what it takes to protect the continent, right?"

All of them nodded their heads.

"Good. Don't you dare give up."

She walked past them and exited the room.

Iris' back was still turned to the door.


She spoke while her back was turned. All of them listened to her words.

"It was a shameful thing for us, who swore to be humanity's sword and shield, to lose."


"Today is the day the White Order carve our path. Our goal will be to defeat whichever enemy stands before us."

She swung her white cape and turned around. Unlike the emotional mess she was in a few days ago over their defeat, her expression was calm and composed.

'This is the true leader of the Order.'

Viria thought as she smiled.

"If you do not have the resolve then leave now."

Naturally, none of them moved an inch.

Iris nodded her head as she saw their determined expressions.

"With our weapons we will crush our enemies. This is an official order as the leader." She put her right hand near her heart. "You will do whatever it takes to get stronger. Giving up is for the weak."

"For the honour of the Four Heroes!"

All of them held their right hands beside their hearts.

"Let us become stronger and slay the Immortal race."

Iris and the rest of her fellow members exited the room with renewed vigour in their hearts.

This was their true journey to becoming the protectors of the continent.