

"MINASEEEE!!!!" "HELL'SBURNNNN!!!" Two men in white Robes charged at each other, one Bald, the other with Red hair. CLANG CLANG BOOM BOOM Fists clashed and with resounding metallic noise, Shockwaves spread and destroyed millions of mountains in the range they were fighting. "Enough of Base Minase, I'll get serious now, so you better handover the treasure, I found it first" "Haha, Hell'sburn, I got the treasure with my own wit's and strength, finding it first doesn't matter" "Fine, I'll just have to force you to return it, Demon Art: Amour of Zon" The man with Red hair radiated a Dark-red light and was instantly covered in black Amour with Red lines of Aura pulsating in it.. The man Was covered from head to Toe in the Amour with no visible space to even see his skin. The Amour had no openings for the eyes, nose or mouth, it was fully closed. The Man with Red hair, now cloaked in his Armour, held a red Katana Blade with flaming patterns on it. "My my, Hell'sburn, you're really taking this seriously, it's a good thing this Universe is unhabited" The Bald man in monk clothing chuckled and stretched his Right hand forward. Suddenly the air around the man compressed and became 6 bead like shaped as they oscillated around the man. The current distance between the Two of them was about 750 kilometres but they can still see and hear each other perfectly. SWOOSH... BAM.... BOOM They moved from their positions at the same time and attacked, The Red Haired man Slashed Diagonally from up to down while the Blad Head man Controlled his bead and placed it exactly at the place the sword was going to make contact and after clashing, a resounding explosion was heard as the shockwave from their attack spread out. CRACK A loud crack was heard by the two who were currently fighting in space as their attacks had destroyed the Mountain filled planet they were on before. "Tch.. this Universe isn't strong enough to contain just one of our attacks" "What did you expect, I'm strong you know?" CLANG.. CLANG..BOOM..BOOM.. BAM.. CRACK...CRACK They continued to exchange moves and more cracks could be heard coming from the core of the universe they were fighting in. 6 minutes later "Huff..Huff.. Limiting ourselves in order not to fully destroy this universe is quite tasking." "Huff...Huff.. you're right, why don't you handover the treasure and we'll call it a day?" "Sorry, I can't do that, let's finish this: ..." "TIME STOP"... BAM..BAM..BOOM. As soon as the Bald man said those two words after his previous sentence he rushed forward and touched the Red haired man's armour, the Red Haired man in Armour froze on his spot and different attacks that could shatter millions of Galaxies at once rained down on him, he couldn't React in time to break out of the Lock in time he was in and had to Take the attack head on. CRACK BOOM As if that wasn't enough, the Universe they were fighting in Exploded as it couldn't withstand the impact of the attack. "Tch... I destroyed it" The Bald man kicked his foot as if berating himself for destroying the universe. "Huff..Huff... Huff" "Ohh, you survived that?, amazing, you are strong" The Bald man said as he could see The Red haired man, no longer clad in his armour and blood could be seen gushing out of his chest in large amounts. "I admit that you are stronger than me, but don't think I'll give up on that Treasure, I'll come back for it" The Red haired man said as he disappeared from his spot without any Trace. ---------------------------- After Disappearing, Hell'sburn, Went into hiding in a Lower Realm in another universe and there He discovered someone that shook him to his core. 'What the actual F**k is a Sovereign like me doing here!!!??'The man Exclaimed in his mind. Warning from Author!!: This book may contain some information that might be unpleasant for some readers that might have experienced them or have a dislike for such. My apologies to those who have gone through times like this before, Stay Strong.

TheReaper234 · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


Two years had passed since the first time Gilmesh was assaulted by Emperor Aurelian.

After what happened that day, the guards came in and took an unconscious Gilmesh back to his room in the Place that was Known as the Emperor's Harem, this was the Place that Gilmesh's room was when he first Arrived in the Aurelian Empire's Imperial Palace.

-- 2 Years later --

*Domitian Empire Imperial Castle, Throne Hall*

Emperor Negan, Empress Eldia, Misha and First Prince Youie were currently in the Hall and kneeling in front of them were two Guards. Not just any Guards but the ones that went with Gilmesh for his supposed "Training Expedition".

"What Happened to him!!"Youie yelled at the guards, his eyes wide and Bloodshot.

"Your Highness, what I say is true.. During one of the Places we were undergoing our Training in this Two years, Second Prince Gilmesh, went out for a walk and ordered us not to come looking for him until a Particular time was up, we couldn't disobey him, so we listened to him. After about 30 minutes and seeing that the Second Prince had yet to return, we set out to search for him. After a long search, we were only able to find part of his Robes ripped apart on trees with blood stains on them at the edge of a Cliff.

It's safe to assume that the Second Prince fell of the cliff and is now...now.."The Guard hesitated at the end of his explanation.

"Dead."Emperor Negan said with a straight Face.

"Yes, your Majesty"The Second Guard said as he lowered his head even more.

"How can this be... You didn't search enough, I'll go look for him"Youie said as he started walking off, his Body giving off a certain chilling aura.

"Enough Youie, his Dead"Misha, Gilmesh's Mother said. One could see that she was trying her best to hide her smile, same for the rest of them, Emperor Negan and Empress Eldia.

Youie Turned around and looked all three of them in the eyes one by one"I'll find him. I'll only believe his dead after I see his body myself and none of you are going to stop me or you'd bare whatever consequences that'd follow" He spoke with a cold voice.

"Did you just dear to threaten us?"Emperor Negan looked at Youie, anger visible in his scrunched up expression.

"Yes I did." Youie replied and walked out of the Throne Hall.

"Gil... How can you be dead, you can't leave your little sister behind would you, Charis is going to need you, you can't be dead"First Prince Youie Muttered as he left the Throne Hall, Tears could be seen flowing down his face as he walked through the Hallway.

Back inside the Throne Hall, Emperor Negan's anger had calmed down and he had a slight smirk on his face as he said to His Empress and his concubine, Gilmesh's Mother"I guess we are out of Emperor Aurelian's wrath now, and I have also been able to get rid of that Worthless Bastard"

"Congratulations my Emperor, You have been able to kill Two birds with one stone"Empress Eldia said as she walked towards Emperor Negan and Leaned her head on his right shoulder while holding his arm.

"Congratulations my Liege, I shall Give you a proper one soon"Misha also said as she bowed.

"Mmh"Emperor Negan nodded his head at both of them before turning to look at the Guards that were still kneeling.

"Spread the Word, that an Unfortunate Event had happened and the Second Prince of the Domitian Empire has been pronounced DEAD!"He ordered them with a stern voice.

"Yes, your Majesty"Both the Guards spoke in unison as they stood up and rushed out of the Throne Hall.

"Let me celebrate with you two beautiful ladies, it has been quite a while since I had the both of you warm my bed together"Emperor Negan said with a Lewd smile as he grasped the buttocks of the two ladies, Empress Eldia and Concubine Misha, causing the both of them to Smirk as he lead them to the Emperors Quarters.

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