
Spiderman 3086

"Spiderman 3086" follows the extraordinary journey of Ethan Cross, a gifted young man living in the sprawling metropolis of Neo York. After the tragic loss of his scientist parents, Ethan becomes Spiderman, a vigilante known for his mastery of technology and exceptional hacking skills. Under the guidance of the enigmatic Arachne, he joins the secret society of tech-savvy heroes called the Webweavers, dedicated to combating cybercrime in a city plagued by darkness and corruption.

THEARACHNID · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

A Web of Lies

Spiderman had ventured deep into the criminal underbelly of Neo York, seeking information about Cipher's plan and the long-forgotten grudge that fueled his relentless quest for vengeance. The city's secrets were woven like a tangled web, and to unravel them, Spiderman needed to navigate its shadows.

In the dimly lit alleyways of the underworld, Spiderman confronted various low-level criminals who might possess the knowledge he sought. His white and black suit, a beacon of justice, contrasted starkly with the shabby attire of those he interrogated.

His first contact was Fingers, a small-time thief known for his knack for information. Spiderman cornered him against a graffiti-covered brick wall.

"Talk, Fingers. I know you've heard whispers about Cipher's plan," Spiderman demanded, his voice unwavering.

Fingers, eyes darting nervously, stammered out what he knew.

"I heard he's planning something big, something that could rock the city. But I don't know the details, honest!"

After knocking Fingers out, disappointed but undeterred, Spiderman swung through the narrow alleys to his next target, Smuggler Sam, a grizzled arms dealer with a penchant for secrets.

Spiderman landed gracefully before Sam, who was inspecting a cache of illegal weaponry.

"Sam, I need information about Cipher. What's his endgame?"

Sam regarded Spiderman with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

"You don't make friends easily, do you, Spidey? Fine, Cipher's been sniffing around for some high-tech gear, but I ain't spillin' the beans on what for."

With a promise to deal with Smuggler Sam later, Spiderman moved on, tracking down Ratface, an information broker with a reputation for having ears in every corner of the city.

"Ratface, you know everything that happens in Neo York. What's Cipher planning?" Spiderman inquired.

Ratface, a wiry man with beady eyes, grinned a crooked smile.

"Information ain't free, Spidey. I need a favor in return."

Spiderman's sigh was inaudible beneath his mask, but he nodded.

"Name your price."

Ratface's request was a convoluted scheme involving retrieving a stolen laptop from a rival gang. Spiderman, however, had no choice but to agree. The information he sought was too important to be withheld by a common criminal.

After fulfilling Ratface's request, Spiderman returned for the promised intel. Ratface leaned in close, revealing what he knew about Cipher's plan.

"Cipher's looking for a tech component, something that's supposed to be the key to unveiling his rival's true nature. Word is, he's closing in on it."

With the obtained information, Spiderman felt a growing sense of urgency. Cipher's quest for vengeance was more complex than he had initially thought, and it might jeopardize the stability of Neo York.

The chase for the truth continued, and as the city's secrets gradually unraveled, Spiderman knew that the answers he sought were drawing closer. But with each revelation came new questions, and the true nature of Cipher's sinister plot remained shrouded in mystery.


As Spiderman delved deeper into Cipher's plan, he couldn't help but sense the gravity of the situation. Neo York's destiny hung in the balance, and the pursuit of justice was now an all-consuming mission.

With Ratface's cryptic information in mind, Spiderman swung through the city, following the faint trail that would lead him to the tech component Cipher sought. The knowledge that Cipher aimed to expose his rival's true nature weighed heavily on his mind. What hidden malevolence lay beneath the surface of the city's respectable facade?

In a dimly lit warehouse in the heart of Neo York's industrial district, Spiderman finally discovered the elusive tech component. It was a small, unassuming device, yet it held the power to unveil a long-forgotten grudge and potentially upend the balance of the city.

However, Spiderman's moment of triumph was short-lived, for Cipher appeared in the shadows, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"I knew you'd come for this, Spiderman," Cipher hissed, his fingers crackling with dark energy. "But you won't leave with it."

Their confrontation was inevitable, and Spiderman readied himself for a battle of wits and strength. Cipher's powers of manipulation were a formidable challenge, but Spiderman was determined to stop his reckless quest.

Cipher unleashed his powers, distorting the surroundings with a flick of his wrist. Crates and debris swirled around him, forming a makeshift barrier that concealed his movements.

Spiderman's suit's senses tingled as he cautiously approached the shifting barricade. He couldn't rely on his eyes alone; he had to trust his instincts. With a quick leap, he vaulted over the obstruction, anticipating Cipher's attack.

But Cipher was nowhere to be found. He had vanished into the shadows, leaving only echoes of his laughter.

Spiderman knew that Cipher was toying with him, using his powers of manipulation to their fullest extent. The villain's laughter seemed to come from all directions, and the hero's white and black suit glistened with anticipation.

The battle of wits continued, a series of illusions and misdirections that tested Spiderman's patience and resilience. He couldn't afford to be manipulated by Cipher's games, and he had to maintain a clear focus on his mission.

With a determined resolve, Spiderman unleashed a flurry of web lines, creating a complex web that interwove through the warehouse. His quick thinking and precise actions left Cipher with no room to maneuver.

Cipher's laughter shifted from confident to frustrated, a subtle indication that the tide of the battle was turning.

Spiderman took advantage of the moment, swinging down from the web lines and seizing the tech component. Cipher attempted one final illusion, but Spiderman's white and black suit allowed him to see through the deception. With a well-aimed web line, he disarmed Cipher and secured the component.

The supervillain's fate was sealed, and he was apprehended without further incident. As Spiderman stood victorious, he knew that the truth behind Cipher's quest for vengeance was one step closer to being unveiled.

The chase was far from over, and the city remained on the precipice of a revelation that could reshape its understanding of the past and illuminate the sinister plot that lurked in the shadows. A reckoning approached, and Spiderman was determined to bring justice to Neo York, no matter the cost.