

Pilot woke up from the rotor blade noise of the chopper.

The sun rays hit his eyes making him blind, and he slowly opened his eyes to see himself in a chopper surrounded by the Rebellion elites.

He became nauseous and leaned over to throw up.

He recognised the mountains of Arriyos, and for once he knew he was home.

The chopper was stealth-made by the Apostles, but stolen by the Rebellion years ago and used only for rescue missions.

The elite captain made Pilot to sit down and was trying to talk to him.


Bleeding to his death, Pilot thought about his father telling him "This is the only way".

The narrow windows started to shake and Pilot could hear sounds from outside. The Doctor's space started to rumble, and then with a loud noise, the metal doors came crashing down.

The Rebellion soldiers rushed towards Pilot, and he closed his eyes knowing that he is in safe hands.

The chopper was still in the air.

"Pilot? Pilot? Can you hear me?"

"Buddy, I have given you some 'badland', it's gonna ease your pain and give you a trip, but you're going to be alright, Okay?. Hold on Soldier, said the Captain.

Pilot nodded achingly and dozed off.

Strong winds were never calming down, and maybe it never will.

Pilot felt that it was the place telling him to be strong, or maybe, simply just let go.

Pilot helped himself out of the bed, and slowly walked towards the chair.

He was told that he had been asleep for two days by the troop.

He saw himself standing alone inside that tent used as a military clinic for the elites injured in the warzone.

He came outside the tent to see the Rebellion troops marching and armies of men & women being trained by The Elders, while the kids setting up the guns one by one and cleaning them up.

And Pilot thought to himself "No Dad, This is not the way.