
Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger

In a wild twist of fate, I, a random person from another universe, find myself transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy's universe, Earth 65B. But there's a catch - this version of Peter Parker was destined to die, paving the way for Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider to fall in love with Miles Morales. Well, let me tell you, I'm not going down without a fight! First things first, death is not on my to-do list. Nope, not happening. Secondly, did I mention I refuse to die? Yeah, it's a firm no from me. Thirdly, you guessed it, I absolutely refuse to meet my untimely demise. P.S: Just to make things interesting, I am gonna put some dirt in everyone's eyes!! ~ I will be posting on RR as well.

_oinkchan · Tranh châm biếm
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61 Chs

The Rat Exodus

Mr. Bobo had a rough time. Once upon a time, Poopoo used to be his best friend. From across cages they used to play the stare game where the one who looks away first loses.

One fine sunny day, a geeky-looking boy bought him and Poopoo, a day after that he found himself being touched everywhere and then a sharp pain in the back.

That same boy cut one of his limbs leaving him to bleed to death. It pained! Mr Bobo thought he would die from the pain but he survived. Somehow, magically his lost limb too grew but that too hurt a lot.

Mr Bobo had no idea what happened next, he felt something.... something within him. A deep power within that was calling out to be used.

A lot was incomprehensible, he could hear better, he could feel better, he could move faster, he even packed muscles and a six pacs beneath.

Something had changed... something had changed from within.

The cold became his friend. Blood and flesh became his lover and anger became his driving force.

With a menacing smile, the rat burst through every layer of protection. In front of the cage of his former best friend, ready to devour him... to make himself stronger.

The rat believed he was God. All of his insecurities toward Mr Poopoo were unleashed and Bobo was ready, he was ready to bring an end to them.

However! The moment he readied himself to burst through the hole, a punch came toward him. Mr. Bobo was stunned by the sudden attack and flew midair and landed on the rim.

Many thoughts rushed into his mind at that moment. Betrayal? Anger? Shame? Bobo suddenly had a realization that even after everything Poopoo was still better than him.

He was a hypocrite. Infuriated and hurt, the rat crawled and dipped into the water flushing himself away. Ready to enact revenge one day.

Flowing through the pipe, Mr. Bobo gave up any ratity that he once had. All that was left within was ice and a stony gaze as strong and preserving as a monolith.

Since that day, the grind began. Chewing wires, devouring rats, and suppressing those weaker into submission. Mr. Bobo trained, he trained to become stronger... to defeat Poopoo one day.

A simple animalistic thought popped into his mind, 'Am I stronger than my creator?'

Reading a grunt, he hunted a human for the first day, he felt he had grown more powerful. By coincidence, he happened to come across a scene where a mouse similar to him was turning into a lizard.

In that slight second, Bobo felt as if he had found the love of his life. He jumped down and convinced Wilma to run away with him.

Bobo enjoyed his time with her or so he believed. It was often that he would bring her dead rats and humans to eat...

He invited her to hunt with him many times but everything to naught, she preferred to hunt alone. Infuriated, he punched a hole out of a pipe.

Suddenly elation flooded him, he was substantially powerful. Lifting weights had helped! From a corner, he glanced at Wilma and an idea popped into his mind.

He decided to hunt Poopoo along with Wilma. He would defeat him, bathe in his blood and Wilma would be impressed.

Perfect plan!

After somehow convincing Wilma, they headed through multiple pipes and finally reached their destination which was an orange-light bathroom.

There he saw his archnemesis. The mouse in question had been standing as if he were waiting for the arrival of Bobo.

That infuriated Bobo but it did not truly matter. A menacing smirk formed on his visage, he jumped from the rim of the pot... the same spot he had once crawled and then toward Poopoo.

Both their fists connected, and a loud noise reverberated as Bobo landed back at the pot and Poopoo at the bathtub.

The former gave a menacing smirk while the latter was mildly surprised but then his gaze became calm and tranquil as he gazed at the flowing water.


A click resounded as a human crept inside, a female behind him. Bobo did not look at him nor did he look at Poopoo. His menacing smirk deepened as he peeked at Wilma only to be dumbfounded.

Wilma was blushing! B-b-but not at him! His gaze traveled hers as it landed on the monk, Mr. Poopoo. If anger was a bomb, then it exploded at that instance because the mouse jumped in rage toward Mr Poopoo- to punch him.


Gwen couldn't help but let out a startled yelp as Peter swung his tennis racquet at one of the transformed rats, sending it flying backward and back into the toilet bowl.

'Where did he even get that?' She wondered.

Peter rolled his eyes and spoke sarcastically. "Yeah, you caught me. I've been hiding my secret rat collection all this time. Turns out, they're not your ordinary cuddly companions."

Gwen pointed at the rat that had been flushed down the toilet, her deadpan expression adding a touch of seriousness to her words.

"Your ninja tennis skills are not going to let you off the hook, im still calling animal services after you."

Peter couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, his face feigning innocence as he responded.

"Animal Services? Well, I guess I can't blame you for wanting to report my rodent elimination techniques. I promise, I'll be on my best behavior next time."

Gwen couldn't hold back a smirk, her tone still playful. "Alright, Peter, I'll let it slide this time. But no more ninja moves on innocent creatures, deal?"

Inwardly, his eyebrow twitched. He refused to believe that Mr Bobo was innocent. Peter raised his hand, giving her a mock salute. "Deal! No more ninja moves on rats, magical or otherwise."

While the two were engrossed in flirting, Wilma ran toward Poopoo to give him a kissie but before she could, the latter kicked her ass into the pot.

Whilst in the middle of the conversation, Gwen's eyebrows shot up in surprise as she witnessed another rodent disappearing down the drain.

Gwen couldn't help but grab her forehead, releasing a sigh of exasperation as she observed Peter giving the rat, whom he had affectionately named Mr. Poopoo, some food.

She shook her head in a mix of disbelief and amusement, wondering how they ended up in such a peculiar situation.

'What a weird... day and pet.'

Gwen was suspicious, although not of Peter but of the pets. It was well into the possibility that they escaped from some kind of research facility.

Her eyes twinkled as she stared at Peter.

'Would it be dangerous if I let the mouse be with him?'

It did not feel like this mouse had any ill intentions toward her best friend. She gave a little nod of acknowledgment.

'-Orrrr maybe he can stay here and protect Peter from the rats if they are to ever come back.'

She turned to Peter with a mixture of amusement.

"Peter, are you sure your bathroom isn't some kind of secret portal to the rat kingdom? Because they seem to be disappearing down there like it's a rodent expressway."

Peter scratched his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Really? I never thought of my bathroom as a popular vacation spot for rats."

Gwen playfully nudged Peter's arm as she gave a death stare to Mr. Poopoo.

"I hope you have a good plumber on speed dial. We might need to call in reinforcements for this rat exodus."

Peter nodded as he closed Mr. Poopoo's fish tank.

"You're right. I'll make sure to find the best plumber in town, one with a knack for dealing with 'interdimensional' rodent escapes."

Gwen couldn't help but giggle, despite the absurdity of the situation.

"Well, just make sure Mr. Poopoo doesn't invite his friends over for a party. We've had enough unexpected guests for one day."

Peter laughed darkly in a self-deprecating manner.

Another chapter coming up today.

_oinkchancreators' thoughts