
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · Thành thị
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26 Chs

My worry is growing bigger

Whenever I think about it I find myself smiling, I was so happy. He really got me by doing that. I felt very pleased with what had happened, exuberant and delighted.

He called me to go to the park near by to give me something. I did not have any idea about what he was about say and curious about what he had up his sleeves. Rapidly changed my pants and t-shirt into something I can go out with, picked my phone and keys and went outside.

* * * *

Pain hitting between the chest and lower abs. Something that makes you wanna squat until it's over. She grabbed to her clothes and closed her eyes, real hard. "Ed, what is it? What's the matter? Where does it hurt?" He digs in his pocket and takes out his cell phone, ready to call on someone.

She opens her eyes and sees him right in front of her. He supports her to go sit down. Then runs over to get her some water. "It's nothing, my stomach is just suddenly hurting, a little."

She drinks it. "I heard drinking water might help" he says. "Also take a hot bath when you come home, and have some ginger, too."

* * * *

Now he is right outside my house to give me something sweet to eat as well as a fluffy pillow, to make me feel comfortable.

He hit the right spot by guessing, but I am still shocked though, it came as a surprise.

And this man - I've no words do describe this situation. The way he is, the compound feelings I have, and how cute the situation is.

So quick witted and observing. How did he even figure it out?

But knowing my cutie is treating someone else. It's dripping again, it seems that my eyes are filled with this salty liquid yet again: Is this boy that has always been by side leaving?

If me and Zachary end up drifting apart because I simply didn't bring an umbrella with me - I'm going to die.

I want to fix this, but how am I supposed to do this?

Then another thought puppet up to mind. I walked down the hill towards the park, to do something and thought: "What if he purposely came later to avoid me". Say, he did not wish to meet me and came later on purpose so he doesn't bump into me.

* * * *

I stopped at the grocery store on the way to buy some things before going to the park.

"Hello. Excuse me, sir. I couldn't find any cat food on the shell. Do you put them somewhere else?" Maybe I didn't look carefully enough.

"We are very sorry, miss. We are out of cat food. Come tomorrow and we will have them by that time."

The other grocery store is 15 mins away from here. There is also a bigger one that's a little further away from here, we'd usually go there after school since it's closer there. I'd go there together with... Zachary.

* * * *

"Zach, wait up!!" ...And she came running.

He decided to go see if Adrienne was at the bookstore in the end. "Yeah, what is up?" he said.

"Do you wanna come with us to the coffee shop?" she asked him.

"No, sorry. I'm going somewhere."

She's always indecisive about her decision. I feel like I might see her if I go to the bookstore. He imagined her standing there taking buying the book into account. He thought of it and smirked again.

"So I am guessing you are going somewhere fun, then?" she asked out of curiosity.

"Huh, no, no. The bookstore." Although the thought of it has become just as fun as the amusement park by now.

"Really? I also had to get something from there! Mind if I tag along with you?"

He had an eye contact for at least 5 minutes with her, before he made up his mind about what to say. Yet he looked at her very troubled and confused. Just the other second she was going to have a drink with some others but her plans changed real quick. "Mhm, yo..."

"Yes, you can show me where you buy those pencils from, on the way. Only if you got time though!" -By that she decided everything herself.

"Guys, this is more important, I might catch up to y'all later!" So it was settled, but rather than that he felt like she settled it. "Okay. Let's get going."

She went ahead before him and stopped to wait for him.