

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "What if he’s a daydream disguised as a nightmare?" ___ Season 1 - COMPLETED In her daydreams, her wedding day always took place on a fine sunny day. Who would’ve thought she is going to get married in the middle of the night and to a creature of the night?

KazzenlX · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
700 Chs


"Huh?" Evie creased her brows, "who's seducing who again? I just said I'm not worried." Evie retorted.

"And why are you not worried, huh? My love?" he raised a perfectly arched brow at her, "are you perhaps thinking that I'm kidding you when I said I will make love with you in every corner of this castle?"

Evie's heartbeat raced at his words and she felt her face become hotter as she began to actually imagined him doing that, making love to her outside their bedroom. "Y-you said… you'll behave," she said as she forced herself to put her attention to the food on her plate instead of the embarrassing things she just thought about. It mortified her that her mind seemed becoming naughtier now.