
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Tranh châm biếm
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184 Chs

Chapter 71

[Third Person's PoV]

"DO WE REALLY HAVE TO SWING TO HUDSON VALLEY! I JUST ATE AND THIS SWINGING ISN'T RIGHT FOR INDIGESTION!" Peter B shouted looking green, as he swung behind the others.

Miles appeared next to him as he was starting to get the hang of swinging but still had a bit of difficulty.

Peter B looked at Miles swinging and sighed, "Let the momentum carry you, you don't have to actively put power in your swings, all it does is make it awkward and you waste your energy"

Miles did as Peter B said which caused his movements to become more natural.

Unbeknownst to him, Peter B let out a small grin, "That's it, you're getting the hang of rather quickly kid"

"Haha, this is amazing!" Miles shouted.

They arrived a few meters away from the Alchemax building and hid around the forest area, where they had a clear view of the entrance.

They all then started getting ready fixing their suits, taking off unnecessary pieces of clothes.

Everyone silently stared at Miles as he tied a yellow cape and posed as the winds made the cape flutter.

"What?" He asked, still posing.

"No capes!" Peter said, snatching it off his back.

Peter B and Gwen2 looked at Peter with a sigh, "Are you seriously making an Incredible reference right now?" Gwen2 asked.

"You're goddamn right I am" Peter said in a serious tone.

"All right, here's the plan…" Peter B started off, trying to change the subject while crouching down to avoid being detected. Which caused the others to follow his actions,

"Step 1, we infiltrate the lab, step 2, we find the head scientist computer, step 3 I hack the computer, step 4 download the important stuff and step 5 grab a bagel from the cafeteria and run."

"Or…" Peter said, "Gwen and I turn invisible, go in stealthy, connect Aria to the computer, have her download all the important information and transfer it back to this world's Spider-Man hideout, and have her make the override key."

"But that's boring"

"But that's boring'

Both Miles and Peter B said at the same time before they looked at each, "Jinx!" They both said pointing at each other.

"So are we going to ignore the fact that these two can turn invisible?" Gwen2 asked in surprise.

"Yes, yes we are" Peter nodded his head.

"Didn't you say you were training the kid?, this could be a part of it." Peter B stated his case putting a hand on Miles's shoulder.

"You did say we could use this chance to train Miles's so I don't see the harm of him going for it" Peni said from her spider-Mecha

Peter sighed, "Very well, we'll go with your idea, but my Gwen and I are coming along, we will be invisible following the two of you" looking at Peter B and Miles. "But just know Gwen and I will not be helping you, everything is on you. We will be there to just in case things go haywire… we will be the last resort"

"As for the rest I will need you guys to stay out here in case things go south and need cover while we escape" Peter said while looking at the others.

They nodded their heads in agreement as they went forth with the plan.

Both Gwen and Peter both turned invisible as the others looked at where they were standing with a hint of jealousy.

"Invisibility is so cool I wish I had it, I can just imagine all the cool things I could do" Spider-Ham said shedding silent tears.

"I would have become an undetectable creature of the night" Spider-Noir muttered looking lost in thought.

Miles followed alongside Peter B as he crawled his way through the air vent making as little noise as possible.

While Peter and Gwen just casually walked through the front door, undetected.

As they follow Peter B and Miles on the ground level, outside a new development happens.

At first they were all seen laying around a hammock made from webs resting until they noticed a black van suddenly parked in front of the entrance, attracting Gwen2's attention.

"Uhh guys, you might want to see this"

They all look over and see Kingpin exiting the van before talking to a scientist and heading back inside.

"Shit" They all simultaneously said.

"How do we warn them?" Peni asked worriedly.

"Well if we think about this logically, Peter and Gwen are inside invisible, so they should be able to spot him before he spots them, they would be able to inform Peter B and Miles, and work together if anything happens" Noir said with a hand on his chin.

"So we don't do anything?" Gwen asked, irritated.

"If we hear a commotion inside we will rush straight in, if not we would just be informing everyone of our presence" Noir said looking at Kingpin's van.

At the same time…

A warning sign came to Peter in his HUD inside his mask, "Yo daddio, it looks like we have a guest"

Peter didn't say anything and climbed towards the ceiling along the long vents, where he found Miles and Peter B crawling through.

"Heads up, Kingpin is here" He whispered inside the air vent, which they managed to pick up.

"Got it" they whispered back and continued crawling ahead. Peter climbed back down and joined Gwen.

Peter and Gwen waited for Kingpin, who appeared rather quickly with a female scientist in tow. On her chest her name was displayed as, "Dr. Olivia Octavius".

They followed them inside what they assumed was her office, "Mr. Fisk look at this data, I know you really can't understand it, but these are really good numbers."

Dr. Olivia sat by her computer and typed out her password, which Peter B caught from the openings of the air vent.

"And password caught." He muttered to Miles.

Dr. Olivia turned over her computer monitor and showed Fisk images of the after effects of the collider, "Mr. Fisk if we fire again next week there could be a black hole under Brooklyn. You see this and this?" She said excitedly while pointing towards different images, "These are multiple dimensions beginning to crash into each other"

"Blah blah blah" Peter B whispered, mimicking them with his hands. He put his arm around Miles, "This the norm for Spider-Man stakes, watch this, next he's going to say, You've got 24 hours" Peter B deepened his voice.

"You've got 24 hours," Kingpin said, just as Peter B predicted.

"What this means is there could be a rupture in the space-time continuum" Dr. Olivia tried to explained, following behind Kingpin as he was already leaving the room.

As they left, Peter B opened the vent and escaped from the middle of the octagonal shaped lights and stuck to them before jumping down and landing on the seat in front of the computer.

He started typing out the password as Miles tried to do the same but had trouble unsticking from the lights, which caused Peter B to stop what he was doing and look up towards Miles.

"What are you doing, bud?"

"I can't move!" He loudly whispered.

"Okay, just relax your fingers, we don't have time, just let go. Be in the moment" Peter B tried to coach Miles.

"I am in the moment. It's a terrible moment" Miles said, still loudly whispering while shaking the lights to try and free himself as Fisk and Dr Olivia talked just outside her office, which could easily be noticed.

"They're right there, they're going to see you!" He tried to explain, which just caused Miles to become more anxious and start shaking the lights more frantically.

"Miles you gotta unstick, what do you do to relax?"

"Relax. Okay, okay, okay." Miles stop moving the lights before he started singing, "🎶 🎵 Needless to say, I…. Mmm mm mm 🎶 🎵" which progressed to humming.

"Oh for crying out loud" Peter B mumbled, while hearing the sound of snickering close to him.

"🎶 🎵 Callin' it quits Now, baby, I'm a wreck 🎶 🎵" Miles continued to sing before slowly becoming unstuck.

"🎶 🎵 Ooohhhhhh~ 🎶 🎵" Miles sang as a hand became unstuck.

He quickly lost balance causing him to fall from the lights and onto the floor with a large bang.


"Teenagers are just the worst" Even though he was wearing a mask one could tell he said that with a straight face…