

In the bustling city of New York, Peter Parker, a brilliant but struggling student, grapples with the challenges of balancing his dual life as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and a dedicated student. He strives to maintain normalcy as new threats emerge from the shadows, threatening to plunge the city into chaos. Will he also stand tall with Earth's greatest heroes the Avengers, as his planet continues to become under threat to alien invasions and villains planning to rule the world? Can Peter protect his loved ones? Can he maintain his relationships with friends, family and maintain a love life? Can he beat the villains that threaten him and the city? Or will he crumble and die trying? *Hello everyone the Author here. This is my first attempt at writing a novel so if its a bit stinky please understand and type your critiques in the comments so I can improve. There will probably be some breaks every now and then due to exams and planning out the future story/chapters. If I plan on stopping this series I will announce it, so unless I do that it just means something is currently going on. Thank you for listening to my rambling, I'll try my best to write a story you all enjoy and I wish you all an amazing day. Peace!*

MassiveSimp · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

15) Uncle Ben

Uncle Ben was waiting in his car for Peter to arrive with the radio on in the background while he was tapping the steering wheel. He looked at his watch to check to time 'Where is that boy?' he thought and sighed. 

Someone who was holding a gun began to sprint towards his car with a bag presumably filled with money, clearly scared. Uncle Ben started his car and was prepared to drive away but he shot a bullet through the windscreen. Uncle Ben took his hands off the steering wheel and the man waved his gun gesturing for him to get out of the car. Uncle Ben kept his eyes on the man while he slowly turned off the car, unlocked the door, and made his way out with his hands in the air. 

The man pointed the gun at Uncle Ben and demanded "Get away from the car. NOW!".

"I can't do that," he replied. "We can talk this out alright? Just point the gun elsewhere. That sounds good?" Ben questioned. 

"I don't need some grandpa talk right now, now let me have your fucking car" he replied, looking behind him. He was clearly jumpy and wasn't thinking straight. His hands had a slight wobble. He placed a gun hand on his forward "Fuck, why do you have to make things so difficult. Give me keys. NOW! PLEASE!" he screamed, pointing the gun back at him.

"It's ok, nothing bad will happen as long as you don't pull that trigger. Once you do your life will never be the same again. Just put the gun down. Ok. I'm completely unarmed, I couldn't hurt you if I tried". Uncle Ben replied, trying to talk him out of this. 

The man shot the air before pointing his gun back at Uncle Ben. "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS. I will shoot, I'll fucking do it man." pleaded the man, his eyes starting to water. 

"You're young, you have so many years ahead of you, why waste them". Uncle Ben slowly tip-toed forwards little by little. Closer and closer to the man. "Give me the gun, It's alright," said Uncle Ben. 

The man took a step backward and stayed silent. He didn't want to kill anyone, but he was running out of options. He already did it, he couldn't go back now. He broke down and yelled "FUCK!" before closing his eyes and shooting. 

Peter had finally gotten towards the library and saw a small crowd of people and some police sirens in front. He walked towards the enclosed space and wedged himself to the front, getting blocked by a policeman. "What's goi...". 

Before he could finish his sentence he saw another officer holding down a wound that still gushed blood. "The ambulance is on its way, just a little longer ok" the man assured. Uncle Ben was leaning on the stairs that went towards the library gasping for breath and wincing in pain. 

 Peter pushed the officer out of the way and crouched next to Uncle Ben "BEN! What happened!" he shouted. 

"You can't be here sir"

"No, it's fine. Let him be" interjected Uncle Ben. "I'll be fine Peter. Don't you worry". 

"I'm so sorry, If only I wa..." yelped Peter, tearing up and holding Uncle Ben's hand, bringing them to his forehead.

"No need to apologize Peter. It's not your fault," interjected Uncle Ben.

"But" retorted Peter.

"Everyone has an end Peter, I was going to kick the bucket soon enough anyway" chuckled Ben, before coughing. "Remember what I said to you. Great power comes great responsibility, use your strength to benefit others not yourself, understand?".

"I will" replied Peter. The ambulance sirens grew closer and closer before coming to a stop next to the pavement. They rushed out and pulled Uncle Ben on a stretcher. While this was happening two police cars rushed down the street in pursuit, with their sirens as loud as ever.

Peter clenched his fists in rage. "I need to pick something up real quick, I'll see you at the hospital, alright Uncle Ben?" said Peter. Before running away he told Ben "Love you".


He found a nearby alley and changed into costume as fast as possible before swinging out into the main street, leaving his bag webbed to the wall. He flew himself towards the police cars, picking up more and more speed. After some time the impending chase came into view, and multiple police cars rushed down towards an old BMW. Uncle Ben's car. 

They were zig-zagging threw the traffic the best they could. Onlookers stared at the scene that occurring and some even started recording it with their phones. Following the chaos was what seemed to be a man, swinging across the tall buildings, which also attracted lots of attention with people pointing at the costumed man. 

The chase continued and they headed towards an underbridge, somewhere Peter couldn't follow. He swung himself over the bridge that was filled with cars and dived downwards, swinging himself back forward before hitting the ground. 

They were now reaching the outer part of the city, the rough part. It was filled with dingy houses and abandoned buildings. The BMW quickly halted and the man driving pulled a runner into this old and worn factory with a gun in his hand and a bag in the other. 

The police cars pulled over just behind the car and shielded themselves behind their cars with guns in hand. A guy spoke through a megaphone "LEAVE THE BUILDING, WITH YOUR HANDS UP. WE WILL SHOOT IF YOU DON'T COMPLY!".

Peter perched on top of a lamp post on the other end of the road. He didn't want to rush in, due to the likelihood of just being shot. He jumped and crawled around the surrounding buildings to get to the back of the old factory.


He launched himself through a small gap in a broken window, landed on the second floor, and crawled onto the ceiling preparing himself in the darkness like a predator.