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I don't own anything here except the story idea.

- Speaking

- [System Speaking]

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Peter pov

I came back to my home dimension. I see what time is right now. But surprisingly it's same time when I Transported in Mcu. I take a bath and get out of the bathroom. When I reached the living room. I saw Diana alongside Kara and Elsa watching tv.

I sat down with them and tell them about my adventure at another universe. We talked about other things and get ready for our dinner.

We went near by restaurant for having dinner.

After Dinner, when We reached at home. I decided to go patrolling.

I was Swinging near some banks and jewelry shops and I sense someone. So I land nearby Building's rooftop.

Me: Come out, I know you are there.

Woman voice: Hello, Spider.

Me: I want to say it's nice to see you here. But We know that was the last thing I want to say. So what do you want Felicia?

Felicia: Oh, Don't be like that Spider. I missed you. How about you leave this chit-chat for some other time and let me have the taste of that lips of your's?

Me: Oh, Sorry about that That taste lip now belongs to someone else. And even if it's not. Why would think I want any type of relationship with someone like you?

Felicia: What do you mean someone like me?

Me: You already know what type of person you are Hardy. So don't ask me that question. And If you don't have anything useful to say to me then leave. I'm very irritated by just seeing you here.

Felicia: Why would you be like that? I am here to tell you how sorry I'm. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I'm sorry that I cheat on you. Please forgive me. I will never do something like that again.

She pleaded to me.

Me: Just leave me alone Felicia I don't have anything for you, not even forgiveness. If I say that I hate you. That will be Understatement. I utterly despise you.

Hearing this Felicia was shocked. Cause Peter never hates someone. That type of man he is. But he just says he despises her. By hearing that harsh words her eyes started to get wet.

Felicia: I'm sorry please forgive me. Give me a second chance please I will never break your trust ever again. Please forgive me.

Me: I already tell you I don't have anything for you, not even forgiveness. So please do me a favor leave me alone and never show me your face.

After saying that I left the place for somewhere else.

Felicia dropped to her knees and started to cry. She just realized how much she screwed up. There might be not a single person available that Peter hate but now he has one. She might be the only person he hates.

Felicia: Please Peter forgive me. I am sorry.

After leaving Felicia. I started patrolling somewhere else.

While patrolling, I come across a little girl and a boy who was running from some people. Looks like all people here who running after Little girl and boy were with superpowers.

I immediately went down to help them. When I defeated all the people who ran toward the little girl and boy. Those people do not have much of a challenge. I saw that both of those kids hide somewhere. I use my X-Ray vision to find them and found out that they hiding behind the dustbin in street.

I walked towards them.

Me: Hey, There. I am not going to hurt you. I took care of All the bad people. Which are chasing you. See.

I pointed to unconscious people on the ground.

The little boy gathered his courage and spoke.

Little boy: Are you not one of the bad people?

Me: Of cause not. If not why would I save you guys?

Little boy: Okay. Can you help us?

Me: Okay, How can I help you?

Little boy: We are separated from our big sister can you help us for finding her?

Me: Okay you tell me what she looks like?

While I asked some questions about their sister to the kids. I hear a voice from behind.

Woman: There you are are you Okay kids?

Both Kids: Big Sister!!!!

Both Kids ran and hug that woman. They start to tell her everything they went through. After hearing their explanation she comes towards me.

Woman: Thank you Spiderman for saving them.

Me: Always ready to help.

Woman: My name is Wanda Maximoff. Again Thanks for saving them.

OMG!!! She is the Scarlet Witch. But looks like she still hasn't become one yet. If I am correct she didn't join Avengers yet so she should be still leaving with her family at Genosha. But What is she doing here and with these two kids? I don't remember these kids. I snapped at my thoughts and answered her.

Me: No problem. But why are those people chasing them?

She hesitated to answer me.

Wanda: If I tell you. can you help us?

Me: I can only decide after hearing about your situation.

Wanda: Okay I tell you. But we need to go somewhere we can talk privately.

Me: Okay. I understand.

Wanda: Come with me. I know someplace where we can talk privately.

Me: Okay. Lead the way.

Wanda: Come on kids. We need to go.

Wanda takes us to some warehouse. It looks abandoned and empty for a very long time. Throughout the way, I was checking if someone was following us. But luckily there was no one. So right now we are completely alone and this place is best to talk privately.

Me: Why did you agree to tell me some things so confidential?

Wanda: After some time living in New York. I came to understand what kind of person you are by hearing from people and after seeing the defeat of the sinister six. I know only you can help us with our situation. And at first, I thought I can ask for help from Avengers or X-Men but after thinking for while I decided that they are not that trustworthy. You are the first person I'm going to explain our situation to. We have very little amount time left. They already found us.

Me: Okay, Tell me everything I let you know what can I do.

Wanda: Before telling you everything. I start with our history.

Me: Okay.

Wanda: Tell me Spiderman, Do ever heard of a kingdom name Genosha?

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So how it's guys please give me a review on this one if there are any grammar mistakes plz ignore them. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give them via comments. If you liked this story you can drop some power stones for it.