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5 May 2013, 12 noon.

The flat of Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy.

Peter Parker.

- Tiger, are you hungry? - Mary Jane asked, fidgeting at the cooker.

- No, thanks, love - I answer, opening another folder in the computer - but I admit, this pink apron very much suits you.

MJ wiped her hands, walked over to Pete and put her arms around the neck of her boyfriend, who was sitting in the chair.

- What are you doing?

- Researching the Fierce files that Fury dropped off.

- Is it safe to do that at home?

- Of course it is. I installed extra security scripts, nothing to worry about.

- How are you holding up? - The redhead asked with concern, taking my hand in hers.

- You mean the fact that my parents turned out to be Shield agents and that my boss, who knew about it, didn't say anything until the truth came out?

MJ only nodded silently.

- It could have been worse.

Especially since I'd known about this development, and I wasn't that attached to Mary and Richard, although a certain part of me had twitched when Fierce had revealed the cards. Logan noticed and he probably knows about me, though maybe he guessed before? Either way, what happened is what happened. We need to move on.

- Your concern really does make it easier, sweetie," I kissed my girlfriend's hand.

And I'm not lying.

- I'm glad, but you know you can always talk to me," MJ put both palms on my cheeks, "about anything.

- I know, Carrot-top. But I'm really okay.

- I believe you," Mary didn't believe me, judging by the heavy sigh. - So what are you studying?

Change of subject. Good.

- Fury plans to send my civilian identity to talk to the mad doctor, which is why he gave me access to Gustav's files, so I could prepare myself psychologically.

Only Nikki made the mistake of not isolating Shield's servers at all. It'll take time, but I can get into the system. I realise it's convenient to store data in the cloud, but how hard could it be to put it on a thumb drive? It's safer, too.

- Can you conduct an interrogation without revealing that you were one of those who took part in the operation to capture Firs?

I stare in surprise at the redhead, her hands folded anxiously under her beautiful breasts.

- Very good, Miss Watson. It's great that you helped me in preparing for the Shield exams, so I've learnt a lot of useful knowledge. And with your training with Felicia, you're practically a Shield agent by now.

- That's very funny, Pete, but I mean it.

- All right, all right, - I lean back in my chair, - I know exactly what you mean, I took a crash course in psychology myself, so I've got a certain plan of behaviour that will make Peter and Spider completely different.

- What is it?

- I'm going to weave some character traits into my cover story that aren't mine.

- Like what? - The girl arched her dainty eyebrow.

- I'll be confused, after all, the Shield has appeared in my life abruptly, has caused confusion, has asked to participate in the interrogation of their prisoner, I should be confused.

- Won't he be embarrassed by your restraint? I mean, you're a completely unconventional person, but to take the news that your dead parents were super spies and that the person you're talking to was involved in their deaths so calmly.

- Here comes the second character trait, or rather bundle of them - uncontained anger and arrogance. If Fierce really does have access to Shield's files, what kind of psychological profile of me could he put together? No exaggeration - I'm a genius, so I must be selfish, it's inherent in geniuses. He's not likely to know about my family and my upbringing, at least not in detail. That's a good play.

- I've got another idea.

- The most difficult thing, - with sparks of excitement in my eyes, I look into the beautiful emerald pools, - will have to not joke during the dialogue.

Mary snorts merrily.

- 'Then your cover is definitely doomed to fail.

- Hey, I can be serious.

- Tiger, you were joking when Gail went into labour in the kitchen.

- I was doing it to calm everyone down. Myself first.

Our amusing bickering ends with a sudden serious question from Mary.

- Are you sure he can't influence you in any way and you won't do anything rash?

- Why would I?

MJ puts his palm over mine again.

- Peter, Firs killed your parents.

I yank my hand away.

- We know he was on the plane when it crashed, but he's not confirmed to be behind it. That's why we need an interrogation, that's why I'm going through the files, and that's enough of that!

My yelling makes MJ twitch and give me a shocked look.

I've never yelled at her in anger, have I? When I was sad, yes. When I was scared for loved ones, yes. But this?

- I'm sorry, Carrot-top," I turn away from the monitor. - Maybe this news has affected me more than I want to show.

Mary just gives me another hug.

- Are your plans still on track?

Breaking the long silence.

- 'Yes. Felicia's gone to pick up Gwen, to her house, they're going to spend time at the mall, and as soon as I'm done with the housework, I'll join them.

- Got it.

I was distracted from the seemingly back to normal conversation by the beeping of the communicator.

- Shield calling?

I take the bracelet and open the message.

- No. And I'm afraid I'll have to reschedule my appointment with the good doctor.



Baxter Building.

I have to admit, the message from Johnny took me by surprise. He'd warned me that he'd write as soon as the Fantastic Four were going to visit the Underground and offered to participate, but I didn't think it would be so soon. Or that he'd be allowed to call in an outsider.

I land in front of the building entrance, unwittingly scaring a few passersby.

The door is locked.

"No wonder, it's Sunday," I remark to myself.

"Why don't you try the top, Bearer?" - Raj suggests.

"Not a bad idea," I heed the Symbiote's advice and start crawling up.

It's quiet at first, but after a couple of floors, my Sense kicks in.

I dodge a glass bulb that covers the place I was just in.

- Which one?

Suddenly a flash of fire dives from above, which turns out to be Spider-Man.

- Hey, Spidey, what do you think of our security system? - glittering with eyes, satisfied, probably, from his prank, asks the blond man. You arsehole, I bet you didn't switch it off on purpose.

- I can tell you that it's obviously ineffective since I didn't get caught," I point smugly at the glass flasks.

- What can I say, you're a fast bug," Storm sighed annoyed.

- Don't worry, candle, just think of better tricks next time.

- How did you figure it out?

As we discuss, we go upstairs, me crawling quietly and Johnny flying.

- If I lived in a tower with the latest security system and had someone who could fly or crawl on the walls, I'd try to catch him too.

- I guess geniuses think alike, huh, Mukholov?

- That's right, Tadpole, that's right.

Jokingly bickering, we reach the roof.

Johnny shows his pass and enters the password. I wonder if it's holographic tracking with AI. If I'm not mistaken, Reed Richards developed one, H.E.R.B.I., I think.

Let's get inside.

- So, why the message, Johnny?

- Take your time, Spidey, I meant when I'd introduce you to the team.

- The crew?

- Come on, let's get to Reed's lab first," the blond called out to me as I followed him.

I shrugged and followed this blob of energy.

As we move, we pass a large and bright living room. That's the telly.

Then we pass a small technical room.

- Well, get ready, Spiderweb, you haven't seen anything like this, I guarantee it, - says Torch, cancelling his transformation.

The doors of the lab open and takes your breath away.

I'm a self-made web-shooter, interning in the lab of Dr Connors, one of the best biologists of a generation with a beautiful lab. Even Richard Parker's notes, which I find brilliant, are available. But this? This is beyond.

The futuristic design, the huge monitors, the piles of equipment and the atmosphere, it seems even the air is saturated with science.

And in the centre, which is quite spacious, stands a medium-sized brunette man talking to a short blonde woman. Both wearing suits just like Storm's.

I wonder how big this lab is?

- Reed, Sue, look who I've brought," the blond man announces our presence cheerfully and loudly.

The man and the young girl turn in our direction and look rather surprised.

- Johnny! - the blond starts irritably, - why didn't you warn me we'd have guests?! Hello, I'm Susan Storm, the older sister of that dork," the girl introduces herself very kindly at the end.

- Nice to meet you, Miss Storm," I shake her hand, "or rather Dr Storm, I've read your work on the study of dark matter, it's very impressive.

- Oh, thank you. No need for officiousness, just Sue," the girl smiled sweetly at me.

Looks like I won some hospitality points.

- 'Spider-Man,' a dark-haired man with a small beard and grey whiskers extended his hand to me in greeting, 'I welcome you to the Baxter Building.

- Dr Richards," I shook his hand, "it's an honour to be in the most advanced scientific laboratory on our planet.

- You flatter me," Reed grinned slightly.

- Maybe just a little.

At that moment a platform began to rise from the floor.

- I was putting the finishing touches on my design and was about to present it to the team, if you'd like to join me.

Before I could reply, the door to the lab opened again.

- I'm sorry I'm late, Pull," Ben Grimm said, loudly, judging by the changes.

Seeing me, the man was confused.

I approach him with determination, sensing the tension.

- I'm Spider-Man," I confidently extended my hand, "it's nice to meet you, Mr Grimm.

The stone goliath standing in front of me was confused, but then carefully responded to the handshake.

- Me too, Spidey, I saw you on youtube, you help people, that's cool.

- Thanks, it's nice to be appreciated for your work.

- So," Reed began to speak, "now that everyone's here and more," a slight nod in my direction. - Allow me to present something I've been working on for quite some time, but never knew where to put it," the platform rose to its end, with something covered with a sheet. - I present to you the Fantastic Machine," Richards said, pulling the sheet off.

On the platform stood a massive, shiny metal structure with flecks of plastic. The entire machine was subdivided into four modules. Funny, I thought it would look like a bathtub.

- It's a fantastic machine," Johnny marvelled as he approached the invention, "gorgeous!

- Why fantastic? - Grimm hastened to clarify.

- Obviously, the Fantastic Four must have a Fantastic Machine," Reed replied, approaching the table.

- Fantastic Four? The name of your team? - I "clarified."

- Right," Reed took four emblems from the table. The fours shone brightly on them.

Richards stretched out a limb and handed the emblems to all of his team members.

Wow, I'm present at the birth of one of Marvel's most iconic teams. Awesome.

- Sorry, I was only counting on four," Reed scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

- No, I'm just a guest," he replied, waving his hands in the air. - Have you thought of any nicknames?

- You know mine," the blond smirked smugly.

- The Invisible Lady," Sue said.

- Mr Fantastic," Richards said, keeping his eyes on the data on the tablet.

- A creature," Ben mutters.

Wow, I thought he'd come up with something less offensive.

- Cool aliases," I nod.

- Well, the route's set, and we're ready to go," Reed said, bringing the team up to speed.

- You've decided to explore Pod-York after all, haven't you?

- That's right. You can take a seat in Johnny's module, Spider-Man, it's a three-seater.

- Come on, Spidey, the seats are awesome.

I jump over the partition and sit next to Torch, who's gripping the steering wheel.

- So, is your car going to go down from the twelfth floor, Stretchy? Or have you dug a tunnel from the lab straight to the motorway?

- Not exactly, Ben," Reed grinned.

And I hurried to buckle up.

The engines started, and the car lifted into the air, a little tentatively at first, and later flew quite easily into the open hangar under the roof of the lab, to the shock of almost all the passengers.

- I thought, why wheeled transport? So much traffic," Mr Fantastic smiled.

- Okay, I admit, science can be a good thing sometimes," said the Stone Goliath excitedly.

- Ladies and gentlemen, the next stop is Pod-York! - shouted Johnny.


Twenty minutes later.

Over the breach, Time Square.

- So, are we just going to dig through where the workers are getting ready to pave or? - I'm checking with Reed.

- Don't worry, Spider, I've made a deal with the city, the damages will be reimbursed.

- Great.

The Fantastic Machine began a smooth descent.

Richards activated the systems and the drilling process began.

The machine calmly provided us with a comfortable passage down and, pretty soon, we found ourselves in familiar tunnels.

- By the way, Spidey, - Grimm started the conversation, - I wanted to ask you, where is your stylish black suit? Why are you wearing that rag?

- I'm offended in the best feelings, big guy. This rag is dear to me as a memory and I like the design, - I spread my hands. - And as for the costume, I change them from time to time, this one today.

- You like different outfits?

- My girlfriend likes it," I shrug lightly.

- Oh, I've seen your videos, Black Cat, your partner, right? - Johnny played with his eyebrows, poking me in the ribs. - What's her story?

- Can't hide anything from you, Fire," I agreed with Storm's conclusion.

- She's hot," Ben nodded.

- All right, boys, knock it off.

- Come on, sis, you're still the prettiest," Johnny says, easily embarrassing his older sister.

- We're here," Reed said, completely undistracted by our conversations.

The fantastic car began to float downwards, where the yellow men were already gathered, but no huge monsters were seen.

As soon as everyone got out of the car, Ben was surrounded by representatives of this people.

- Looks like you've got some fans, giant.

- Very funny, matchstick," Ben nevertheless waved to the little people, and everyone, especially the children, responded happily.

- Guys, am I imagining things or is it hot in here? - I hurried to clarify, pulling back the collar of my suit a little.

- You're not imagining things," Sue agreed.

- According to the sensors, the temperature has risen sharply over the past few days and continues to rise," Reed shared his observations.

- Do we know where the source is?

- Over there," the smartest man on Earth simply pointed towards the tunnel.

- All right, let's go," I simply stepped forward and bumped into an invisible barrier.

- Are the reckless attracted to the reckless? - Sue grumbles, pointing in my direction. - We need a plan.

- Um, well, we don't have any data other than the soaring temperature, so I say we just go ahead.

No one's had anything to say against it.

- You'll have to forgive Sue, Spidey, she's used to taking care of everyone, even above and beyond.

- It's all right, Johnny, it's great to have your family worry about you.

- Sometimes they do, but sometimes they're so annoying.

- Believe me, these moments are more precious than any other.

Storm was about to say something else, but we finally reached another cave. The inside of the cave was surprising, and surprisingly so.

When you're expecting lumps of earth, a pile of rocks and maybe some crystals, high-tech scientific equipment isn't what you'd expect to see.

- We're clearly not in Kansas.

- I'm not sure a joke is appropriate in this situation.

- Don't bore me, Stretchy.

- What can you tell me, Mr Fantastic?

- Apparently, the temperature rise is caused by these devices. According to the readings, they're creating a vibrational frequency that's affecting the Mantle.

- The mantle, which is the Earth's layer of hot magma?

- Yes.

- Nice. The only question is who's behind it.

Suddenly, from one cave, of which there are dozens, came the sound of something approaching.

- Get your hands off my invention! - shouted a short man who jumped out of a crevice.

- Um, who are you?

- People of the surface, get out of here, or you will suffer the wrath of the Mole Man!

It got quiet. A few seconds later, however, the sound of a loud bellowing sounded through the walls of the cave. Johnny, of course.


I'm inclined to agree here. I, realise I'm in a comic-book-type universe, but I've yet to encounter something this ridiculous.

Meanwhile, Johnny's laughter was joined by Ben's as well, but our dear psycho was on the verge of breaking down.

- All right, that's enough. Reid can you disable the device?

- Sure, give me one minute.

But just as Richards started to move towards the car, Spidey Sense kicked in.

- Reed, look out!

Suddenly, monsters like the one we fought in Time Square started coming out of all the crevices, except smaller.

- Flame! - Johnny took off and started firing at the monsters.

- Guys, cover Reed while he disarms the device!

- I don't remember you being appointed leader, Spidey, but I'll take it. It's time to strike! - with a battle cry, the creature rushed into the thick of the fray.

- Sue, hit them with force fields, and I'll disarm them.

- Got it! - The blonde began to use her powers on the monsters.

I landed next to them and threw a combination of punches and webs. The main advantage? With monsters, you don't have to physically hold back.

Another creature flew a few metres away from the uppercut. That feels good.

Reed tried to figure out the device, but that dwarf advanced towards him, shooting electricity from something like a staff.

- I said get out!

Climbing up the stalactite and jumping, firing webbing, taking the weapon.

- No! Give it back to me!

- Sorry, you took it without asking, I'll have to take the wand back.

- Um, Spidey?

- Yes, Ben?

- Why don't you turn that stick a bit to the left?

Perplexed, I turn back to the Grimm and see that all the monsters are tirelessly watching my movements, or rather the movements of my weapon, and have stopped attacking the Four.

- Goons, hit them!

- So you controlled them? With this? - I'm flipping the staff in my hands.

- Give it back! Come down here and fight like a man! - said the little booger.

- Wow, that hurts. I'm not making you come up here and fight like a spider," I jump down.

Mole Man tries to take the staff away, but I just raise my hand higher.

- Reed, are you done?

- Yes, I've disarmed the device, the temperature won't rise again.

- Good," I once again pull my hand away from the lowborn who was trying to take the staff.

Ben can't take it anymore and comes over and lifts the Mole Man by the scruff of his neck.

- I was just trying to expand my kingdom," the man said pitifully.

- Wow, I kind of feel sorry for him.

- I understand, but we'll have to bring him up to the surface and lock him up.

- I agree, what he did is like an act of terrorism, a lot of innocent people could have been hurt.

- No! I'm the victim here! Я! - The dwarf kept shouting, but I put a spider web over his mouth.

- What about them? - Ben pointed to the monsters left in their place.

I step forward and raise my staff above my head.

- Go home to your caves and don't come upstairs.

The creatures stared for a while, but dispersed into the crevices.

- Do you think this will help? - Richards clarifies.

- The surface is our home," I hand Reed the staff, "and this is theirs.

- What should I do with it?

- I think it would be wise to destroy it. Of course, I'd study it first, but the risks are great.

- Are you interested in technology?

- A little.

- Hold on, people! - Johnny's got your attention. - So that's it?

- What's not to like? We stopped the villain, we destroyed the doomsday machine, it's like a superhero textbook.

- Yeah, but.... it's kind of simple.

- Boring doesn't mean bad, head.

- Oh, come on.

The rest of the F.F.C. just smiled.



Baxter Building.

The Fantastic Machine lands smoothly on the platform.

- Wow finally," the stone giant crunches his back with a crunch, "your machine may be comfortable, Stretchy, but it still makes my body stiff.

- I'm sorry, Ben," Reed grinned.

- Well," Johnny throws his hands together, "I suggest we celebrate. - Torch puts his arm around my shoulder.

- I'm in! - Grimm is on board.

- I'd love to, but I have to go," I shake Storm's arm off gently.

- Really? Why don't you grab a bite to eat? - Sue asks.

- No, really, thanks, but I gotta go, I got stuff to do.

- If that's the case," Reed walks over to me and extends his hand, "we appreciate the help, Spider-Man. Drop by if you need anything, I'd be happy to discuss the data on the staff and the rest of it.

- Of course, Dr Richards.

- Just Reed.

To my surprise, Sue comes over and gives me a hug goodbye.

- I forgot to thank you for being by Johnny's side during the monster attack," Sue explained, blushing slightly at my obvious bewilderment.

- Well done, mate," Johnny high-fived me.

- Really, come and visit us, Spidey, I'll show you a couple of my football moves," Grimm suggested.

- I'd be glad to, Ben. I'm sure you're a good player.

- Best in college," the big man salutes.

Heading for the exit.

- See you, folks.



Far to the East.

Tony Stark opened his eyes abruptly and coughed loudly.

- I see you're awake," the older man said, wiping his hands.

- What? Where am I?

Tony tried to get up, but fell back onto the bed.

- 'Save your strength, Stark, after what you've been through, it's necessary.

- Who are you?

- Insen. Ho Insen. How are you feeling?