
Spinsters by choice: A bridgerton Fanfic!

[FL/ML + BL] Everyone who knows of her nature, is hooked on lady Danbury as she spins her masterful web of clever yet mostly well meant manipulation, making matches and changes here and there directly and indirectly and shaping society of London at her will. Although, her strong persona doesn't stop her from being a good friend as She is the loyal best friend of Violet Bridgerton, but Lady Danbury is also a friend of none other than her Majesty's Queen Charlotte. Which is why perhaps Lady Danbury is in shock as she finds out the queen has made a new secret friend whom she has been meeting with regularly, A new hidden persona that seems to interest Charlotte the most as of recent. After defying the request made by the queen in a letter she sent to Danbury, Agatha finally discovered the identity of the secret friend that turns out to be A spinster Lady in hiding from society. And although her fortune is outstanding, this lady's name is unknown despite that it has been years since she moved and settled in England. Apparently she hasn't attended any social event not even a ball, never married, and is the only surviving member of her family, She isn't a famous figure in the Tons as she came all the way from a different country and remained hidden, perhaps that's why Her name is unfamiliar to Agatha who knows almost every lord and lady there is to know. This Young Lady has been regularly visiting the queen when Lady Danbury is away busy working, but for reasons that only The new Lady and the queen might understand, Queen Charlotte started to favor the time she spends with this Mystical Lady rather than Lady Danbury herself. All of this intrigued Lady Danbury but perhaps the most striking fact about this secret friend is that other than her interest in being of assistance to the queen, she indulges in an unusual yet platonic relationship with her own manservant and Another mystery Lord, which is uncommon for a 30 years old spinster, especially one living willingly in seclusion from the rest of society. But the surprise doesn't end there as once her new friend is on her way back home, Queen Charlotte secretly Asks Lady Danbury to help her with a favor. She wishes for her young lady friend to find love, and she believes Lady Danbury can grant her that wish. So accepting the request, Agatha sets on a mission to bring romance to the life of the queen's new favorite spinster. But Lady Danbury has no idea yet who she is truly against, As this new woman with the help of her two gentlemen friends, is not an easy target to take down. Will Lady Agatha Danbury be able to complete her mission? And what's the story of the two gentlemen friends of the mystery woman she's meant to help her find love? [Fair Warning: Strong language, sexual themes, Traumatic experiences, offensive jokes and This is an LGBT inclusive story, so Happy pride month!] Note: While this is a Bridgerton fanfiction, It will mostly focus on original characters storyline, Actual Bridergton character will be used, but The main focus is not necessarily on them.] Btw, this is my first time writing a fanfiction, wish me luck dear readers!

QW_JiHi · TV
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66 Chs

Life is a chess game, with consequences.

The moment James came back to the drawing room, an excited Clara pounced on him begging him to play the piano, "James! Can you play the piano! Please please pleeeease!"

Her innocent eagerness made him chuckle, "Of course!" He said, so while Wolfgang went to take a seat by the sofa, James sat by the piano.

Suddenly, "Woof!" Denver the dog decided his playtime with Fabian is over, and he jumped off the man's lap, running to his favorite human, "Good boy! Did you have fun with Uncle Fabian?" Wolfgang said petting the puppy, "Woof! Woof!"

Then the sound of sweet music began, The group sat down listening as James played a happy tune, Everyone was focused on him enjoying his performance except for Fabian who kept looking at Safa.

Safa could tell someone was burning a hole in her head, but she pretended not to notice and when James was done playing, she clapped alongside everyone with a polite smile on her face.

"That smile...why does it seem fake." Fabian mumbled in a really hushed voice to himself.

"Huh? Did you say anything Fabian?" Wolfgang asked him.

Fabian was spooked for a second, he was sure he was being quiet, how did Wolfgang hear him say anything?

"I...was just thinking about how good James is...as a musician." Fabian lied with a fake smile of his own.

"Are you a musician of any sort Fabian?" Clara asked.

"Umm...My aunt taught me how to...play the violin?" Fabian replied.

"Why are you unsure of your answer?" James asked.

Scoffing, "Humph, Fabian is probably nervous because he is fighting the urge to be humble and say that he is just a good enough of a musician, but I bet you he is such a great violin player just like he is a great shooter." Safa replied, her words were more like an insult to Fabian than a compliment.

"Seems to me like she's still a bit upset about the contest." Penelope whispered.

"Safa, Being humble is a noble quality, I'm not sure why you have a problem with it?" Colin spoke-up.

"There is nothing wrong with being humble except if you are planning to show off the things you are humble about right afterwards, I feel like in that situation, being humble is more of a lie than a polite gesture.

To me someone who hides their ability under the disguise of humbleness, either is unsure of their own abilities and do not realize how amazing they are, or they are afraid of hurting other people's feelings if they bragged about their abilities.

But then again there could be other reasons, and I could be wrong." Safa replied.

"Well I suppose since you dislike people hiding what they can do, I'm sure you're going to like his gift, because young master has actually prepared you one that he made with his own hands." Gertrude spoke-up.

"Oh Safa told me that Fabian started a new hobby! something about crafting with wood? carving wood? Something along those lines!" Clara said.

Blushing, "I did..." Fabian replied.

"Then why didn't we hear about it until now?" James asked.

Smiling, "Actually, I knew about his gift, I'm the head of servants after all...Would you like me to bring it to you Safa?" Wolfgang asked.

"Just ask other servants to bring it, I am curious to see what kind of gift I received." Safa replied.

...Few minutes later...

Clara gasped at the sight of the present Fabian has made for Safa.

The servant they sent to bring the gift, came back with a wooden cane, although unlike Safa's cane that had the emerald jewel as a handle, This cane did not have any gems embedded in it but it was still a sight to see.

In Safa's hands, the cane felt gentle but sturdy, its texture was softer than she anticipated.

As for the handle, Safa's cane had a round knob-like handle with the jewel functioning as the knob part, but The one Fabian made for her had a simple crook handle that was easier to grasp for a hand that's small like Safa's.

Made with Ebony wood, the new cane was polished so well, it was possible to see one's reflection on its dark surface.

With curious wide eyes, "I don't know how but despite having not a single spec of gold or jewels added to it, this cane looks more fancier than half the canes I've seen in my life?!" James questioned.

"It's truly marvelous! it looks so luxurious you cannot believe this was made by an amateur Craftsman!" Penelope said.

"Young master has been working on this nonstop for two weeks now." Gertrude said proudly.

"And made in record the time too! I think you have found your calling Fabian." Wolfgang stated with a chuckle.

"Woof! Woof!"

"Seems like the dog likes it as well." Colin joked.

Blushing, Fabian turned to look at Safa who was still examining the cane with focused eyes, "I wanted to surprise you with a gift Safa...To thank you for all the kind things you have done for me so far... but I wasn't sure what to make you, and the only thing that kept coming into my mind was...the cane." Fabian spoke-up.

Surprisingly, Safa let out a muffled sigh.

She decided to lock eyes with Fabian before she smiled at him, but this time it wasn't a polite business smile, this one was real, so real her eyes smiled too.

Fabian's heartbeats were now banging in his ears, "Thank you, This is a beautiful gift, I shall cherish it." Safa said.

Astonished, Wolfgang stared at his lady then at the blushing mess of man Fabian was, and mumbled, "I can't believe he made her smile this way..."

...Few minutes later...

As another servant came carrying a rather large sized jar, "I happened to have a gift for you as well.

"Me?!" Fabian questioned.

"I promised you during that dinner party and I was going to make you an herbal remedy, to help with your alcohol addiction."

"Oh! You did...so you made something?"

"Yes." She said, as the servant placed the jar on the table nearby, "You see that jar? Inside of it is the mixture of herbs I spoke about,

Now the best way to test its efficiency is for you to completely abandon the alcohol, and every single time you get an urge to drink again, I want you to drink the tea you make from this mixture.

And whatever changes you may feel, I want from you to inform me as soon as possible." Safa explained.

"Then I shall make sure to write you letters everyday about his condition." Gertrude said.

"That will not be necessary, Fabian can just tell me himself whenever he is here, I expect he will visit more often from now on, and I suppose I will be visiting you quite a lot as well." Safa replied.

Confused, "Is there something going on? What do you mean Safa?" Wolfgang asked.

"I suppose there is no need to hide from you anymore, it will become obvious with time but I think you should know what Fabian and I have betted on earlier, at least...what he won." Safa said surprising Colin and Fabian who instantly went red.

"Safa what are you doing?!" Fabian asked.

With a sly smirk, "We are all friends now and we are bound to meet more often from now on.

it will be a little awkward to pretend that there is nothing going on." Safa replied.

"So what did you agree on?" James asked.

"Well Mr kainz here has asked to court me." Safa said making Clara and Penelope gasp while Wolfgang and James had their eyes wide open.

"C-courting...as in hopes for marriage?!" Clara was blushing at the thought, "Yes, that exactly." Safa replied smiling.

This time this smile scared Fabian, he wasn't sure why she would announce it this way or why she's smiling so mischievously.

He knew, in fact every single guest here knew Safa hated the idea of love and marriage, so why was she being nice and smiley all of the sudden.

Colin was beginning to fear her as well, He expected Safa to go into a fit of rage like she has done in the garden but she was oddly calm ever since she came back from her study room.

"And...you're alright with that?" James asked her, "Of course not!" Safa said earning another set of wide eyes, "But he won fair and square and I am a woman of my word, I shall allow Fabian this rare opportunity, besides we agreed on a temporary courting period.

So by the end of spring, this arrangement will end." She added.

Everyone was mind boggled, they exchanged confused, curious and worried glances with each other as Fabian was dying of embarrassment and shame while Safa smiled happily at his misery.

...Sometime later...

As the evening rolled by, things have calmed down a little.

The group was enjoying a guessing game amongst each other, "Haha! We win again!" Clara said, "Tell me why did we think we can win against the girls?" Colin asked.

In this game the girls were a team of their own, and so were the boys.

"It is funny how each one of us has answered a question correctly so far, while So far the only useful one in your team is Fabian." Safa stated making Fabian blush for the thousand time.

"That's because all you do is read all day!" James replied angrily.

"And that's supposed to be an insult?" Clara said, "Hehe, I'm enjoying this more than I expected." Penelope spoke-up.

"Acquiring knowledge is an important thing to do young man, you can never know when something you read about could save your life." Gertrude said, "Since you cannot handle riddles, How about a game of chess? Anyone interested?" Safa suggested.

"Oh! Oh! I want to watch a game of chess!" Clara eagerly said.

"Oh come on...I hate chess! Maybe we should have another shooting game!" James whined.

"It's too late for a shooting game James, and chess is fun, I would like to play." Wolfgang said.

"You play chess?" James asked, "Did you think I was too stupid for chess because I was bad at answering riddles?" Wolfgang countered with his own question.

"No...it's just I realized there's still so much to learn about you." James replied.

"Then it is settled, the first game will be between me and Wolfgang." Safa announced.

...A half hour later...

Everyone gathered around Wolfgang and Safa, watching the game unfold.

Annoyed, "Oh my god for how long are you going to keep this up Wolf?!" James grunted.

Unexpectedly, The game lasted for a half hour and it was still going, "I am completely surrounded! If I make a bold move now I will lose!" Wolfgang said.

"Then lose already!" James replied.

"Oh! Wow! I feel sorry for you Wolfgang! You really are surrounded, if you try to eat any of her pieces, you will eventually create an opening for her to finish you off." Fabian said while enjoying a cup of the herbal tea Safa made him.

"I want to learn how to play chess! This looks fun!" Clara said making Penelope and Gertrude chuckle at her.

Sarcastically, "Is there anything else you want to learn today? Flying perhaps?" James replied.

"Sisters am I right?" Colin said jokingly.

"Wolfgang, are you going to make a move or not?" Safa spoke-up, "I'm terrified! I forgot how scary it is to be your opponent!" Wolfgang replied.

"If you want the fear to end now, losing is your best option." Gertrude said.

Sighing, Wolfgang swallowed and decided to move, he ate one of Safa's pieces and she ate his back, and because he was missing some key pieces, she overpowered him and made it to his king.

"Checkmate! Finally!" Safa said happily, "Who is next?"

Fun fact: Chess began in India during the Gupta Empire, spreading to the Persian Sassanid Empire, and then to the Middle East after Muslims conquered Persia. From there, it spread to Europe and Russia.

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