
source of trouble

He Sang and Liang Ji Shen's relationship was a scandalous entanglement, a fateful bond marked by tragedy. It began by chance and was entangled in desire. "You are the source of calamity," she thought. What was Mr. Liang? He was the fire. Deep waters and scorching flames. She was to be irresistibly enchanting, destined to ruin his sterling reputation. Their love and hate, an all-consuming sin, carved deep into their hearts, leaving them both tormented.

Jiaxian_Tang · Thành thị
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6 Chs

"open and secret struggles"

In the early morning, He Sang rushed nervously to the theater for rehearsals, only to find that Manli's BMW X5 had taken her parking spot.

Among the circle were four top male leads and four leading actresses. He Sang was the most prominent, hailed in the industry as a once-in-a-decade leading actress, famously known as the "stunner of Hebei Province". The only one who could rival her was the rising star, Cui Manli. However, due to her connection with Liang Jishen, He Sang had overshadowed her, leading to an ongoing rivalry.

He Sang headed straight for the dressing room. Manli, without batting an eye, continued to file her nails. "Oh, it's Sang Jie. What can I do for you?"

"Move your car," He Sang demanded.

She chuckled. "I won't. What will you do about it?"

"It's my parking spot."

"Don't think so highly of yourself. You won't be for long," Manli smirked. "The director wants to see you."

He Sang didn't argue with her, quietly returning to the lounge. Before long, the director came in to inform her, "Manli will be the lead performer for Saturday's show."

No wonder she had been so dismissive.

As He Sang looked at herself in the mirror, the director nervously rubbed his hands. "Your acting skills are solid, and you're beautiful. You could shine in any role..."

In this industry, once you step down, you may never regain your standing. He Sang stood firm. "I won't agree."

"Xiao Sang, please don't make it difficult for me. Manli has gained significant financial backing from one of the top ten richest men in the city who invested eight million in the theater for her," the director hesitated. "And as for Young Master Liang..."

"We both know the power of the Liang family background," He Sang calmly removed her earrings. "You created this mess with him; now go explain it."

The director sighed helplessly.

Referring to the "Young Master Liang" stemmed from the fact that the Liang family had three sons, with Liang Yanzhang losing his first wife to a difficult childbirth. After remarrying five years later, his current wife gave birth to Liang Jishen at 19. Despite bets among the wealthy, Liang Yanzhang's infidelity was always managed carefully by Ji Xilan, his official wife for thirty years, despite her aging. Their story was renowned among the elite circles.

Although appearing harmonious on the surface, rich women often had many sons, causing intense competition behind closed doors.

In the afternoon, Manli waited in the corridor, a girl passed by, and handed He Sang a bouquet of chrysanthemum tea. "Sang Jie, did you lose the lead role?"

This girl was A-role's substitute, and He Sang gave her the opportunity to perform on stage with Liang Jishen during a business trip, and she repaid her gratitude. There was a time during a tour that Manli mixed pepper into her boxed lunch and wanted to make He Sang allergic, and the girl confronted her face-to-face.

"Mr. Liang is wealthy and powerful, and Manli's man can't compete with him," she said timidly, "unless..."

"Unless there's a new love," Manli sneered against the door. "The young master is a player, and their romance has a shelf life. Out of date, change people."

The girl regretted, "Where did you see the replacement?"

Manli refused to accept, "Mr. Liang flew to Paris half a month ago to customize a necklace, and the brand is called Eternal Love. Rich people spend money on women. It doesn't matter. It's important to be sincere." She looked at He Sang's necklace and was not that "Sang Jie, your legitimate girlfriend's status is probably downgraded."

He Sang ignored and picked up his bag and went downstairs.

When the elevator came out, she dialed Liang Jishen's number and rang twice before he pressed it.

Usually, men are too busy, and she never neglects her.

Apparently, he is not convenient.

And avoid her.

He Sang went to the parking lot, and the corner of her eyes swept away the Red Flag L5, with a western leather Liang Jishen sitting in the back seat, and a woman's face next to him.

The same cool type, fair skin, and black and straight hair, it seems that I just walked from the nearby shopping mall.

She wakes up as if she is dreaming.

Liang Jishen spread the circle of romantic stories the fastest, and Manli dared to crush her, and also listened to the tone of the golden master, and thought she was defeated.

He Sang shook the steering wheel tightly, and the bitterness could not be described.

--I don't like your makeup, it's not suitable for you.

--Shen brother, what do you like about me?

The man laughed, "I like your purity."

Memory surged, He Sang slammed the brakes, and gasped violently.

Originally, everything she got was all about
