
SPACE COLONIST: in the oceanic world ARK

#Synopsis: ------------------------------------------------------ In the far future the planet earth is full, and thanks to 3 key technologies, genetic manipulation, cryosleep, and advanced space engines, humanity builds deep space spaceships and launch themselves to the unknown confines of space to forge a new future away from home. Follow our young engineer Erik as he starts on his first job at the young age of 60 years old in future earth where humans will live hundreds of years, he will reach an unknown place with his spaceship by accident and to survive he will have no choice but to explore alien structures and hunt dangerous monsters to get stronger, making alliances with the locals in more than friendly terms sometimes. ------------------------------------------------------ The protagonist is a young 60 years old "young" engineer, he's easy-going and a good guy, he's been trained so he will know what he's doing most of the time, in "Chapter 1 - A New Beginning" he will explain more, as a human from the future where bodies are just flesh containers, he's fairly openminded (kinda like "Altered Carbon" from Netflix, but different, you can go one day to a genetic center, pay, and get inside a liquid tank and then, the next time you open your eyes your body has already changed, then you get your ticket and go home just like that, but combat modifications would be regulated). ------------------------------------------------------ Hi, NirvanaPenguin here, suggestions on the story are welcome, this is a book I'm gonna write for fun and to get better at writing in preparation for a story I will start next year. ------------------------------------------------------ Discord: https://discord.gg/WPM7a4Dp4J Reddit: www.reddit.com/user/NirvanaPenguin/ Twitter: @NirvanaPenguin Post a review if you liked the book to help me get exposure, thanks. Wanna send me a tip? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nirvanapenguin https://www.paypal.me/NirvanaPenguinBooks QR: https://i.ibb.co/0mt2RpJ/Nirvana-Penguin-Books-QR-TIPS.jpg ------------------------------------------------------ A quick heads-up about the tags: tags: FirstContact, alien, mystery, technology, AI, DesignedIntelligence, Waterworld, ARK, cooking, hunting, gathering, KingdomBuilding, alliances, leviathan, genetics, FromWeakToStrong, AlienReproduction, lewd, r18, genderswap, Futanari, HappySex, genetics, teaching, mechanics, FuturisticTechnologies, weakToStrong, cautiousProtagonist. ------------------------------------------------------ Dialog Settings: '...' --> mental dialog "..." --> out loud dialog [...] --> voice inside his head but it will be clear during the book, the story might be slow for some, but i didn't wanna do a "10 years later" kinda crap and then strong to go explore, but he will slowly get there. The book cover was drawn by myself(not the background though), I will try to make or pay someone to make a cooler one in the future though. ------- Spoiler?: Inspiration for the octopeople. - Asari from Mass Effect. - sea horses. - subnautica all beings reproduce that way.

NirvanaPenguin · Khoa học viễn tưởng
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205 Chs

Chapter 107 - New Ruler

*(mood song: "Edwin Starr - War")

At that moment, a soldier rushed into the room "my king. the fire tribe is... oh..." but froze in place as he saw Erik sitting on the throne with 2 front legs resting on the kings back.

Erik: "come forth and finish your report to your new queen soldier!"

The soldier was confused, but Erik's firm tone compelled him to obey "y-yes ma'am! the fire tribe are at our doorsteps, our alchemists are throwing acid and poison potions at them but they are blocking them, we don't have enough men to defent the doors"

Erik stood up and said "then I shall defend this tribe as it's new ruler"

the soldier was slack jawed "n-no but the previous king he never... yes ma'am!"

Rose: [there's something I'm curious about, wasn't the original plan to kill them all? why saving the shadow claw tribe?]

Erik: [I'm interested in their weird potions, they could be really useful, and with proper labs they could probably make much better things]





Erik: "THEN FOLLOW YOUR QUEEN TO THE BATTLEFIELD!!!!" raising his claws up.

"FOR THE QUEEN!!!!!" the soldiers had been riled up and marched behind Erik with fervor, the fear of death forgotten.

Erik got to the walls and could see the turtle formations of the Fire tribe with their tower shields, scoffing as he pointed his rifle to the closest one "this is... my boom stick!"

*BOOM!* the sodium round just bounced off their shield to the ground and exploded, killing the vanguard as it was quickly replaced by new shielder

Erik: "well thats some good alloy" he turned to the Elders and Inky "you know what to do disperse through the wall, and aim for the gaps or the feet with explosive rounds and any place you want with solid rounds, I doubt they can stop those"

The guns roared as Erik turned to a nearby soldier "what is the condition of the defenses?"

soldier: "not great my queen, we are running out of potions"

Erik: "give my command, wait for the bangs, when their front shielders die, then throw the potions inside their shield formations, now go!"

Soldier: "yes my queen!"

Slowly the tables started turning as fewer squadrons started making it to the walls, the Fire tribes soldiers wore heavy armors and so they were already exhausted from the marching and couldn't afford to charge forward, the perfect turtle tactic had been the perfect solution for a slow and safe approach, but with the constant explosions breaking their fronts, they had become sitting ducks for the acid and poison potions thrown from the walls.

In the fire tribe's army, the general had dismounted his cart as he saw the constant explosions breaking his army and muttered "this... this can't be real... they shouldn't have this kind of technology..."

soldier: "my general, we are incurring losses, what are your orders?"

"...aim the ballistas, let them taste some pain, we will pull them to the ground kukuku"

Up on the walls, Rose puppets noticed something [Erik, they are loading their ballistas with... harpoons attached to.. chains? what's the use of that]

Erik looked down the bone wall and shouted "they are trying to bring down the walls! fire at their ballista!" the order was received and dozens of ballistic were destroyed, but... other dozens were fired, their bolts reaching the walls Erik and the others rushed to cut off the chains, they were too tough and took a while.

Meanwhile, aided by the chained tunneler, the Fire tribe managed to bring down 3 parts of the wall, the shadow claw tribe soldiers rushing to plug them with their very lives.

Erik tapped his communicator "Shana, could you break the chains on that monster and let it rampage? I know it's really far, but you are our best shooter after all"

Shana: "consider it done" she set herself lower as she spread her crab legs, the shot was beyond 500 meters after, luckily for her the crab people with their 6 firm legs had a pretty stable frame, adding in her accuracy, she took water in and out slowly as she calmly pulled the trigger.

*Bang!* the bullet traveled hundreds of meters and hit the metal collar around the creature's neck and allowing it to turn.

The freed tunneler quickly cut off the other chains once it could turn its head, to the dismay of all nearby fire tribe soldiers.

*SKREEEE!!!!* with a deafening shout it turned to the rear, mowing down soldier after soldier in pure anger, as it didn't even eat them, it just killed them, slicing through them like a hot knife through butter.

Erik observed it and felt like whistling "oh i bet it's angry~ good job Shana, now snipe commanders or anyone you see giving orders"

Shana: "alright, will do"

More shots were heard as the enemy chain of leadership started collapsing.

In the fire tribe camp, the general was observing from behind a rock as his beast tunneler rampaged and his soldiers were killed left and right, as when they managed to chain it again there would be a bang and the chains would snap he turned to a nearby soldier and said while gritting its teeth "make a unit direct the tunneler to their walls"

Soldier: "but... that's a suicide mission sir..."

general: "...I know soldier, get volunteers, we might have to retreat if they manage to take down that beast"

Soldier: "as you command my general"

Soon a team was formed, baiting the tunneler with crossbow shots and then charging for the wall with their shields up, as the beast angrily followed behind them.

Erik: "shit! Shana, can you get rid of that beast?!"

Shana: "I will try"

*Bang!* *SKREEE!* The bullet hitting its head ricocheted off though, only making the beast angrier.

Shana: "I didn't do any damage it seems"

Erik: "shoot at its face, keep it distracted"

Shana: "alright"

Rose: [what are you gonna do?]

Erik: [something really stupid... the chainsword should be able to cut him right?]

Rose: [...it can cut through granite so it should be able to cut it... just don't rely too much on it, want me to try?]

Erik: [nah, your puppets are slow and we will need them on the deeper tunnels... I got this...] Erik took a deep breath and jumped down the wall.

The soldier was confused throughly "my queen! where are you going?! it's dangerous!"

Erik: "I WILL DEFEND MY PEOPLE! NO ONE SHALL FALL UNDER MY LEAD!" and started slashing enemy after enemy.

The shadow claw tribe soldiers felt their hearts tightening, looking at each other and nodding, some scowing at the sight of their previous king cowering on the back, hundreds of soldiers soon also jumping the walls too, a commander shouting "PROTECT THE QUEEN! COVER HER FLANKS!"

Erik: "what are you doing?" while slicing enemies open.

The commander soon reached his queen "we shall cover you! don't worry about us!"

Erik: "of course I worry" inside thinking 'worried that you all get in the way' "ALRIGHT SOLDIERS! CHARGE AFTER ME, BUT MAKE SURE TO REMAIN ALIVE!" and starting to charge for the suicide squad.

Commander: "YOU HEARD THE QUEEN! CHARGE!!!" all taking out and drinking a red potion, their eyes becoming bloodshot soon after as they started charging even faster than Erik, soon reaching him as the suicide squad was almost in range, their movements faster and more instinctual.

Erik charged with his chainsword in his right hand and a vibrosword on the left, his chainsaw claws also open, dodging left and right as those who passed by were left dead or missing limbs, soon to be finished by the fearless soldiers coming behind him.

He soon reached the eight crabmen in the suicide squad and killed them, but the beast was fast approaching.

Erik: [activate the ultrasound sonar Rose, all frequencies!]

*SKREEE* the tunneler wobbled and shook its it's head as the soundwaves blinded it as it used sound to watch, now his entire world turning into chaos all around, it continued screeching as it stopped in place.

*SKREEE - KRRRR!* it screeched in pain as Erik avoided his head and cut one of his front legs by the joint.


"YES MY QUEEN!" responded the soldiers as they crazily charged the still broken lines of the fire tribe soldiers, easily securing the flanks as they changed their equipment for the much better weapons and armor now left on the floor alongside fire tribe soldier corpses.

Erik focused again in the confused and scared beast [seems like it's working]

Rose: [indeed, it looks scared]

Erik: [well, it's the entire world just turned into noise, I would be scared too, a pity but I can't keep such a big thing that can chew through my base as a pet] he charged forward avoiding the powerful jaws and using his chainsword cut off another frontal leg, the sword producing sparks as it did so.

*skree...* without the 2 frontal legs the beast was but started walking backwards frantically in fear.

Erik was also interested in its corpse though, so he grabbed his vibrosword firmly and charged, embedding it firmly into the creature's brain with some effort, twisting the blade and pulling it out as the beast fell.

All the battlefield paused as Erik climbed the body of the beast saying "alright, who wants some? whose next huh?"

The fire tribe soldiers despaired and started running away, lots of them chased to death by the euphoric crowd of shadow claw fanatics.

Sometime later, the conflict was over as Erik transported the body of the tunneler to the tribe, thousands of people cheering from the walls, both soldiers and civilians.

Erik stopped before them and announced "PEOPLE FROM THE SHADOW CLAW TRIBE! WE! WERE! VICTORIOUS!" the crowd started cheering as he continued "NOW I ASK YOU, IS THERE ANYONE WHO OPPOSES ME TAKING THE POSITION OF THE QUEEN?"

The soldiers looked harshly at those around as there was just silence "since no one seems to be angered, I shall become you new leader.

"QUEEN! QUEEN! QUEEN! QUEEN! QUEEN! " everyone cheered as he announced that, then walking to the still slightly cowering king.

Erik: "seems like I won't be needing your help, after all, they all readily accepted my rule, maybe you weren't at all popular? so what use do you have?"

the King paled "I- I can warm your bed!" trying to inflate his chest "people always told me I'm the most handsome crabman around-"

Erik, the elders, and most crab people around broke into an unrestrained laugh started by Erik first "ha... haha... damn, at least you are funny, have you looked at yourself? short, tiny, weak, is your cock small too? haha..." taking deep breaths to avoid starting to laugh again.

The king's face turned red with indignation but was afraid to be killed so he said "it's not small, I- I just haven't found someone that excites me..."

Erik: "ah~... is that so~?" he took his own flaccid monster out, the king's eyes dilating "so tell me, how big do you think mine would get? bigger than yours?"

The king gritted his teeth as his eyes couldn't move away "...much bigger than mine"

Erik: "hehe~ is that- wha... you got hard seeing my cock?" noticing a small tent in the king's robes.

The king was embarrassed "n-no! it's just I-"

Erik put a finger to his face "shut the fuck up, sigh" turning to a nearby Rose puppet "why don't you have some fun with him?"

Rose: "eh... but I have no dick or barely any tact in this, I don't know..."

Erik: "shh, you have two fists right? I know you have watched my entire database, every single vídeo, and file, so you already know what I mean, don't be afraid to break him, no one cares about him apparently"

Rose seemed pensative and then said "alright, so... no one would miss him you said?" smiling from ear to ear.

Erik put a hand on her shoulder "that's the attitude, and why don't you take 4 other puppets? we will clean all this up by ourselves, I just earned some hundreds of subjects as their new queen, after all, you can take all 30 if you want"

Rose smiled even wider, all 30 puppets having the same smile "Nah, with 5 will be enough~" [thanks Erik (≖ᴗ≖✿)] turning around as other four puppets lifted the king up.

King: "wha- what is this?"

Erik: "shut up and do as they want if you wanna live, understand?"

King: "...I... I understand..." and was carried away by the five synchronized giggling Rose puppets, creepier even was that all 30 were giggling at the same time, luckily no one noticed while cleaning the battlefield.

Erik turned around and walked to one of the dead fire tribe warriors, scanning its armor [is it harder than your alloys Rose?]

Rose: [scanning... yeah, it is stronger than the ones in your power armor, not by a big margin though, but I should be able to create better alloys once the forge is back on, you also need to find that secret lab, give the armors to the rebels, they will need them if they are gonna follow you to the deeper levels]

Erik: [alright, I will do that] turning to a nearby rebel and saying "inform Trebetuk, all these armors and weapons will go to him as his payment for leading me to the lower levels"

The rebel soldier saluted "yes ma'am!" and swiftly left to deliver the news.


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