

In the bustling city of New York, Peter Parker, a brilliant but struggling student, grapples with the challenges of balancing his dual life as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and a dedicated student. He strives to maintain normalcy as new threats emerge from the shadows, threatening to plunge the city into chaos. Will he also stand tall with Earth's greatest heroes the Avengers, as his planet continues to become under threat to alien invasions and villains planning to rule the world? Can Peter protect his loved ones? Can he maintain his relationships with friends, family and maintain a love life? Can he beat the villains that threaten him and the city? Or will he crumble and die trying? *Hello everyone the Author here. This is my first attempt at writing a novel so if its a bit stinky please understand and type your critiques in the comments so I can improve. There will probably be some breaks every now and then due to exams and planning out the future story/chapters. If I plan on stopping this series I will announce it, so unless I do that it just means something is currently going on. Thank you for listening to my rambling, I'll try my best to write a story you all enjoy and I wish you all an amazing day. Peace!*

MassiveSimp · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

67) May The Best Man Win

Laying on a nearby rooftop, while steadying his breathing, Bullseye looked through his scope at Iceman walking away from Kenneth. "Ice really won, huh?" he muttered, preparing his shot.


The bullet went flying, hitting Iceman directly in the head as Bullseye moved his head away from his scope to look. The bullet rattled on the ground with Iceman, now fully ice, staring at the direction the shot came from. 

"Oh, sh*t!" muttered the man, quickly opening the rifle case to pack it away. Bullseye looked to his side and saw Iceman jumping on pillars of ice towards him at a rapid pace. "Oh, sh*t!" he muttered again with a lot more urgency.

Bullseye ran to the opposite end, jumping down, throwing a knife, and leaving his rifle behind on a metal platform, skipping the ladder. Iceman's head appeared over the roof, and his eyes could see the blade flying directly towards him, which he blocked with his hand, slightly chipping it.

Bullseye snook through an open window, tiptoed to the other side, and opened the window slowly before crawling out and dropping himself to the ground without a sound. 

"Better leave him alone," muttered Bullseye, looking at his watch silently as he walked down the street.

Iceman reached the other end and looked around him to see where the man had gone, but he saw nothing and continued his way to Vulcan, on guard.

"I'd say it's finally time for a rematch!" Bullseye told himself with a grin, making his way to Hawkeye. 


Sitting down behind a car was Hawkeye as bullets sprayed from behind him from two armed men. Hawkeye waited for the sounds of reloading before springing up and shooting an arrow through one of their skulls before crouching back behind his cover.

"How many are there?" Hawkeye questioned annoyed, pulling his bow towards the air at an angle and firing. After a while, the shots stopped and Hawkeye walked out to the sight of the last man falling to the ground an arrow lodged in his head.

"I see you haven't lost your touch!" yelled Bullseye from behind Hawkeye who quickly turned around and fired an arrow. Bullseye threw a knife that cut right through the arrow and flew by Hawkeye, leaving a cut on his cheek.

"You should be dead!" replied Hawkeye curious.

"I know! The world works in mysterious ways doesn't it," replied Bullseye. "But I gotta say I'm impressed you can manage around all these superhumans, I came across this Ice fellow and couldn't do a thing," he added.

"It's down to a difference in skill!" replied Hawkeye trying to egg him on.

"Maybe, but that's what I'm here to find out. I believe fate brought me back to face you once more and reclaim my title as the best marksman," replied Bullseye.

"We'll see about that," replied Hawkeye.

"So we shall," replied Bullseye, throwing three knives towards Hawkeye, spread out, as he dodged out of the way. As he dove towards the cover, a fourth knife landed right in his leg. "Dam!" muttered Bullseye.

Hawkeye fired two arrows into the air as Bullseye ran for cover behind a car. One of them landed right where he used to be, and the other headed right for Bullseye. He looked up and crouched and walked out of the way. "Not falling for that one again!" said Bullseye.

Bullseye reached into his suit and pulled out a revolver aimed at a firehydrant behind Hawkeye. Bullseye shot as the bullet bounced, barely missing Hawkeye and piercing through the car.

Hawkeye shot an arrow into the fuel tank of the car. Bullseye hid behind. Bullseye peeped under the car to see the gas dripping down the car and started to crouch and walk down the pavement, shielded by a line of cars. 

As soon as he left his cover, Hawkeye shot an arrow, piercing Bullseye's leg, who fell to the ground and looked under the car, closing one eye. Bullseye placed his arm under the car and fired, hitting Hawkeye's foot, who groaned in pain.

"I see you're still as annoying as ever!" said Hawkeye.

"I could say the same about you!" replied Bullseye. Bullseye started to move again, this time shooting towards Hawkeye as soon as he left cover, stopping him from firing back while throwing a tomahawk in the air from behind his back.

Hawkeye stayed behind his cover and moved around his car to the other end as the tomahawk fell right into his shoulder.

Hawkeye persevered and didn't make a sound, pulling the axe out and gently placing it on the ground.

"Did I miss?" questioned Bullseye, hearing nothing before the car from before exploded. During the explosion, Bullseye shot through the window of the car at where Hawkeye used to be, thinking he hadn't moved. 

After that, it was silent as Bullseye stayed cautious of Hawkeye, keeping a lookout and thinking about where he could have gone. Hawkeye stayed silent and aimed his bow from behind the car into the air and fired. 

"That was close!" yelled Hawkeye, masking the sound of his arrow bouncing off a metal rail from the balcony upwards before falling towards Bullseye, piercing his shoulder. 

Bullseye let out a small grunt before pulling out the arrow. "I came across your apprentice, you know! Sadly, I had to kill her. I owe this Vulcan guy a really big favour, you see. You should find out now rather than later; call it a courtesy," said Bullseye.

"You shouldn't have said that!" replied Hawkeye, throwing the bloodied tomahawk at a stop sign, making it stuck by piercing it.

Hawkeye stepped out of his cover and quickly fired his arrow.

Bullseye quickly stood up straight from behind his cover with a grin and fired, "You lose!" he yelled. Expecting Hawkeye to try and move, he stood still as the bullet pierced his chest. "Did you give up?" asked Bullseye, confused.

"You wish!" replied Hawkeye as the arrow he shot pierced the side of Bullseye's neck, sending him to the ground in a puddle of blood.

Hawkeye quickly jogged to Bullseye, who held his wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "How?" he asked while gargling on his own blood.

"Bounced it off that tomahawk you so kindly gave me," replied Hawkeye. 

"You cheeky bastard!" replied Bullseye before dying.

Hawkeye had dread in his eyes as he placed his bow on his shoulder and started to walk towards Hawkgirl, who was last heard off, trying to hold back his tears.