
On the Ruins

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12 June, 2013. 23:47.


Peter Parker.

"What?" - I ask back, not understanding the symbiote's question. - "What do you mean, what do you do with them?"

"Bearer, I have been one with you, maybe not for very long, even if we didn't share every thought, but I know how you think, reason, and now I can clearly see that you are lost, in shock, and may take the wrong actions," the symbiote says seriously.

"Like what?" - I wonder thoughtfully.

"Like latching onto a foolish sense of pity and keeping these creatures alive," the Clintarian's voice is full of cold determination.

"I won't kill them, Raj," I take my hand away from the glass. - "They are part of me, my responsibility."

"They were created forcibly, without your consent or control. Their appearance is guaranteed to be a threat to you and your loved ones."

"What makes you think that?" - Irritation was starting to take over.

"Okay girl, but how do you explain having two complete copies of yourself?"

"One of them has scars on his face that practically make him unrecognisable, he could easily pass for a close relative of mine."

"You're the one who recognised him," the alien remarks reasonably. - "So be it. What about the other one?"

"We could dye his hair, put lenses on him, disguise him," I frantically think through my options.

"Are you really willing to go to such lengths for fakes, artificial copies?"

"They are me!" - I declare angrily.

"Created by a madman, unknowingly altered, even looking at the scarred one it's hard to imagine what happened to them," the symbiote sighs. - "Bearer, I understand, you are more lost now than ever before. To fight for so long for your path, your ideals, but to betray them, even if only because it was necessary. I always said I would be with you no matter what. If you decide to take the risk, I'm with you, but remember that their existence will always be a danger."

"I understand," I sigh heavily. - "I appreciate the words of encouragement, mate. You're right, I feel incredibly lousy. But I'd be lying if I said it was because of Warren's murder. If I could do otherwise, I'd still kill him again. I realise now more than ever that the right decision in a moment can have irreparable consequences in the future. I could have spared the Jackal, but he knew the secret of my identity. Yes, the same Fury or Widow knows her, but in their case you can hope for a semblance of honour, to build trust. With Miles? Not a chance. Besides, he was an intemperate, insane, violent pervert with no possibility of correction or remorse. I just cut out the tumour."

"To a man sure of the rightness of his decision, your words sound like an excuse," the symbiote remarked quietly.

"In a way, I really am trying to justify myself," I smiled sadly. - "But not to you or, for that matter, to myself. No. To Ben. My uncle taught me everything: kindness, humanity, valour, inner principles, and I ruined it all," I wipe my eyes, "just like I did with May and Tombstone. Taking the easy way out again. I'm no hero."

"You did what you did to save your only family member. And now you've chosen to save your loved ones first. "Yes, you're not a hero. A hero is Spider-Man, he flies high above skyscrapers, but he always comes down to people when he's needed, he doesn't think it's beneath him to help an old lady carry packages home, and he apprehends a pickpocket with the same valour with which he rushes into battle against super-villains. And you, you're Peter Parker, a guy whose life could have been ruined in the blink of an eye by a ridiculous accident, a man who made a mistake but who realises there was no other way out."

Glancing at my mask.

"What happened doesn't make you a monster or a villain. There is no fate except the one we make for ourselves. You're not a hypocrite, it's just not always possible to be perfect and flawless, and the fact that you feel guilty is good, even if I don't see what you did as wrong."

"And if next time I'm threatened to reveal my identity, do you think murder would be the right option?"

"Worried about that? Then I suggest you don't throw around any more genetic material and be more cautious."

For the first time in hours, I don't hold back and laugh.

"Good advice, brother. But here's the thing about them," I nod at the capsules. - "I can't do it any other way. All my instincts, my senses, Spidey Sense, are telling me - I have to take care of them."

"This could end badly," Raj doesn't give up hope of talking me out of it, though he realises the decision I've made.

"Then I'll try my best to make sure this decision doesn't play against me."

"Do you have any confidence that you can control them?"

"No. But one thing I know for sure. They are made of my DNA. They, are me. It led me here, my Sense led me here, and my sensors have never failed me. And to top it all off, I'm pretty sure that if I look into Warren's research, I'll find that they'll have my memories, and that could seriously tip the scales in favour of a positive outcome."

"And if you're wrong?"

I step away from the pods towards the large computer.

"We'll deal with problems as they come. For now, let's make sure this place is history."

I switch on the computer and open the file folders.

I activate the spiderbot attached to my backpack emblem and download all the data available.

While it's downloading, I open Miles' email and private messages. If he wasn't working alone, that's too bad.

Of course, this confirms the worst-case scenario. At least once every three days, the Jackal reported to a contact labelled "Employer". That's nice.

So someone has provided Miles with all these resources, equipment, but most importantly space.

Who is capable of setting up and maintaining a high-tech lab deep underground in the abandoned tunnels of New York City? And why do I feel like I'm going to really dislike the answer?

"So much trouble over one vial of blood," Raj notes philosophically.

"And don't tell me. Stupidity is punishable, and I was an idiot," I clench my palm angrily. - "Thought I'd trust the professionals, trusted experience, trusted honesty. An infantile, naive fool!"

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Bearer. Everyone is capable of making mistakes, and you, with so many problems bearing down on you, even more so," my partner was always the devil's advocate.

"Not an excuse, Raj. But you're right, there is one lady I have yet to have a serious talk with," I grit my teeth angrily.

How come, Maria, I trusted you, didn't I?!

"You still haven't told me what you're going to do with the clones. I mean, are you going to manually drag them? And if so, where to?"

Once again, the symbiote asks the most valid questions.

"Guess I'll have to ask the smartest man on earth for help again and hope there's enough room in my lab."

"Are you going to tell Dr Richards what happened?"

"Not in every detail, of course. Still, if I plan to legalise the clones, and I do, I need neutral safe territory at first. Alas, I haven't set up my own bases, by the way, I'll have to solve this issue at least by buying a small personal office. Relations with Shield have been strained lately, storing clones in a warehouse like Oscorpov's is crazy. So the Baxter Building is ideal."

I'm dialling Reid's number on my communicator and waiting for an answer.

- Hello? - Richards' voice rings in my ear, with some muffled echoes and classical music in the background?

- Is that Chopin?

- Tchaikovsky. Hey, Spider, you want something?

- Yeah, Reed. Sorry to bother you so late. I've been calling on you a lot lately and it's starting to become a bad habit, but I need help right away.

- Sorry, right now I'm monitoring the Negative Zone's gravitational field response to contact with our dimension. If Johnny or Ben are still awake, I'll send them out in the Fantastic Machine, okay?

- That'd be great, Reed, I'll send the coordinates in five minutes.

I'm on my way out of the lab.

"I need to go upstairs and get the coordinates for the nearest way down, but I can't leave the room unattended. Raj, will you keep watch until I get back?"

"Of course, Bearer."

The symbiote quietly flicked off the suit and crawled to the wall.

"Well, a true spider," I grin.

I leave the lab and crawl up the wall of the abandoned underground station. The nearest climb up meets in five minutes, and the journey to the streets of New York City itself takes four times as long.

I pull back the sewer manhole and relay the coordinates to Reid.

I climb up the wall of the nearest building and wait for the response, thinking.

It's not unreasonable, because it's so rare now that I'm alone in my head, and it's not possible to hide every thought.

I had a chance to catch my breath, the adrenaline had let go and only shards of it remained. For the first time, not under the pressure of emotions, but because of cold calculation I killed a man and...I don't care. Most likely it's because of the personality of my victim, if to be completely fair, then about whom about whom, but about the Jackal no one will shed tears. At least nobody normal.

But the appearance of some shadowy "Employer" is a problem. I just hope Warren didn't share my secret identity with anyone in a fit of ambition. And destroy the lab.

- Hey, Spidey!

I look up and see the Spider-Man flying just ahead of the Fantastic Machine.

- Hey, Johnny," I high-five Flame as the Fantastic Four's transport comes in for a landing.

I wonder who's driving?

- All right, Spiderweb, why'd you call us in so late? - the Creature's booming bass was the answer to my question.

- The usual superhero stuff, Ben," I jump off the wall and shake Grimm's hand. - I stumbled across a mad scientist's lab where he was conducting unethical experiments, and I called you because I need to move some equipment to the Baxter Building.

- Wow, seriously, a mad scientist? - raises an eyebrow at Storm.

- Dead serious, Candle.

- Okay, where to go?

- I'm afraid you guys are going to have to wait here, though your wrecking skills could really come in handy, big guy," a friendly fist bump on Ben's stone shoulder.

- Then why can't we come with you? - The Creature frowned.

- 'For two reasons: one, you're unlikely to be able to get the Fantastic Machine into the sewers,' he nodded at the manhole. - Hence the second reason, you'll have to damage the pavement a bit, because the equipment is not small and you have to unload it somehow.

- I see," Ben began to knead his knuckles.

- Okay, but those reasons don't stop me from going with you," the blond said reasonably.

- You're right, Johnny, they don't, except for the fact that the lab could be dangerous because you're too hot. I plan to destroy it, not blow it up. Who knows what blowing up the lab would do.

- Okay," Torch agreed reluctantly. - Then you owe me a pizza on Friday, okay?

- Deal, matcha," he got off easy, but Johnny could have asked for more.

Storm made an eye-to-eye gesture that said, "I'm watching you" and went back to the Fantastic Machine.

- All right, Spidey, get your technical stuff out of here and I'll get the aisle ready," Ben said, warming up.

"Poser," I smile lightly.

I jump down the hatch and make my way back to the lab. Everything's quiet.

After the showdown, Sense has gone silent altogether.

I enter the science room.

Immediately, Raj falls on me from the ceiling, renewing the symbiosis. The abruptness makes me feel like I've been splashed with cold water.

"You know, mate, if today wasn't one of the most inconsistent days, in my, damn full on, lately, inconsistent days, life, I'd be really shitting my pants at your appearance and pissed off. Don't do that again."

"Of course, Bearer," judging by the amusement in the symbiote's tone, he'd be sure to try and repeat such a thing at the first opportunity. - "Has the taxi arrived?"

"Yes. How's it looking, all clear?"

"Not a living soul."

"All right, then we're good to go."

I return the fabric flaps to the clone machines and tie them tightly together with webbing, taking care not to damage the structure. It'll fit through the door, there won't be any problems with moving through the tunnels, and I'll just start moving them one by one at the hatch, unless Grim gets lucky and digs up the asphalt properly.

I feel the symbiote supporting me from inside and I lift a bunch of cloning machines without any problems. I carry them out of the lab and head back in.

I walk over to the computers and strap the Spiderbot containing all the downloaded data onto my back. I open the code lines and enter the codes to completely wipe the hard drive. As soon as the computer assures me that all data has been erased, I start the most pleasant part - good old ultra-violence with total destruction of everything for which I don't have to pay.

I'm so into it, I'm bringing Raj in on the destruction. Pun intended.

In Venom mode, we do a global extermination of the entire contents of the room. Twenty minutes later, you won't recognise that pure, sublime scientific space, just destruction.

"Good work," the symbiote retracts back into its body, and I leave the lab and pick up the cloning machines again.

"Carrier, may I give you a hand?" - murmurs the symbiote as I carry the clones out of the lab and into the tunnels.

"In what way, Raj?"

In response, the Clintarian begins to form several thick tendrils, clinging to the surface and moving us along the tunnel in the manner of a spider's web.

"Alright, thanks partner, that really helped," I thank him sincerely, as we get to the right hatch many times faster and without much strain.

And at the top, Ben has made a decent hole. I put the apparatuses away and jump up.

- Thanks, big fella, this hole's really good.

- Hey, I'll blame the vandalism on you if it happens," the creature says with a wink.

- Whatever you say, big guy," I shoot out a web and start carefully lifting the clone devices up.

- What's that? - Mr Yancy Street asks a question.

- The workings of a scientist who's dangerous to stay downstairs.

- By the way, you didn't say what happened to Mr Mad Science, Spidey," said Johnny.

Why wasn't he in the car?

- I was distracted by the security system during the battle, and he escaped," I lie shamelessly.

I'm not talking to Matt, who would have heard my accelerated heartbeat as evidence of a lie, and I'm not talking to Logan, who would have smelled the bullshit. Only with Wolverine would I not be ashamed to confess what I'd done. There's a reason Logan's the best at what he does.

- I see," Storm calmly puts his hands behind his head, "Don't worry, Spiderhead, you'll be sure to catch him next time.

- Yeah, that's right, Candlestick," he says, "but there won't be a next time.

I take out the last mechanism.

I carefully plunge the flasks into the Fantastic Machine and secure them with the web.

Johnny and Ben climb in next.

The transport takes off, heading towards the Baxter Building.

- By the way, Spider, - Ben starts after a while, - I see you're not changing yourself, you've got a great costume, much better than that red and blue rag.

- I agree with Boulder's words, at last you look like a cool hero, not a jester in spandex, - Torch complements with a smile.

- Eh, you don't understand anything, it's a classic! Thank you.

We continued our way to the FCH's house, discussing all sorts of trivialities and plans for future meetings.

And lo and behold, we began to land over the roof of our final destination.

- So, Spiderweb, is watching the match on Friday still on?

- Sure, Ben, you know the Dolphins are gonna beat the Buffalo Bills.

- Only in your dreams, Wallbreaker, only in your dreams.

We're exchanging small talk as we leave Fantasticcar.

- Oh, you're back already, Reed came out to meet us.

- Yeah, Stretchy. Spidey stumbled into some mad scientist's lab and decided to bring us some of his stuff," Ben said, pointing to the car I'd already taken the cloning machines out of.

- Interesting. Can I see it? - Richards pulled his limb toward the cloth, which I immediately intercepted.

- No offence, Reid, but I'd like to study everything myself first.

To say the guys were surprised as hell at my action is to say nothing.

- Um...sure," I let go of Mr Fantastic, "but I hope you've made sure these devices aren't a danger to the Baxter Building.

- Of course, Reed they will not harm your home in any way, I guarantee it.

If I understand correctly the nature of how my spears' minds work, they would rather flee than put up a fight in unknown territory.

I pick up the newly webbed apparatuses and carry them to my laboratory to the same surprised looks.

When the door closes and I set the flasks down, I manage to exhale with relief.

"Maybe I should have told you about the clones in the first place. You know, like with a band-aid, you peel it off and you're done."

"If it were that simple, Raj, I wouldn't doubt it, but having clones in the first place would reveal my identity, and while I trust the Fantastic Four, the inner need to guard the secret is still higher. I am, after all, a hero from the streets, anonymity is important to me."

"I understand," the Clintarian replies.

I start arranging the flasks in the room, finding the best place for them.

"By the way, Raj, I completely forgot, how are you after....absorption?"

"You mean the Jackal?" - The alien hesitated. - "Fine, I guess, fine actually. Honestly, I didn't expect the brain to taste so good."


"But there won't be a problem, will there?"

"You mean like if I decide to become a man-eater? Don't worry it's just an extra boost of energy and vitamins. I don't need it for life. Your emotions are enough for me."

"Good," I tear off the cloth covering.

I look at the serenely slumbering brown-haired girl.

"Listen, Raj," I bow my head slightly to her shoulder. - "What do you think of the name, Delia?"