
Sovereign supreme

what happened when a teen from 23rd century transmigrate into an ancient world where bloodline is everything yet he who comes from far beyond doesn't process a bloodline. will he remain mediocre or will he rise above all find out in novel

Atulit_Shukla · Kỳ huyễn
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Different realms

Hello everyone after reading verious novels its time for me to write mine thus this is my first novel and your suggestion are helpful .

There will me 10 realms for humans with levels described later

1) Body refining

2) Meridian/vein opening

3) Origin creation

4) Spring Creation

5) Prime

6) Originator

7) Lord of Blood

8) Sage

9) Saint

10) Sovereign

For beasts

1-3) ferocious beast

4) blood beast

5) Grand tribution

6) Originator

7) Demon

8) Sage throne

9) Saint throne

10) Divine throne