
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 24 : Shawarma Party

Stark was falling down like a rag doll.

"He is not stopping." Thor saiad as he started to spin his hammer, ready to take off and catch Tony. But right then Hulk jumped out of nowhere and caught Iron man in one hand and brought him down right next to the other avengers.

"Is he breathing?" Captain asked as they all gathered around Stark and Thor ripped of his metal mask. Tony was not responding at all.

Everyone got sad believing that Tony Stark had died too in this battle. Hulk roared out loud and suddenly maybe due to the loud roar Stark suddenly woke up as if shocked.

"What.... What happened? ... No one kissed me right?" Tony joked as he looked at everyone.

"We won." Finally even Captain America allowed himself to smile.

"We did? Well, Great job everyone. Let's not come to work tomorrow. Ok?" Stark joined every one in laughing.

"Had anyone eaten Shwarma? You know there's a really good Shwarma place right around the corner. Haven't eaten yet but heard it is tasty." Stark continued babling.

"The work is not done yet." Thor interjected.

"Then we will eat after completing the work." Stark said as he got up from the ground and Logan walked up to them all too.

Soon they had caught Loki too. He was lying on a cracked ground motionless. He could not even make a proper sound from his mouth. Everyone wondered how it had happened to this master planner and Hulk on the side simply smirked.

"Puny God."

'Oh. Poor guy must have got the Hulk's special massage.' Spider-Man wondered.

"Should I even Gut him now?" Logan spit out is cigarette as he looked to Loki's miserable form.

"We will take it from here gentlemen." The SHIELD agents walked to them too.

"Loki is of Asgard. My Father will decide what his punishment shall be." Thor took a step forward.

"Leave it for now. I have talked with Fury. He will take care of everything." Stark stopped the god of thunder and reassured him.

Soon Loki was taken away.

"Alright. Let's go Avengers." Stark said as he started walking towards the lift.

"*Grrrr. Why are you all lumping me together with your Clowns in Costume gang?" Logan grunted as Spider-Man started to pull him along.

"Come on Wolvy. You can't just walk out on us right after we fought together in such a big battle. You are already a Avenger. The whole world knows it by now." Spider-Man tried to coax him.

"Aye Small man. The Spider is right. Warriors should celebrate after victory. Come with us." Thor also said as he patted on Logan's shoulder with his big hand.

"I'm not a good guy like you all. You don't know me." Logan shrugged them off.

" From what I remember and what I've seen today. James, I can tell that you are definitely a good man." Captain smiled. " I hope you will join us my friend."

"Sigh* Fine. If only there will be some drinks." Finally wolverine accepted and they all started to walk towards the lift while Hulk had to take the stairs cause he couldn't get in the lift because of his size.




Soon after.

They were eating at the restaurant Stark had talked about. Had to say, Shawarma WAS good.

"Um. I have to ask this. Even after all this, we still haven't seen your face yet Spider-Man." Hulk, or rather Banner as Hulk had turned back into normal form and me time ago, asked.

This piqued the interest of Captain America too. He looked at Spidey with a curious gaze too.

"Oh Him? Yeah, well, he is a kid." Stark said as he took another bite of his Shawarma.

Steve looked at him a bit confused. Finally Peter was a bit startled by Stark revealing him so easily. He was staring at Tony with his lenses turned into slits, giving him a menacing look.

"What? Remember I hacked Fury's personal database. Well your file was in there too. I know who you are kid. But, I mean Don't worry if you want to keep it a secret. My mouth will remain closed. I promise." Tony tried to close the topic when he saw Spider-Man didn't look so happy.

Peter only sighed at this.

"He smells like a virgin too." Logan gave his unnecessary info as he took another sip of his beer.

"What? No.....oh just shut up you dog themed Asshole." Spider-Man threw some paper ball at him. He then turned to see that everyone else was looking at him and sighed again.

Peter looked around a little bit to see that there was no one else watching them and then after hesitating a bit, finally took his mask off.

"The Name's Peter Benjamin Parker." Peter gave a short introduction. "Hello."

Clint, Banner and Steve looked at with varying degrees of shock. But The most shocked seemed to be The god among them, Thor. He was looking at him with Wide eyes.

"Odin's Beard. All this time I thought you were just a really Big Spider." Thor exclaimed.

"Wow Thor. I wonder how you completely disregarded the 'Man' part of my name." Peter just smiled.

"I just have one question. How old are you Son?" Captain asked him.

" Uhhh.... Old enough to drink. Is that enough?" Peter gave an answer.

" Well that's old enough for me." Clint said and the. resumed eating his meal.

"At your age. You should still be studying right? Why and how are you here?" Banner asked him to which Peter gave a brief description of his life to them.

"Hmm. So that's how it is. But that still doesn't answers the question. Why did you leave all those months ago?" Captain asked him again.

"Well, I thought that maybe because the supervillains are poping up here in New York more and more because of me it would be better if I just left the scene. You don't know how many people bring super weapons here just to kill me. And there was also a bounty for me. So two or three wanna be assassins attacked me too. Then The Goblin thing happened and people wanted Spider-Man gone and i thought maybe it's for the best. So yeah, that's how it is." Peter tried to properly describe his problem.

"Noble thoughts Spider, but you are wrong about one thing. Evil never Stops. You beat it up, lock it, or Even Kill it. It somehow always comes back in one form or another." Thor looked at Peter with a serious expression. "You might think that You leaving and with most villains arrested There won't be much new Super Villain poping up. But that's wrong Evil will continue to do what it does regardless of everything else."

"Thor is right Peter." Captain spoke too. "Those evil people had to up their game because you defeated them the first time. That doesn't mean they weren't bad people before Spider-Man poped up. It was their decision to be the bad guy. It's not your fault that they did something bad. You saved people from them. And Saved even those bad people from doing evil things too."

"I guess you are right. Heh. Even though I siad I quit I usually go out during night time to swing around the city almost every other day." Peter laughed at himself.

"Exactly. I don't think you should deny yourself from who you truly are." Captain said again. " A hero, but above that A good person. There's very few of them in this world. I don't want to loss one more. Especially someone like you." He smiled at Peter.

"Well, I don't think you need to hide. It seemed like they were really happy to see you back." Natasha smiled as she recounted how the people were still clamouring about his return even in the middle of a battle. "I think most of them Love you."

"Maybe you are right. I love being Spider-Man. Cause that way I can do what my uncle taught me. I think maybe it's time for me to get back to web-swinging." Peter nodded his head as if coming to a big decision.

"Right. And since your villains are using their game so should you. I have read about you. Genius like you are more then welcome in Stark tech labs. You can make more advanced suits for yourself too. What do you say kid?" Tony finally said as he finished off hai fifth roll.

" Eh... I think I'm fine at Alchemex for now. " He really was happy working there. No reason to quit such a good workplace.

"Hmm Ok. But the Suit is my gift. Drop by the Avengers Tower some time. We will work on that. What do you think?"

"The Avengers Tower?" Peter was confused as there was no such tower.

"Oh yeah . Forgot to tell ya all. I'm renaming the Stark tower as The Avengers Tower. It can work as our new base. Anyway, what about you all? The villain is defeated and there's no more work for us together. So what do you all plan to do?" Tony asked everyone sitting on the table.

"I have to take Loki back to Asgard. Also maybe I'll meet lady Jane." Thor gave his answer.

"I have to go back home." Peter sighed as he thought about Aunt May. She would definitely tell him to shift back into her house after this incident.

"I'll go somewhere quiet." Bruce said as he put on his glasses.

"I'm taking a 6 months leave after this. That is if they let me instead of just putting me in jail." Barton said as he put his hands behind his head and leaned back.

"Me too." Natasha agreed with Barton's idea.

"I have to go meet an old friend." Logan said as he lit up his cigaratte.

"I'll go visit some friends too." Steve said as he looked at the woman's photo in the locket he always wears.

"I see. So I guess it will be some time before we meet again? Well in that case, You all know where to come in case you need help." Tony said as he got up with a can of coca cola in his hand and raised it up.

"To The Avengers." He said.

And everyone else did the same too as their Shawarma party continued.


[A/N :- Short chapter. But this was a closure chapter. Next chapter We start new arc. Thanks for reading so far.

I have some questions. Do you find the way I tell stories confusing? Like I try to leave some things for guessing to the readers themselves. But not much. And i also keep the main focus on Spider-man himself cause, you know, it's a Spider-Man fic. So even in team ups i try to only write about him.

Tell me if you think I need to change something in my writing style. But please not just about the grammar mistakes. I promise I'll edit the chapters when I have the time. For now it's not possible for me.]