
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Finding The Host Of A System

Shirei didn't know what to say. He was in no way a fighter and what the AI was asking him to do was dangerous no doubts about it. But then again it's not like his life would be better if he didn't accept. Sitting here doing nothing till he dies from being sucked into the vacuum of space sounded horrible. Assuming he didn't go insane by then due to the isolation.

'That's not the way I'm dying now that I got a second chance.' Coming to a decision Shirei asked the System one last thing. "You said my Planet was destroyed… What was the chance it was because of the reasons you mentioned?" Even without the AI elaborating he could tell it was nearly impossible for Earth to just suddenly be destroyed.

If it was some kind of collision or anything of the sort then it would have been detected long before it was a threat. But the AI simply said it was destroyed and as expected Shirei got the only answer he needed.

[The chances are very high sitting at 96%. While I can not detect who it was due to the hub's damage It is possible to locate them when it is properly repaired.]

Closing his eyes for a moment Shirei took a breath. "I won't consider myself an advocate of justice or anything. But I also don't have a reason to let these guys do whatever they won't either." Agreeing to help Shirei suddenly heard the entire hub and room around him begin to hum with power.

[Diverting remaining power between Dock 2 and N.O.G.B #1.] Looking around him Shirei saw a strange blue energy flow from the wall's as the light's in the room began to dim. Looking at his body as the energy suddenly flowed into him he suddenly felt a jolt. His vision flashed as he heard a voice in his head.

[Body Control Priority has been set to Administrator. Welcome Commander Shirei.] Soon Shirei's 'skin' began folding over one another like building blocks. Starting from his arms to the rest of his body everything was revealed for what it was. Displays and reticles that were originally hidden from his eyes were being shown as his body completely transformed.

Standing at the same height with all of the fake human features gone Shirei's body was in a completely robotic form. It was entirely made of some type of metal with his head having some type of sensors instead of eyes. Looking at the transformation Shirei moved his limbs around.

"So this is what this body really looks like." Behind him, the door that was originally sealed opened as the AI's voice entered directly into his mind. [I have devoted all of my remaining power to your body and Dock 2. It's crucial that I receive energy to get my Critical Functions up and running.]

Listening to the AI Shirei stood up from the chair and made his way to the door. Behind it was a hallway that like the rest of the ship looked extremely badly damaged. A small circle like HUD display was being directly projected into his vision as it pointed him to go right.

'This reminds me of Iron Man though I guess I take the term even more literally.' Continuing to follow the display Shirei asked the AI a question. "So how exactly do you intend for me to get the energy to have you up and running properly?" Seconds after asking a quick log dating back Nine-Thousand years ago opened in front of Shirei's eyes.

[Before I brought us both here I had run a quick scan over the possible Universes that we could escape to that also had the chance of a System development. Assuming it has had the time to be activated and acquired a host during your body's creation then it should be only a few months old. If you are able to capture their house and extract the System from them directly then I can use it as a power source.]

Hearing that out loud Shirei's face would have changed due to the concept alone. 'That's basically cannibalism, right? Or are all Systems even related like brothers and sisters?' Trying to ignore the concept he had just come up with he had arrived at another sealed door with the words Dock-2 over it.

As he got close the sealed door opened itself allowing for him to peer inside. "Wait is that a?" Walking into the almost car-sized area Shirei confirmed it. It was small and looked slightly worn out but it was a spaceship none this less. "Am I going to be able to fly this thing? Oh, and does it have laser's like Star Wars or something?"

[Due to the limited amount of power remaining I will be personally directing the Ship to our destination to conserve any wasted motions. Sadly my ability to upgrade and create is one of the Functions Offline so weapons are currently unavailable.] The AI's answer got him slightly down but nonetheless, it was still cool.

'The fact this Ship can't even still fly surprises me despite how much damage this place has taken. I wonder what it will look like once I fully repair it?' He didn't know how the robotic body would express it however Shirei began to feel slightly excited. Sitting down in the pilot's seat and strapping himself in the control panel of the ship began to light up as the doors to enter the ship sealed themselves.

[Plotting course to last found coordinates… The destination is approximately 2 hours away from the current position.] The AI had entered the Ship and Shirei could feel as the entire thing began to shake. With no warning, Shirei's body was rocked back as the ship launched itself.

In a matter of seconds, he could already see thousand's of stars become streaks as they traveled creating a scene he had only seen in movies. [I will be going temporarily offline while controlling the ship. I advise Commander Shirei to get used to controlling his body properly along with exploring its configurations.]

Hearing the AI Shirei seemed interested in that last part. "Configurations?" Upon mentioning the word Shirei saw a bunch of different options appear in front of him all modifying how his body worked in some shape or form. Not wasting any time he took the Ai's advice and began exploring them one by one.

The Ship continued to make its way through space for the next two hours. And Eventually, they did reach their destination. [We are within One-Thousand miles of our destination. Please prepare to enter.] Hearing the AI Shirei glanced away from his HUD for a moment only to see a massive blue and green planet.

"Wow… That's a view worth taking a picture of." Seeing an alternate planet Earth from a space eye view, Shirei couldn't help but admire it. "Oh, right I should probably start setting the configurations."

[N.O.G.B Configurations Menu]

Warning: Setting Receptor's below 3 can cause harm to your Soul and Mental Health.

<Pain Receptor Level: 10>

<Temperature Receptor Level: 5>

<Human Coating: Disabled>

The list went on for quite a bit and Shirei also read the warning. 'That makes sense I suppose. Despite being in this body I might have actually gone crazy if I couldn't feel pain or temperature at all.' Though now that he was going to be trying to find someone and possibly fighting it would be best if he didn't feel too much pain.

[Beginning Landing Procedure…] Shirei felt the entire ship shake as they began to quickly travel towards the planet he had just seen in front of them. After a couple of minutes, the Ship had begun to approach an island surrounded by ocean on all four sides. On the Island, he spotted a relatively large town that seemed to be the only one there.

As the ship approached the ground it kicked up tons of dust before finally landing. [Landing Procedure Successful. The System was last detected being dormant in this area. I advise you to activate your Human Coating while not in combat and search for its Host right away.]

Hearing the AI Shirei nodded and unstrapped himself. Looking out the front window of the ship all he could see is that they were surrounded by a forest. The back door of the ship opened as he activated the Human Coating option in customization. Like before the metallic layer of his body began folding in on itself turning into human skin instead.

"That's really convenient." Stepping out of the ship Shirei inferred with the AI. "Will the ship be ok here by itself? What if someone finds it?" The last thing Shirei wanted was to be stranded on a planet he didn't even know luckily the AI calmed those worries.

[I had landed on the Island at the best possible angle to avoid suspicion from any local settlements. As long as you don't take too much time searching for the Host the chances of the Ship being found are less than 3%.] Hesitating for a moment Shirei nodded as he brought up his HUD display.

The indicator was pointing in the direction he could only assume was the town he spotted as they were landing. 'Alright then guess I better get moving.' Leaving the Ship where it was, Shirei began to make his way through the forest. "I wonder what Universe this is."

Continuing to make his way through the forest Shirei eventually found a dirt path leading towards the town. Following it for a couple of minutes he had reached his destination. From afar Shirei wasn't able to tell what the town was actually like but now that he had a closer look he felt a bit more confident.

From the buildings from the people, Shirei could tell this world was not technologically or at least this island isn't compared to his Earth. There were people pulling wooden carts and not a single car was in sight. "Now then If I was someone with a System where would I be…"

Asking a slightly rhetorical question for himself Shirei walked into the town while not drawing too much attention himself. Along with making him look human the coating also gave him the appearance of wearing clothes. Though they didn't perfectly blend in due to them looking slightly more modern he felt it worked either way.

'This body may have taken a lot of time to make but I can't argue with results.' It was while he was thinking about that he found himself in the town square. There were hundreds of people walking around and finding one person, in particular, was going to be near impossible.

"I need them to do something out of the ordinary. Something that would draw attention to them." And as if reality itself was trying to catch his attention Shirei suddenly heard a loud scream from behind him. "Agh!" Flying through the wooden wall of one of the building's Shirei just passed by a man with an Iron Saber attached to his waist was sent tumbling to the ground.

"Kid you just made a big mistake!"

"Where the Sabertain Pirates you know!"

Shirei continued to hear a multitude of angry shouts and grunts as opposed to the other pedestrians he began to walk towards the building. Peering in through the hole that was made in the wall. The building was a bar and inside all the supposed customers were standing off to the side.

Facing down four adult men wearing pirate-like clothing was a boy who looked like he was only nine at the most. Thinking to himself for a moment Shirei almost knocked himself on the head. 'Of course! There is only one Universe that would have pirates who can proudly call themselves something so dumb.'

Realizing what Universe this was, Shirei decided to watch as two of the so-called Sabertain pirates drew their sabers from their waist before charging at the boy who was perfectly calm. In fact, he was even smiling as he took a stance with one hand behind his back and the other facing his opponents.

It didn't even take a single minute as the boy yelled out. "Leaf Hurricane!" Jumping into the air the boy proceeded to kick the first pirate in the face causing him to be sent flying into a nearby table breaking. Then falling to the floor he bent down lower dodging the second pirate's attack before swiftly raising his leg and kicking him directly in the chin.

Flying into the air the pirate's eyes went white before he fell on the wooden floor unconscious. Seeing what had just happened to their two comrades in a matter of seconds the remaining two pirates grit their teeth. "Dammit, you'll pay for this kid! Well be back with our captain and then you'll get what's coming to you!"

Yelling while running away Shirei couldn't believe how cliche that all sounded but no matter he wasn't worried about the pirates.

"A Nine-Year old boy beating three grown men with swords? And using Taijutsu from Naruto to do it as well. Might as well just have the fact you have a System plastered on your forehead."

I want everyone to know this is just the beginning. The MC cant even uses the System to its full extent at this point so don't expect this to get too interesting until then!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter though!

Aizen_Dleitchcreators' thoughts