
Spiderman 3086

"Spiderman 3086" follows the extraordinary journey of Ethan Cross, a gifted young man living in the sprawling metropolis of Neo York. After the tragic loss of his scientist parents, Ethan becomes Spiderman, a vigilante known for his mastery of technology and exceptional hacking skills. Under the guidance of the enigmatic Arachne, he joins the secret society of tech-savvy heroes called the Webweavers, dedicated to combating cybercrime in a city plagued by darkness and corruption.

THEARACHNID · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Fractured Threads

Guilt, like a relentless storm, continued to surge within Ethan. It clawed at the edges of his consciousness, an unrelenting presence that tainted every thought. The image of Lisa's pained expression haunted him, a stark reminder of the vulnerability that existed beneath his mask, beneath the heroic facade.

Days turned into nights, each moment a relentless march of time that seemed to offer no solace. The burden of being a hero weighed heavily on him, an intricate tapestry of responsibilities and consequences that threatened to unravel.


One evening, unable to resist the pull any longer, Ethan found himself standing outside the Neo York General Hospital. The air was heavy with the sterile scent of antiseptic, and the fluorescent lights cast harsh shadows in the hallway.

He went inside the hospital, going toward the elevator to go to the third floor. The hallway was painted in a dark golden yellow color. Pressing the button, which would take him to the 3rd floor, he started to breathe heavily as all the guild built up inside him.

Not long after, there he was, standing outside the room where his friend was laying helplessly. Ethan took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart, before pushing open the door to Lisa's room.

She lay in her hospital bed, her once-vibrant spirit dimmed by the pain etched across her face. Her leg was encased in a formidable cast, a testament to the ordeal she had endured.

"Ethan," she whispered, her voice fragile but welcoming.

His throat tightened as he approached her bedside, guilt settling like a stone in the pit of his stomach.

"Lisa, I'm so sorry. I should have—"

She reached out and gently placed a finger on his lips, her eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and understanding.

"Don't blame yourself, Ethan. You did what you had to do to save us. I knew the risks."

Lisa's words offered a measure of comfort, but they also intensified his guilt. She was protecting him, being strong for his sake, and he couldn't bear the thought of adding to her pain.

In the days that followed, the guilt continued to gnaw at him, a relentless force that left him feeling hollow. He began patrolling the city more frequently, seeking any hint of criminal activity, any opportunity to make amends for his perceived failure.


One moonless night, he stumbled upon a guy, calling himself "Shatter", a low-level thug whose gauntleted fists could create devastating shockwaves. Shatter had been causing havoc in a small neighborhood, his reckless power resulting in property damage and injuries to innocent bystanders.

The confrontation was swift and brutal. Ethan's rage, like a wildfire, consumed him as he pummeled Shatter relentlessly. Each punch, each strike, was a manifestation of his guilt, a desperate attempt to quell the storm raging inside him. Shatter's gauntlets shattered, his body crumpled to the ground, broken and defeated.

Ethan stood over the fallen foe, his chest heaving, his fists trembling. The guilt had momentarily subsided, replaced by a savage satisfaction. He had taken out his anger on a minor villain, but as the adrenaline began to ebb, the weight of his actions bore down on him.

The city's night sky stretched above, a vast expanse of darkness that mirrored the turbulence within him. As he swung away from the scene, a question lingered in the depths of his soul—an unspoken doubt that refused to be silenced: Could he continue to be a hero, or was he succumbing to a darkness he might never escape?


The days trudged on like an unending winter, and Ethan's internal turmoil showed no sign of relenting. He was trapped in a suffocating fog of guilt and self-doubt, his emotions oscillating like a pendulum between hope and despair.

One evening, as he swung through Neo York's towering spires, the city's neon glow casting an eerie hue, he couldn't escape the nagging voices in his mind. The cacophony of doubts and regrets grew louder with every passing second.

"I could have saved Lisa," he muttered to himself, the words carrying the weight of the world. "I should have been better."

The pain of that night bore down on him like a vice, his chest tightening with each memory of Lisa's pained expression. His attempts to suppress the guilt only fueled the fire of his self-loathing.

But in the midst of his desolation, there were brief flashes of optimism, moments when he believed he could make amends. He saved a kitten from a tree, rescued a stranded motorist from a flood, and stopped a mugging in progress. Each small victory was a lifeline, a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, he could find redemption.

Yet, those moments of hope were fleeting, extinguished by the relentless darkness that seemed to follow him. The streets of Neo York were no longer a source of comfort; they had become a battleground, echoing with the ghostly cries of his guilt.

One evening, as he swung past a bustling restaurant, the laughter and chatter of diners reached his ears. The stark contrast between their carefree lives and his inner torment sent a wave of bitterness surging through him.

"Did they ever bear the weight of responsibility?" he mused bitterly, his voice tinged with resentment. "Do they know what it's like to have someone's life depend on them?"

His words, meant only for himself, caught the attention of a nearby couple. Their expressions shifted from curiosity to concern as they watched him swing away, leaving his bitter words to linger in the night air.

The confrontation with his own negative emotions continued an unending battle for his sanity. He wrestled with guilt, anger, and the ever-present feeling of inadequacy. The city that had once been his sanctuary had become a relentless reminder of his perceived failures.


One night, he encountered a group of small-time thieves attempting to break into a pawnshop. His initial instinct was to stop them with minimal force, to avoid repeating the mistake he believed he had made with Shatter.

But as the confrontation unfolded, the simmering rage within him boiled over. He unleashed a torrent of pent-up frustration, striking with a ferocity that surprised even him. The thieves were left battered and dazed, their crimes punished with a brutality he had never displayed before.

As he stood amidst the wreckage, the guilt returned in a crushing wave. He had crossed a line, and there was no turning back. The echoes of regret and self-loathing were deafening, drowning out any semblance of hope that had remained.

With a heavy heart, he swung away from the scene, leaving the city's lights behind. The pendulum of his emotions swung once more, this time settling on the side of darkness. The burden of being a hero had never felt heavier, and Ethan wondered if he would ever find his way back from the abyss of his own making.