
Spirit King's Incarnation

I didn't know why I chose to save her. Was it to finally achieve something I could be proud of? Something was necessary in my other life. Change. I won't become the same person I was before. I reincarnated into another world of magic and fantasy.  "I'll become the greatest mage in existence." * Story is under a massive rewrite. The version posted on here was my second draft for when I actually begin writing the third and final version. I hope that those who read Spirit King's Incarnation before will read the final version when I finish it. Hopefully I can turn the story into what was inside my head and fix any flaws like plotholes, pacing and many other mistakes. I've been writing this story for two years now and I hope the final version will become something my readers will enjoy reading.

Immortal_17 · Kỳ huyễn
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97 Chs

Chapter 31: Confession


I reflectively exclaimed.

Charlotte's brows were raised a little.

"Why would I appoint a second knight when I already have a capable knight with a lot of potential for the future? Not only is he someone I trust but he's also stronger than you."

Charlotte's tone sounded fed up.


"Speak. I do not simply appoint someone as my guards just because they are strong. What if that snake Olivia gives you an even juicier offer? Won't you kill me then without hesitation?"

Charlotte pressed on as her eyes narrowed further.

"That won't–"

"Miss, I've done this before in the past when I was naïve. That ended up becoming the third attempt at my life–"


"What is it?"

Charlotte glared at me when I spoke.

"I trust her."


She massaged her forehead.

"People don't usually trust others so easily, I know that. But the two days I've spent in her party, I've noticed the honest person she is. I believe she'll be a reliable ally in the future. I don't think she'll just blatantly kill a person just because the a bigger shark offered better prey."

Just like when she let out her feelings about Jered without hiding anything. Sometimes a person with an honest personality can be ruthless. They'll tell you all your faults without knowing how you feel. I also thought she'll be useful to Charlotte in many ways.

Charlotte silently looked at me. She sighed after a while.

"On one condition, Miss Helen."

Helen's eyes sparkled.

Charlotte's slender finger pointed to Arielle.

"If you can win against her then I will make you my knight."

"Hey! Why must you include me in this!? Can't you just accept and be over with it!?"

Arielle screamed while holding two drumsticks in her hands.

"As Clyde said. I can trust her. But the issue is how she will protect me in the future. How strong is she compared to someone that is called a prodigy in swordsmanship?"

"I'm not..."

Arielle's sentence blurred at the end.

"Alright. Fine." Arielle sighed.

"Thank you, Arielle."

The two of them usually argue whenever the chance arises. It was a first seeing her agree to Charlotte's requests.

"So when will the battle take place?"

Miss Helen asked after dusting her knee off.

"Obviously it'll happen now. I want to see your full power so I can prepare to improve your weaknesses should you have any."

Charlotte wiped her mouth with the napkin and threw it on the plate.

She gracefully got up and walked to the counter.

"We're checking out. Please look after our luggage."


The servant bowed and accepted our keys.

We exited the Inn. Erica said she wasn't interested in the result. She shows indifference to a lot of things so I wasn't surprised.

"Are you ready?"

Nate held up his hand as he looked at the two. He insisted on being the referee of the duel so we agreed.

We came to an open plain near the forest. Nate and I melted the snow so both of them could have even footing when they fight.

I finished blowing the ground dry using wind magic.




Just when Nate swung down his hand, both of them immediately exerted a powerful force from their bodies. Miss Helen was glowing like she was back in the dungeon. A blue light was seeping out of her sword.

Arielle's entire body was exuding a silver aura. Her long hair was waving as if they were silvery flames.

Both lowered their bodies, ready to jump.




In a blink of an eye, Miss Helen appeared in front of Arielle and swung her sword. Maybe due to being used to Arthur's inhumane speed, Arielle blocked the strike reflectively. Surprise only appeared on her face for a second before she glared at her opponent again.



Helen went for an overhead strike.


Arielle's sword struck air. Her silhouette faded away and then Helen appeared at Arielle's side. A feint for the actual attack huh.


Arielle's body released more silver aura making the ground crack underneath. But that didn't stop Helen from going in to attack.

I activated a barrier to ward off the shockwaves. The thing was sucking my mana by the second. I looked towards my right where Charlotte was standing.

Her face was full of shock and disbelief. Her tone was so sharp and her face was cold when she was speaking with Helen. Now her entire demeanour was collapsing as she watched the two fight.

In the past, she also asked Arielle to become her knight but she refused. She wants to choose a different path for the sword instead of becoming someone's dog.

-"Many of the students in my class wants to be like the Sword King, Alucard. What's so great about a guy that received all that power from the gods? Has he ever worked hard in order to do something? No, just a flick of his wrist could split an entire ocean. I'd rather create my own path."

I wonder what different path she will take.

My future self said that Arielle will achieve great things when she gets older. That old man better fill me in on the details of the future the next time I see him.

"[Lightning Sword]!"

Miss Helen's saber glowed purple followed by a cacophony of chirping noises. The two of them already took distance and are powering up their skills to take each other head on.

I sensed disturbance in the forest as the smaller critters moved deeper into the forest.

Arielle's sword also vibrated as it released condensed energy.

The two's conflicting powers was so powerful that I even felt it from behind the barrier.





A roar came from my side.

Charlotte stepped forward.

Arielle and Helen both had their blades at each other's necks.

"I remember what I said. But…" She looked at the two of them and then at the destruction they caused, "I think that's enough."

Arielle sighed and sheathed her weapons.

Miss Helen's breathing was far worse than Arielle's.

I looked to Charlotte.

'She knew Helen would've lost but still stopped the match.'

"I shall accept you as my second knight, Miss Helen."


"Please pack your things and come to the Inn. If I succeed as queen in the future then you will be my second guardian. Do not disappoint me."

Charlotte walked away gracefully.

Helen had a relieved smile on her face.

"Thank you, your highness."


"So this will be what I'll be doing for the time being? Taking care of her?"

Helen whispered to me as she came in with a bucket of water. Charlotte elegantly took off her boots.


I didn't do anything like this though…

Charlotte spoke after she placed her boots on the ground.

"As no danger is currently near us, I believe it's only fitting for me to enjoy my luxuries. You'll be compensated, after all."

She laughed with her hand on her mouth and held out her glass. I quietly poured the juice.

I stepped to the corner of the room as I watched Helen wash Charlotte's feet in the bucket she brought.

"Don't think just because I accepted you that I already trust you to protect my back. For you to stand equal to Clyde, you must work even harder. You must remember that you are not ordinary guards. The palace will be the most likely place that I want you to protect me."

She held up two fingers. Her index and middle finger.

"First, there are multiple passages hidden in the walls and secret rooms that only few know about. I do not know how far my enemy's claws has sunk into the noble circle yet. If the current acting queen managed to bring the old nobles to her side then all my secret passages can also be discovered. That would force me to move out of the palace since I could be killed from any direction."

Secret passages are used during emergencies. For example, if there were murderers indiscriminately killing the royal family members or court nobles then the victims can escape using the tunnels. Charlotte showed me one the other day when I visited the palace. Of course the king saw it as nothing but kids playing around but Charlotte had a different goal.

She appeared childish to her parents and the rest of the people outside her own faction. They would regret underestimating her.

"As for the second. The good thing. Using Clyde's genius, I asked one of the mage tower seniors for teleportation scrolls. Clyde learned these spells and placed about 6 runes around the Palace to outside the capital. If we had to use a last resort then that would be our best chance to escape with our lives."

She then said "Assuming we manage to get back."

"Wait, I need to go to the toilet."

She then stepped out the room with her feet still soaking wet.

"What's wrong with her?"

I sighed.

"Would you believe me if I said she had stress?"

"At this age? Didn't the princess turn 15 a few weeks ago?"

"Being a princess isn't all about buying cute dresses and having authority. It also comes with responsibilities. She may be worried about all the things she has to do to win against her siblings."

She has been having a lot of health problems lately. We visited a doctor in this city and he said Charlotte had severe cases of stress. Even he was surprised to find that out. Lack of stomach acid in her belly, high blood pressure and less intake of food. She's been having frequent headaches as well and can't sleep properly without someone in the room. Arielle had to sleep with Charlotte for most nights.

Each and every time during our three meals, she'd eat at less than half the full course.

"I should–"

Helen then got up.

I stopped her.

"I think she'd want to be alone. I know you feel worried as the eldest but empty words would mean nothing. I'm also not an idiot to promise that I'll get her back when I'm not strong enough. I'd rather protect us all than do something beyond my limits."

Helen then bit her lip with a regretful expression.

Charlotte was in the bathroom for a while before she came into the room again. Her face was full of sweat while her hair was a mess.

"Charlotte, are you–"

"I'm alright, Clyde."

She cut me off. It was the kind of thing she'd always do if she was irritated.

"Let's focus on the noble you mentioned, Miss Helen. Can you give me any of his likes and dislikes? If I know that then I can prepare suitable presents for the occasion. It's important for a general as well to have all the details before going into war."

Helen said that the noble's house name was Steinburg. The city we'll be going to shared the same name. They are a household that have a big role of protecting the border from enemy soldiers.

Charlotte and Helen went into more detail which honestly bored me to no end. I asked if I could leave since I have no point being here.

When I got out into the hall, I saw light coming from our room.

'Is Nate not sleeping?'

I opened the door and saw a girl sitting on my bed. Arielle. She was busy reading something.

"Huh? Arielle?"

"You're back."

She smiled and put the book down. She was wearing a night dress with a lot of exposure.

"Where's Nate?"

'Did he see her in this?'

"I gently asked him to leave us alone for a while."

"I see…"

I went towards the closet and took off my robe after taking off my gloves.

My back was turned on her as I took off my shirt.

"Here we are. Safe. But I wonder if my whole family managed to survive. Chances are that they were scattered throughout the world just like we have. What if they managed to land in the Beast Zones? Father is a retired knight so I don't think he can defend himself completely. Mother can only cast spells in the Intermediate Low tier. While we are already preparing to go home, they could be suffering somewhere."

"There's a chance they could be alive and well. I feel that way about my parents. Don't you feel the same?"

I turned my head and smiled at her. I saw tears collect in her eyes.

'Without her foul mouth she is indeed a beauty.'

Long silky silver hair. Her silver eyes look like diamonds shining in the Sun. The body she trained for years could be considered better than any athlete in my world.

"You don't have to feel alone, Arielle. I'm still here."


I felt two arms wrap around my neck. Arielle's hot breath blew against my ear.

"U-Um, Arielle?"

Arielle's hands touched my arms as she breathed against my neck.

"When all this is over…" Arielle then averted her eyes, "Can we start a family together?"

Her arms around me tightened.

"A-Are you serious?"

She chuckled.

"Of course I am. I've been thinking of ways to tell you how much I love you every day. I've felt this way for a while... Mother said when I become 15 then the two of us can do it."

She backed up.

"P-Please look…"

I turned around and saw her lower the straps of her bra. Her entire face was beet red. It was the kind of defenceless expression I hadn't seen before.

It was only a little bit then I would've been able to see everything.

Hesitation filled her face before she bit her lips.

"…As expected. Not yet… I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"Let's cuddle instead, okay?"

She pulled me close to her body and stroked my head. I put my hands around her lower back.

The two of us went towards the bed and hugged each other.

"This kind of makes us like fiancées, right?"

'Is it just me or does it sound like Arielle's breathing is like that of a wild beast?'

"All we need are the rings. Hahaha…"

I laughed awkwardly as I felt her warm body against mine.

"Huh? Arielle?"

She gave me no response. I looked at her and saw her sleeping face.

'She must have exhausted herself a lot in the battle against miss Helen.'

"Haa… do you trust me that much?"

She was so defenceless right now. I laid her down on the bed. She was turned to me as I gazed at her sleeping face.

'My heart is beating like crazy... When was the last time I felt this way...?'

I pulled Arielle close after covering the both of us with a blanket. She was the one who insisted we cuddle anyway. The night was cold, after all. Even now I could feel the cold of the rain outside. The blanket we had was thin and could barely provide warmth. I had to buy extra firewood earlier just so the room could warm up a little.

I held Arielle's hand and kissed it. Her hand was strong and hard but it undoubtedly had the warmth I sought.

"Maybe I wanted this too... To have a lover to comfort me and hold me in her arms."

I finally found someone like that.

Before closing my eyes, I saw a smile on Arielle's face.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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