
Spell Bound

Born with a frail body, but an exceptional talent for magic, Erina dreams of adventuring through the world. Collapsing due to exhaustion? Who cares? I'm still alive! Enemies? Didn't I tell you I have magic? Cake? Sweets? Ah, you know, good point that's a problem... they taste good okay?! What am I supposed to do to resist... ------- "Isn't that... your 5th slice of cake Erina..." "Yeah! The cake this place makes tastes so good!!" "Goddammit... You make every women jealous Erina with the amount of sugar you consume..." "I don't eat that much Yuiko..." "it's like a third of your diet stop trying to play innocent." "Fineeee...." ------- "Warning": I try to give you diabetes a lot... so be warned? This is a pretty fluffy book! It's a book that you can come back to and read to just destress and get some diabetes from, so don't expect too much... heart palpitations due to plot stress and stuff... Also I'm a still a not a super awesome amazing writer, so expect some parts that might be unrealistic/plot holes(there are a lot lemme tell you), but please bear with me! We can make it to diabetes land together! Also posted on ScribbleHub~ (under Esyix instead because i'm bad at spelling) Cover Made with Charat Choco~! This is a rewrite of my first book... uhh... hmm... Disclaimer: My release schedule is sh- I mean, it's not so great because of school and life... Join my discord!! https://discord.gg/aEzwY9dR5c

Esiyx · LGBT+
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67 Chs

A Romanti-... Friendly Dinner~

Multiple attempts at trying to get the waitress's attention later, Natsuki and Amelia managed to gain the attention of the nearby waitress who had been busy cleaning up a nearby table to make it ready for the next patrons.

Taking turns to order their dishes and a glass of wine each, Natsuki turned back to Amelia, explaining, "Well you should already know this, but Erina was diagnosed with that medical condition where you are more in tune, 'having' more magic per se, but at the expense of a weaker body."

"Ohhh, that would explain it," Amelia nodded, sipping some water from her glass as she glanced towards the kitchens, longing for the food to arrive, "I don't remember hearing about that though…"

Sighing as she broke off a piece of bread to eat, Natsuki nagged while raising an eyebrow in suspicion, "It was in the file folder you were given about Erina's comprehensive student profile. You know, the one you asked for when she caught your eye during the first ranking tournament, unless you threw it out…"

"Uh-..." Amelia coughed, a slight twinge of embarrassment climbing up her cheeks, "I just saw the background part and saw she was your niece and threw the rest out…

Breaking off her own piece of bread, Amelia inquired, "But in all honesty, based on what I've heard about that condition, it should've been pretty obvious just by looking at her, shouldn't it? She seems like a pretty healthy girl with a normal body… I remember that one case where someone got it later on in life and how their body was just… withered, it was not a pretty sight."

"Yeah, luckily that case was an extreme one, there were a lot of unique parts concerning that case," Natsuki explained, her eyes lighting up as she saw their food being carried out from the kitchens, "Firstly, they got it later on in life, which is the only recorded case of that happening, two, they experienced a really large jump in magic, and three, they already had a body wracked with poison from poor choices you could say…"

Taking a moment to receive their food from the waiter who had brought it out, Amelia then asked as the waiter had walked off, "That's good, that's good, though, judging from the tone of your voice, will things change?"

"Well, talking to Garret and Miyuki, Erina's parents," Natsuki recalled, taking a moment to savor a bite of food, "Mn~ this stuff is good, they told me that the doctors think that as Erina grows her body will get weaker, but not to a debilitating point. Because of that, in combination with her naturally fast metabolism, she'll probably be thin all her life, to the jealousy of everyone else…"

Swallowing a bite of food and wiping her mouth, Amelia murmured in agreement, "This stuff is really good…"

Sipping some of her wine, Amelia added, "That's good to know, I'd hate for Erina to become that withered. But also, damn am I jealous… I've seen the amount of sweets and cake that girl eats, anyone else would be gaining weight faster than you could say whale."

Wiping her mouth while laughing, Natsuki put her fork down, careful not to make a loud clanging noise, before asking, "Help me control her sugar intake will you? I don't want you to go around spoiling her now, it's unhealthy…"

"Well~," Amelia murmured, stroking her chin while pretending to be deep in thought, "just a little wouldn't hurt~ they're young~ so youthful and innocent, where life is so nice~ it wouldn't hurt to just spoil her a little~"

Ticked off, Natsuki pinched the bridge of her nose while sighing, "I give up, I give up…"


Spending the rest of the night chatting and catching up with each other, enjoying their meals under the warm lighting of the restaurant, Natsuki and Amelia were oblivious as the sun set, only realizing as they went to order dessert.

Letting out a satisfied groan, Natuski could feel her stomach filled to the brim as she looked out the window asking, "Hey Amelia, you want to come over to my place after we finish eating? You and I have nothing to do tomorrow anyway. Gotta enjoy the perks of being adults~"

"Sure I'd loveee too~ Nat~" Amelia teased, admiring the still bustling streets filled with adults now that the students curfew had passed, "You want to have some alone~ time~? With just the two of us~?"

"S-Shut up... I don't know why you're like this with me," Natsuki retorted, hiding the blush that crept up her cheeks, "You're totally normal with other people..."

Thanking the waitress that had brought over their desserts, Amelia shifted back towards Natsuki, crossing her legs and leaning in with a smile, "You know exactly why~, we both turned each other down in the past~, no need to pretend the ambiguity isn't there~ I'd love to come over though! I want to see how far you've gotten in that game you showed me last time!"

Eating her chocolate cake after thanking the waitress too, Natsuki drummed her fingers on the table, swallowing the piece of cake while thinking of a response, "Well I think... I think for now it can stay ambiguous..."

Continuing on, Natsuki replied in a much more upbeat tone, "Sure! I'll show you all the progress I've made... Though I feel like you'd enjoy playing the game too sometime, are you sure you don't want to play?"

"M-Me?! Play?!" Amelia cried, acting as if she had been betrayed, "Heavens no... I'm quite content with just watching you play, and reading tons and tons of FANFICTION in my free time! My babies~"

Laughing, Natsuki muttered while offering a spoonful of cake to Amelia, "I never understood your obsession with fanfiction... Want a bite of cake though?"

"You wouldn't understand~," Amelia wept, acting betrayed while wiping fake tears, "Never giving my dearest hobby a try..."

Seeing Natsuki's unamused face as she began to retract the cake offering, Amelia laughed before leaning forward and eating the cake, "Thanks for the food~"

Smiling as Amelia ate the cake, Natsuki reprimanded with a light tone, "Don't talk with your mouth full..." Before reaching over and offering Amelia another spoonful cake...

Heyo, another chapter! Who would've thought, an author like me releasing chapters semi-consitently??

Well I hope you enjoyed this little brief snapshot into Natsuki and Amelia~ Next chapter we'll be back with our favorite coup- ... f-friends... Erina and Yuiko!

Don't worry, Natsumelia will sail! Treat it as a slowburn~ and EXTRA slow burn with this author's SHIT release schedule~


... I really need sleep...

Alright take care you all~ thanks so much for reading! It would really mean a lot if you could leave some comments... last time they really warmed my heart~ <3

Esiyxcreators' thoughts