
Spiderman: Blood On Webs

Peter Parker in the world of heros and villains...

Eremei · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chapter 14 [ Surviving ]


I have no choice.

Run or die.


No he will catch me. In my condition....I will not be fast enough.'

With each second I wasted on my thoughts he continued to attack me. Each strike conected. My sense and durability were keeping me alive.

'Alright...if there is really no way to escape...

I will have to punch...it will not kill him but it will sure as hell hirt him enough, probably even knock him out..'

Kraven gave the Spider all he got. Punches, kicks...daggers cutting his skin every time they conected.

Each strike with full power.

Peter could only tank those vital hits.

'Hold it Parker...there will be an opening just hold it....come one...


thats it...'

I remembered what he said earlier.

"Venom so strong it could take down 3 elephants..."

'Alright lets go with that...this shit will hurt'

Peter acted like he was about to pass out once and for all and to make it even more believable he pulled his hand down to offer Kraven an opening which he took advantage of without hesitation.

Kraven was ready to punch the spider with full force and full rotation of his body but...

'He is passing out. Alright lets end this'

With Kraven pulling his right hand back to punch with as much force as he had he didn't noticed that he created an opening himself.

0.7 seconds.

Thats all it took.

Peter kicked Kraven in his leg with as much force as he had left, knocking Kraven off balance for 0.7 seconds.

In those 0.7 seconds Peter punched Kraven with all he got. He put his whole body, all his weight, all his energy into his right fist.

Kraven manadged to put his arms up so that it looked like he made an X with his arms infront of his face protecting it.

But it didn't matter...

As Peters fist conected to his crossed arms and broke both of them seeming his fist literally went trough Kravens arms, and also conecting to his face, Kraven flew 150 feet.

And as he flew away and slowly lost consciousness he had one thought and one thought only.

'This guy is the best.'

With a loud boom Kraven landed on the ground. Knocked out.

Covered in blood.

Peter looked at him laying there...

He kept staring at the knocked out hunter...

"Who is the prey now"

as he turned around and hobbled away with every step even greater pain.


'Fuck me...this shit hurts...'

I slowly opened my eyes and woke up. The first thing I did was looking at my phone.

4 messages from Gwen, 2 from Ned, 3 from may and....1 from Liz.

'It's 7pm. I slept for about 20 hours.

That poison really got me good.'

I got out of my bed and as I looked back. I saw my bed sheet soaked in blood and my bandages that I tied around my injuries, while only being barely conscious last night, were also covered in blood.

'Shit...I am lucky Aunt May worked all day and didn't saw me like this.'

My whole body especially my legs felt weak. I tried to walk to the kitchen.

'I wonder if a normal human would have died...'

I ate anything I could find to make up for my blood loss. I changend my bandages and my bed sheet so that May wouldn't see them and threw them in the bin.

'I have to take take the trash out...No wait..that guy has superhuman speed and strenght. If he really is a world class hunter he probably will have super smell too. He would eventually smell my blood.

Alright...I will swing to a tall building and I will burn them there.'

I checked my phone.

Gwen asked how I'm doing.

Ned asked to play video games.

May asked me if I ate anything.

And lastly Liz asked when our next lession is.

'I should reply to May first before she worries and comes home.

I need as much time alone as I can get.

No "Spider-Man" action until my wounds heal.'

I closed my phone and looked out of the window.


I will definitly see him again.

But until then...

I have to get stronger."



Every human has experienced it once.

It doesn't matter if it was big or little.

But there are certain people who are more lucky than others. Who are literlly drewling in luck.

Bathing in it.

One of these humans is sitting at a rooftop of a building next to a museum.

She has a fully black suit on, a black mask, silver made claws, and white hair.

Even tho she is wearing a costum of an animal that is known for the opposit of luck, if you encounter it, she is one of the luckiest humans on earth. But don't let her looks fool you.

She is deadly.

Probably the best at what she does and what she does is steal.

Diamonds, gold, money, watches anything that she is taking a liking too.

The Black Cat.

"What a wonderful night..."

she grinded ready to break into the museum.

Until her ears noticed a metal-clicking noise.

The next thing she knew. She dodged a bullet in elegance and her expression became serious.

She looked up and on a taller building next to her she saw a man with bandadges on a sniper in his hand and wounds and stiches on his face.

"The Spider dodged in a similar style as you."

he said.

'She has definitly superhuman agility and speed...and perhaps super hearing too. So she is a cat through and through. This city really is something.'

he grinded

"I don't know who you are and what you want but I am kinda busy right now so if you don't mind...fuck off"

"Then let me introduce myself.

I am Kraven and I want your the bounty that is on your head."

"Kraven...hmmmm...Kraven...no...doesn't ring a bell. Have I stole from you before or..."

"No.But you stole from a man named Wilson Fisk. Perhaps you know him by the name of KingPin. You know he was really detailed about how I should kill you two..."


"You and the Spider-Man. For you he said I should just give you a quick death and bring him your head. But for the Spider...well.. "

he laughed.

"Tell KingPin that I don't have the drive anymore. I already sold it. And you need me alive if you want to know to whom I sold it too."

Kravens smile faded.

"I could just take you apart limb by limb and make you tell me. And I think thats what I will do...Felicia Hardy"

Her body froze up.

"Finding out your real name, where you work and where you live was more difficult than I thought. But it is nothing compared to finding out who Spider-Man is."

Kraven started to think about Spider-Man.

'It seems like he has several spots where he changes his uniform. And he doesn't were any collogne or has any particular or outstanding smell.

I don't know if he is smart or just can't afford it.

I followed him around several times but each time he choses a different route to a different spot. Always changing and he is too fast to follow him and catch him when he changes clothes.'

The Pain took Kraven back to reality.

His arms still hurt. The special herbs he had helped him a little to move them even tho they were completly shattered.

He jumped from the building and landed 15 feet infront of Felicia.

He looked at her shiny green eyes.

'Super-Speed, Advanced-Hearing, Advanced-Reflexes and Advanced-Agility.

Dressed as a cat.

I never heard or read about something like that. There are avatars chosen like "Black-Panther" or "White-Tiger" who have similar abilities but I never heard about "The Black Cat". Is she one of those "Muntants" and just born different..?'

'I will have to kill him. He knows my name, my life...he looks strong but the Spider seemed to roughed him up a bit.

Let's see..'

Felicia attacked first. With her claws out she aimed for his neck.

He manadged to dodge, jumped to the side and took out 2 daggers that were attached to his hips. Both of them in fighting position.

Felicia attacked again this time fainting that she would go for his neck and instead giving him as much damadge as she could with her claws. Her razor-sharp nails scratches his legs and his arms.

He countered.

Kicked her away with a spinning back kick in her stomach.

Before she could properly regain her postiure he attacked with his daggers.

Giving his all even tho every movement of his arms were filled with great pain.

Felicia manadged to dodge all attacks with the dagger.

She jumped back and put some distance between them.

"You have quite the scars on your face..."

She showed her Claws and grined.

"Let's see if I can put some more on it."

Bloodlusted, the Black Cat attacked the hunter.

He only blocked her attacks.

There was no resistance from Kraven's side.


'He is weak. I got him.'

She again aimed for his neck. Putting her whole force in this attack.



Hunter and Prey.

This type of hierarchy exists everywhere in the world.

Whether its in the animal life or in the human life, in the end everything goes according to this system.

Who is the hunter who is the hunted.

Logically, everyone wants to be the hunter but what most don't understand is that sometimes you have to learn from the prey to become a better hunter.

And Kraven did just that...

Just like Spider-Man he let her attack and waited for an opening.

And when Fleicia was sure of her victory he countered her with a big right hook that conected to her face followed by a left cross and finally a kick that sent her of her feet, flying 30 feet away till she was laying knocked out at the edge of the rooftop.

He walked towards her.

"Don't worry I will not kill you..for now.

First I want "Spider-Man" too.

And you will be his bait."

He picked her up and was about to go his way when suddenly...


Kraven looked up. At the exact same spot that he was standing before his fight with "The Black Cat" an ominous figure looked down at him.

Dark red like blood and horns sticking out of his mask.

A single thought shot through Kraven's mind.

'The devil has come for me.'