
Blood Magic

Mason rushed towards his little sister when he saw what she was doing. But no matter how hard he tried to run to her, he couldn't move an inch. The blood continued to flow out of Aeryn's chest and around the ruins. Aeryn looked weaker and weaker when the blood completely covered the castle, but she didn't stop.

A change overcame both Aeryn and Mason, the change more apparent in Aeryn. Her pure white locks slowly darkening to black and her originally scarlet eyes darkening into crimson. Mason's brunette hair also became black. His bright lime eyes turned into a wonderful shade of jade. The blood receded from the castle, and in its place was a beautiful fortress. It was at least ninety meters tall and just as wide. It was made out of pale blocks, but was splattered in blood. While Aeryn glanced at her new home in appreciation, her brother only briefly glanced at it and started to scold his reckless little sister.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME, AERYN?! THAT WAS BLOOD MAGIC!!! YOU'RE ONLY 14!!! WHAT IF YOU DIED?!?! WHAT IF YOU GOT HURT?!?! DON'T USE BLOOD MAGIC AGAIN!!" he yelled, desperately worried about his little sister's fate.

"AND YOUR HAIR!!! ITS BLACK!!!" He yelled at her back. She turned around and faced her older brother.

"Your hair changed too, and so did your eyes."

"What? How?" He asked.

Aeryn took a mirror out of her bag and handed it to her brother. When he saw his new appearance, he started gawking. Aeryn giggled at her brother's reaction.

"Wha- What… How.."

"Remember what our parents did to us before Mother died?" She asked.

Realization dawned on Mason. "Infinitus Vinculum," He whispered slowly.

"The bonding spell. Whatever happens to one of us, happens to the other."

"That's good!!! Now, I'll know whenever you get in trouble." He said happily.


Two twelve year-olds came out of the blood spattered fortress. They both had blond hair and amber eyes. They were completely identical, except for one fact. Their tattoos were different. The tattoos, which were on their necks, were spades. One spade was white, the other black. The white spade had a half a red heart below, and the black spade had a half heart below it too, but it was black.

"Hey Master," The one with the white spade said cheerily.

The other twin only nodded his head in acknowledgement, suspiciously looking at Mason.

"Don't worry, as dimwitted as he is, he's on our side." Aeryn said, and then turned to her brother.

"These are the crown princes of Kingdom Of Ignis. They ran away from there, and I saved them on our trip to the heart of the capital."

Mason looked at Aeryn in awe. Only his little sister could so casually talk about basically abducting the crown princes of the most powerful kingdom. Once he snapped out of his reverie, he quickly grabbed his sister's arm, and dragged her a few feet away from the twins.

"Are you an idiot? The crown princes of Ignis!!!" He frantically whispered. "We both know that you wouldn't let two strangers, and kids no less, live with you. Not unless you…"

"You what?" His sister prompted, eyebrow raised.

"Are you an idiot?"

14-year-old Aeryn only giggled at him.

"Older brother, when I was about to kill stepmother, I 'acted' like a maniac, didn't I? That's what you said, right?"

"Yeah?" He said, not getting the point.

"I really am a psychopath," She said gleefully. "I poisoned her food last night. She should be suffering hell right now," Still giggling.

"What about Father?" He asks, scared of what she would say next.

"I made his business collapse," She shrugs carelessly. "I revealed all his dirty secrets to the world, and the investors pulled out, one after the other."

"You want to take over the kingdom, don't you?"

"All the kingdoms, older brother. But first we must build our strength." She says. The she heads towards the magnificent blood splattered fortress, followed by the pair of twins. But then she stops.

"Older brother," She says slowly, "You will do this with me, correct?"

Mason looked at his maniacal little sister, and sighed happily.

"Aeryn, I'll follow you anywhere, even if it be hell."

Aeryn smiled in response, and they headed inside the blood splattered fortress together, ready to take over the world together...

This is set in medieval times... Also, magic exists here...

KingFoxJellyfishcreators' thoughts