
Spiderman with Ultimate login System

After fight with sinister six. Peter got poisoned and lose his life. At same time person from another world died and his soul take over body of peter. watch journey of different peter parker with different personality become strongest hero in whole multiverse with system by his side. I don't own any character used in this story except some oc I might use. I don't own marvel, dc, and any friction i use in this story.

Spider33 · Tranh châm biếm
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61 Chs

Returns of Spiderman Part 8

I don't own anything here except the story idea.

- Speaking

- [System Speaking]

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Peter's pov

I woke up, and as usual, find Diana on my chest. So I slowly slipped so I don't wake her up. Although I don't have to worry about that cause she is a heavy sleeper. But If someone comes near her with bad intentions or with the slightest killing intent She immediately awakens from no matter how much deep sleep she is in. Call it a battle instinct though it's the same with me but I still don't understand this part. She said I understand when I get a chance to experience this myself. So I like the smart person I am. I leave that matter there.

After coming out of the room I went to the bathroom and start My daily routine.

I decided to log in for the day.

Me (Thinking): System, log in.

[Login successful]

[Login reward: Multi-Dimensional Summoning Skill]

[Multi-Dimensional Summoning skill: It skill can summon various characters from another universe as your Companions. Summon character will be loyal to you but has their own conscious. So they are able to give their own point of view. Every Summon character has their own attitudes and emotions]

[Count down for this skill is 72 hours]

Me (Thinking): System, what do mean as multi Dimensional? It only applies to marvel's multiverse or other friction worlds too.

[Multi Dimensional means every Dimension possible to exit like Dc, Marvel, Dragon Ball, or even Dimension where even Tom and Jerry exists]

Me (thinking): Cool.

After I finish my bath I went for making breakfast for me and Diana.

After a little bit while Diana also come down.

Me: Good morning Honey.

As I kissed her on her Lips.

Diana: Morning.

We both started eating our breakfast.

Alice: Peter, That Egg is about to hatch.

After Hearing news from Alice. I became excited. But Diana was confused.

Me: Really, Take it here.

Alice: Okay.

Diana: What egg?

Me: I have Two eggs. From them, one is about to hatch.

Diana: What kind of animal is gonna hatch from the egg?

Me: Don't Know they are a rare kind.

Diana: Okay.

As while we talking. A Robot maid come and take the big glowing egg with her. She put her at the table we all wait for it.

Diana: I never saw any egg gives this kind of phenomenon while hatching.

Me: Told you it's different.

Finally, Egg grows very brighter indicating that it is about to hatch. And After a while Egg Hatch.

We See a small cute fox-like Pastel pink creature With six cute tails and big eyes. I easily recognized her. It's Shiny Alolan Vulpix.

[Congratulations, You get Female Shiny Alolan Vulpix.]

Alolan Vulpix: Vul.

Diana: So Cute. Peter, which Kind of animal is this?

Me: This is a rare kind. This Kind is called Vulpix. This is a very special type of creature which you can't find it here. I get this from another dimension.

As Diana took Alolan Vulpix in her hand.

Diana: Cool, So in this Whole world only we have this cute kind of animal?

Me: Yes.

Diana: Great, What do we call him or her? And is he or she?

Alolan Vulpix: vul. Vul. Vu..vul.

Me: She is female and as for her name...mmm...

I think about it while And give my suggestion.

Me: How about Elsa?

Diana: I think it's a good name.

Me: She can use snow to attack.

Diana: Wow.

Elsa: Vul... Vu..vul.

Me: Yes.

Diana: You can Understand her.

Me: yes. I can understand her.

Of Course, I can understand her because of me having an aura.

Elsa: Vu... Vu..vul.

I blushed.

Diana: What did she just say?

Me: She says are we her mommy and Daddy?

It's Diana's time to blush.

Me: Yes, She is your mother and I am your Father.

Elsa: Vuuuuul Vul vuuuuul vul.

She is happily jumping everywhere.

Me and Diana both watching her with amusement.

Me: You ready for being a mommy?

Diana: I think, I will manage it.

Me: Okay, One more thing. I gonna try my new Summoning skill which I learn.

Diana: Summon what?

Me: Don't know that is random.

Diana: What if that summons is Giant Beast?

I'm just stuck. I never about that.

Me: I didn't think about that.

Diana: So, How about your personal Dimension? That Dimension seems too big enough to contain any size creatures.

Me: That's a great idea.

Personal Dimension space I get from login rewards in the last five months. It is easily big as the whole earth. Time flows differently at there from here. 24 years from here is 1 Day there.

Me: Hey Elsa, let's go.

Elsa looked at me and quickly climb on my shoulder.

I open the portal for Personal Dimension to go in there.

As we enter the Dimension. We welcome by Four Celestial Swords Sister.

Miu Xian : Hello master, nice to see you here.

Zhu Xian: It's been a long since you were here.

Xian Xian: You are finally here to destroy my peace.

I felt someone hugged from behind.

Jue Xian: Master, I miss you so much.

Me: I miss you guys too.

Jue: Master, What is that cute thing on your head?

Diana: It's not a thing. This one's name is Elsa.

Elsa jumped from my head and landed on the ground. And goes near to them.

Elsa: vuuul vul.

Zhu: So what she just said?

Me: She said it's nice to meet you all.

Mui: What brings you here master?

Me: I want to try my Summoning skill here.

Zhu: Okay.

Me: Okay I'm starting.

I activated my Summoning skill. This skill draws a Very high-level magic Summoning circle.

In front of us, there is a humanoid figure who shining very brightly. After some time Shining finally calm down.

We can clearly see the figure in front of us.

It's a Kara Zol-El. The Supergirl.

Diana: Well, I didn't expect this.

Kara looked at me.

Kara: You summon me here.

Me: Yes. Let's be friends from now on. I am also Kryptonian just like you.

Xian: You are?

Jue: Yeah, Why you never told us?

Diana: Yes, Why?

Me: Cause Even if I told you never understand. Cause none of you knew what is Kryptonian.

Mui: Well that's true.

Kara was very happy. That I am the same as her. Kryptonian. She looked at me again but this time her eyes filled with emotions. But she hides her emotions for now.

Kara: Hey, I'm glad that you are Kryptonian like me but just for confirmation. Can you prove it?

I Fly up and shoot a laser from my ice on the near tree and froze it by freeze breath.

Seeing this she was very happy.

Kara: Okay, l believe you. But can you tell me the situation about this place?

Me: Okay.

I started to tell her everything about this world and it's customs. I tell her everything she needs to know. The remaining knowledge will be given by Alice in detail.

Me: Hey let's go time to go back.

I looked at four sisters who were busy playing Elsa.

Me: When you guys want to come out just tell me.

All four: Okay.

Leaving for of them Me alongside Diana and Elsa come out from Personal Dimension.

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So how it's guys please give me a review on this one if there are any grammar mistakes plz ignore them. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give them via comments. If you liked this story you can drop some power stones for it.