
Spellbounded by your love

He was her only cure but death was in his fate But sometimes even death can't beat true love.

Sehar_Jamil_7873 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Mountain ghost

One day,when she was coming back from the cafe,she overheard two ladies who were talking about the mountain ghost but she didn't gave it a thought. As she reached home it tired her up thinking that she has to follow the same regime the next day too. 

As she woke up the next day the Sun was hiding behind the clouds as if they were playing hide and seek. It was the Sunday morning she planned to go for Mountain hiking along with her only friend Ha Rin. as they went for the hiking she enjoyed her day to the fullest.

They look all the way to the mountain and reached near the top of the mountain at night.

Anna was walking continuously without thinking of anything else. As she looked backed hr friend wasn't behind her. She was shocked and took out her phone but there were no signals. She was trying to catch her breath. Without thinking much she climbed straight to the top. She thought that there would be some signals.

[ Mountain view ]:

It was a dark night and it was going to be the first snow on the top of the mountain. The mountain was also very famous for it's beauty and the scenario from it's top. All the city lights could be easily seen from it's top. But some peole visits there because it wad notorious for the ghost stories.

[Back to the story]

Anna was determined to go to the top because she had came so far. As she reached the top she was stunned by encountering the unrivalled beauty of the mountain. She was completely immersed in the beauty of thr mountain. She suddenly heard a voice from behind her back. Being all alone the conversation of those ladies popped in her mind. She realised it is the same mountain which is notorious for it's ghost hearsay.