
Space Surgeon Onboard a hostile station on the edge of space

What if you were a doctor working on a space station on the edge of space??!?!?!?!?

Daoist2tmcqO · Khoa huyễn
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6 Chs

Patrol Duty

Stay awake...

SSttaayy aawwaakkee

Say... What... Do...We...Have...Here?

I jolted up against the shiny, super-plastic wall. In the distance, I could see the shadows of a few beings, a little orange aura glinting off of their shadows.


They were prisoners who had escaped the nearby holding facility where prisoners waiting to be sent to Ezorak. The galactical detention mega-facility. Recently, a large explosion caused in the power districts had detonated so further investigation and repairments prevented new prisoners from moving in. But I digress...

There they were. Where is my Gatorade gun, premium drink shooter. I begged my parents for it, just before it went off-sale.

Squirt!!! Squirt!!!