
Spiderman 3086

"Spiderman 3086" follows the extraordinary journey of Ethan Cross, a gifted young man living in the sprawling metropolis of Neo York. After the tragic loss of his scientist parents, Ethan becomes Spiderman, a vigilante known for his mastery of technology and exceptional hacking skills. Under the guidance of the enigmatic Arachne, he joins the secret society of tech-savvy heroes called the Webweavers, dedicated to combating cybercrime in a city plagued by darkness and corruption.

THEARACHNID · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Explaining the world of Spiderman 3086 [Bonus Chapter]

Neo York, the sprawling metropolis of the future, rose like a beacon of technological marvel against the canvas of the 31st century. Its skyline was a mesmerizing blend of gleaming glass and metal, illuminated by a mesmerizing array of neon lights that painted the cityscape with vibrant hues. Skyscrapers pierced the heavens, their towering heights housing corporate conglomerates, advanced laboratories, and bustling residential complexes.

The heart of Neo York pulsed with life, a symphony of sound that echoed through its labyrinthine streets. Hovercars zipped through the air in a mesmerizing dance, their sleek forms leaving streaks of light against the night sky. People walked with purpose, their steps guided by augmented reality overlays that directed them to their destinations. Holographic billboards adorned every corner, advertising the latest innovations in cybernetics, virtual reality experiences, and AI companions.

Beneath the surface, a network of hyperloop trains connected the sprawling districts, transporting citizens at astonishing speeds. The streets were clean and organized, thanks to robotic drones that diligently patrolled, collecting refuse and maintaining order. Neon-lit tunnels led to subterranean levels, where hidden markets and clandestine meetings took place, shrouded in an air of mystery.

The city's architecture was a fusion of sleek minimalism and intricate detailing, reflecting the harmonious coexistence of human creativity and advanced technology. Parks and green spaces provided oases of tranquillity amid the urban hustle, their lush foliage juxtaposed against the sleek façades of skyscrapers.

Neo York's cultural diversity was evident in its vibrant neighbourhoods, each with its unique character. The Tech Quarter buzzed with innovation, housing cutting-edge research facilities and start-ups that pushed the boundaries of human achievement. The Artisan District was a haven for creatives, with interactive galleries and immersive installations that blurred the line between reality and imagination.

The Entertainment Plaza is dazzled with sensory experiences, featuring holographic concerts, immersive theatres, and virtual reality arcades. Culinary delights from around the world could be savoured in the Gastronomy Enclave, where restaurants blended traditional flavours with molecular gastronomy, creating culinary masterpieces that delighted both the palate and the senses.

But beneath the gleaming facade of progress, Neo York also harboured shadows. Crime syndicates and hackers roamed the digital underbelly, exploiting the city's interconnected systems for their nefarious ends. Corruption lurked in the highest echelons of power, and those with ill intent sought to manipulate the city's intricate networks to further their agendas.

Amidst this intricate tapestry of technology and humanity, Ethan Cross, better known as Spiderman, swung through the neon-lit canyons, his web shooters propelling him from one skyscraper to another. He patrolled the city's digital borders, intercepting encrypted messages and thwarting cyber threats with a fluidity that mirrored the very essence of Neo York itself.

As the night enveloped the city, the streets came alive with vibrant energy, the glow of neon casting an otherworldly aura. Neo York, a place where dreams merged with the cutting edge of innovation, was both a testament to human achievement and a canvas for the extraordinary journey of Spiderman—a journey that unfolded against the backdrop of a future that beckoned with both promise and peril.



Ethan's technologically advanced suit, a marvel of engineering and innovation, clad him in an ensemble of sleek white fabric with strategic black accents. The suit was a fusion of cutting-edge materials and integrated systems, designed to enhance his abilities and aid him in his mission as Spiderman.

1. Web-Weaver Suit Fabric:

The fabric of the suit was a revolutionary blend of nanofibers and smart textiles. It offered a perfect balance of flexibility, durability, and protection. Embedded sensors detected changes in the environment, adapting the suit's insulation and breathability based on temperature and humidity.

2. Reactive Black Accents:

The suit featured intricate black accents that served both aesthetic and functional purposes. These accents were made of a responsive material that could adapt to Spiderman's movements, enhancing agility while also providing additional protection to vital areas.

3. Integrated HUD (Heads-Up Display):

The suit's mask was equipped with an advanced heads-up display that projected a holographic interface onto the visor. The HUD displayed vital information such as a mini-map of the city, communications status, and real-time analytics to aid Spiderman's decision-making during missions.

4. Holo-Web Shooters:

Ethan's web shooters were a masterpiece of miniaturization. They were seamlessly integrated into the suit's wrists, capable of producing various types of web fluid. The shooters were equipped with a holographic targeting system that assisted Spiderman in precision swinging and web-based attacks.

5. Reactive Lenses:

The suit's lenses were equipped with reactive sensors that adjusted to varying light conditions, enhancing Spiderman's vision in both bright daylight and dark alleys. They could also analyze and identify potential threats through facial recognition and provide real-time analysis of the environment.

6. Vibro-Absorption Padding:

Strategically placed vibro-absorption padding provided impact resistance, reducing the force of blows from powerful opponents and falls from great heights. This feature protected Spiderman's body from strain during intense combat situations.

7. Augmented Strength Assist:

Microscopic fibres woven into the suit's structure augmented Spiderman's physical strength. This feature granted him enhanced abilities to lift heavy objects, deliver powerful blows, and perform acrobatic feats that defied human limitations.

8. Whisper-Tech:

The suit incorporated whisper-tech, a sound-dampening material that allowed Spiderman to move silently through the city. This feature was invaluable for stealth operations, ensuring that his presence remained undetected by both criminals and surveillance systems.

9. Remote Holographic Projection:

Spiderman's suit was equipped with a compact projector that emitted holographic images. This technology allowed him to create convincing illusions, distracting and confusing opponents during battles. He could also use the projections to relay information to allies or deceive enemies with clever tactics.

10. Solar Energy Absorption:

The white fabric of the suit contained advanced solar energy-absorbing cells. This innovation allowed Spiderman to harness solar energy during daytime patrols, storing it in the suit's power reserves. The stored energy could be used to recharge the suit's systems, enhancing its longevity during extended missions.



Ethan's ability to swing effortlessly through the city was a combination of advanced technology and his own finely honed skills. The suit's web shooters emitted a unique web fluid concoction that created an ultra-strong, adhesive webbing. This webbing was designed to adhere to virtually any surface, from skyscrapers to lampposts.

To swing, Spiderman fired a web line at a suitable anchor point. The suit's sophisticated AI, ARIA, calculated the trajectory and tension needed for a successful swing. The web shooters also featured a quick-release mechanism that allowed Spiderman to detach the web line with a simple gesture, facilitating rapid movement and acrobatics.

As Spiderman swung through the city, the suit's web-based propulsion system provided an additional burst of speed, allowing him to gracefully soar between buildings. His enhanced reflexes and impeccable timing turned each swing into a balletic display of precision and power, as he weaved his way through the urban jungle.

Ethan's technologically advanced suit was a symbiotic extension of his abilities, a testament to the seamless integration of human ingenuity and cutting-edge technology. With each swing, he embodied the spirit of Neo York, a city that embraced the future while cherishing the timeless values of heroism and sacrifice.