
Souls in Teyvat

Kenshin is a boy who doesn't have a Gnosis. He doesn't have the ability to rewind time when he dies. He doesn't have memories of another world. He definitely, DEFINITELY, doesn't have a system. To be fair, he doesn't even have a Vision. And yet, even he has something that makes him unique. He can see souls. NOT A FIGHTING FIC, WEAK MC. You are advised, don't complain later. No NTR or yuri, just so you know. I own nothing from this work, as there is no brain behind it. The image is, obviously an AI generated one from wallhaven. I still don't know how the copyright works, so well, if the AI sends a message to me, I suppose I will have to take it down. Lastly, Patreon, Yes, just my name. patreon.com/ARandomMob But I recommend you to just wait for the chapters, I won't keep anything locked behind a paywall.

ARandomMob · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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142 Chs

Liyue starts

A month passed and there was only one change after Shenhe's 'ordeal'.

She just didn't release Kenshin.

It was a common sight in the Tenshukaku now to see the tall woman with a 10/10 body grabbing the hand of the resigned Kenshin.

He had to make her sleep just to have some moments of intimacy with Sara and Yae. He didn't know how having more sex with Ei or Makoto would affect the baby's soul.

Yae, Sara and the twins looked wryly at the woman sitting beside Kenshin, who tried to eat with only one chopstick, giving up convincing Shenhe to release him.

They had more 'funny' moments, but Alter Shenhe always came out with outer Shenhe's approval. They liked the overwhelming pleasure that turned their brains into mush, and even despite Alter Shenhe's efforts, she didn't manage to win even once.

Kenshin suspected that she just liked to lose because her best chance was doing it alone without the white-haired Shenhe, but she still chose to do it with the other Shenhe.

"I'm leaving now" Kenshin kissed Yae and hugged Sara tightly. "Morax is on the final part of his plan, and I need to be there should something weird happen."

"What could go wrong with Morax there?" asked dismissively Guizhong, looking at Kenshin with a frown. He had been extra 'loving' with the rest when she was present, and Guizhong knew he was doing it to piss her off. 

"I will also tell Morax how are you" Kenshin rolled his eyes in exasperation, making Guizhong smile. "I will come immediately after, the baby's growth has accelerated a lot."

"Mine?" asked a worried Guizhong.

"I couldn't care less about yours" Kenshin scoffed making Guizhong frown. "No, your is perfectly fine, I think, I still don't know that much about a God's child. I'm speaking about mine."

"I'm still not used to this" muttered Guizhong. "I saw you since you were a child, and now we are going to be parents at the same time."

"Think of it as a mix of circumstances, carelessness and the ageing difference" said a smiling Yae, who since having an intimate night with Kenshin smiled more often.

Now that she decided to share her life with someone else and shared all she had with Kenshin, she felt her life taking a different colour. No longer were days grey with monotony, every time she woke up did it with excitation and wondered what the new day had in store for her.

Truly, Yae was living again like she had never done before.

"That's my ship" Kenshin sighed and hugged Sara one last time. "Aahhh, I don't want to leave. You know wh-"

"Kenshin" the always dutiful Sara sternly said, making Kenshin sigh. "We will just be here, go, do what you need to do, and come back."

"Of course" Kenshin said, patting his chest. "There is no way I would leave you...4, no wait, even if Guizhong is useless I need to count her. 5- no wait, the baby is also here. I would never leave you 6 here!"

"Just go" Yae said with a fond smile, and lightly pushed Kenshin towards the enormous ship approaching.


"You seem to be happy" a wandering samurai with an Anemo Vision approached Kenshin once he stopped waving.

"How can I not be?" asked Kenshin, looking at the not-kid anymore Kazuha. "I have a big family waiting for me, and there is a little one in the way. My life is perfect!"

"Hahaha, that's how life should be!" a woman with a red eyepatch approached while laughing.

"Of course, life would not be life should it not be considered a good one" Kazuha nodded approval.

"Beidou, I guess" asked Kenshin looking a the woman's vibrant purple soul.

It was a strong soul, and revealed that this laughing woman also had a difficult past, but Kenshin had already passed the age where he would go around asking pretty stupid questions.

"Ohh, does the Shogun know about me?!" asked Beidou with a laugh.

"Of course" Kenshin sagely nodded. "How could I not know about the woman supporting the rebel army when we were still in the civil war?"

"..." Beidou's laugh froze, and Kazuha sighed. "I can explain."

"I don't care anymore" Kenshin shrugged and looked at the quickly approaching Liyue Harbor. "Had I wanted to pursue you, I would have let the former Shogun do so."

"Thanks for that I guess" Beidou said with an awkward smile. Nobody could deny that Beidou was a valiant woman, but having the famous murderous God of Inazuma after her and her ship was just suicide. 




"Thanks for the travel" Kenshin waved at the disappearing ship. 'And be careful, waters may be dangerous' is what he wanted to say, but he didn't think it was a good idea.

He was not the same kid blabbing about everything he wanted to say without thinking of the consequences.

"Hello, twitching girl!" or he didn't change at all. "You owe me 3 times now".

"....." Yelan had a dark face now. She realized that Kenshin had no intention of doing 'that' to her again, but the constant counting of the number of times she would need to 'touch' his hands reminded her of the....accident back then.

And the worst part is that she hadn't been able to feel a pleasure that intense since then.

Her whole body felt on fire, and every single cell of her body screamed in pleasure. Even if she masturbated, only her crotch would feel stimulated, but the intensity wouldn't be even half of that of the 'accident'.

It was an eye-opening experience that didn't allow her to climax in the same way again. Every orgasm she had felt lacking, and she didn't know what to do to eliminate this pent-up frustration.

Honestly, Kenshin hadn't expected this.

He did it with Ei at the start, as the battle-lover God had a very high threshold of pleasure and she recovered quite quickly of her orgasms. Things got a bit more calm after Kenshin knew her 'weak points', but his 'cheating' was needed at the start while he was still learning about the game rules.

But Ei's body was not, by far, that of a human's, no matter how trained. 

Even Shenhe, probably the strongest pure human in what strength and stamina were concerned, couldn't take Kenshin's 'love touch' at full charge.

And Ei didn't need to relieve herself alone, Kenshin was there to graciously lend some 'help'.

All in all, Kenshin's 'love touch' made a new door open for Yelan, who now understood what pure ecstasy was about, but she couldn't cross the door by herself.

But she had no intention of letting Kenshin know about this. Her own pride didn't allow for her to fall so low.

And Kenshin was going to be a father, he would have probably tried to find another method, but fooling around with other women was not something he would find acceptable.

"Ningguang wants to see you" she said with a sharp voice looking at the culprit of her body remembering so much pleasure that she couldn't deal with her own libido anymore.

"I believe you" Kenshin replied with a smile, and walked towards Morax's house. 

Ningguang could want all she wanted, he had no obligation to answer to her.

"You...." Yelan would have said a few more things to Kenshin, but knowing how he was, he wouldn't care. 'I will report for now'

Kenshin walked towards Morax's house, but he found it empty.

"Hmmm" he hummed in thought, looking around trying to find the lighthouse-like soul, but he didn't see it. "Now that I think about it, isn't today the Rite of Descent?"

Just as he thought about it, a loud noise followed by screams assaulted his ears.

"I wonder what could have happened...." he decided to go and take a look.


And when he arrived at the giant....lamp? Ningguang used in her weird ritual, he saw a pretty poor imitation of Morax's corpse.

Really, that's all he could think of, plus he already knew about Morax's plan.

"...." Ningguang looked at Kenshin, not knowing how would he react.

Everyone in Liyue knew Kenshin was an acquaintance at the very least of the Geo Archon.

"NOOOO!" Kenshin screamed his lungs out, making everyone look at him. "MORAX!!"

With tears running down his eyes, he quickly approached, kicking away the soldiers who didn't let anyone approach the Exuvia (God's Corpse)

"HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!" Kenshin bawled his eyes out, hugging the corpse and making a few bystanders unable to suppress their tears. "WHO?! WHO DID THIS?!!"

Kenshin looked through his tears at the crowd trying to find the culprit, but after not seeing anyone, he hugged the corpse again, his cries making everyone who heard them cry due to the sheer sadness they carried.


"...." Morax looked at the smiling Kenshin, who was eating in his house with a pretty happy expression.

"Why do you look at me like that?" asked Kenshin with his mouth empty after he swallowed the food. "I think I gave credibility to your plan."

"Was it really needed?" asked Morax with his face unchanging.

"Maybe not" admitted Kenshin. "But I enjoyed it."

"..." Morax inwardly sighed, already used to Kenshin's antics.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Kenshin, eating more. "Wait for those Harbingers to do their thing?"

"Yes" Morax replied with a nod. "One of them will unseal Ossial, and that will be the test of fire Liyue needs to overcome to finally break free and move forward by themselves."

Kenshin shrugged, knowing that Morax had his own thoughts.

Overall, he agreed with the plan. He didn't care about Liyue as a whole, only about his friends here, so he couldn't care less about 'moving by themselves' or 'advancing without a God'.

But Morax was one of the people he cared for, and this would allow him to leave his role as Liyue's Archon. 

He was the one who would later make Morax surrender his other one, Liyue's protector. And he already had a plan for that.

The only thing he didn't like was involving those kidnappers, and even less the 'Childe' or Tartaglia or whatever. He didn't like fighting, the only moments he did was to knock some sense into Ei's head, to kill those Fatuis after his parents were kidnapped, to train and help Barbatos at the same time, and for Ei's rehabilitation.

And seeing someone so willing to push his desire to fight onto others rubbed him wrong.

At least Ei didn't go around asking for fights, not that anyone but Morax and Barbatos could give her one, but still.

"I need to go to work" Morax said and stood up.

"I will go with you!" said energetically Kenshin, who quickly washed the dishes and stood behind Morax, ready to follow him.

"..." Morax sighed again and left the house, Kenshin behind him.

"Morax.....uhhhh...sob" Kenshin immediately resumed his act to remind those who saw him that indeed, their god was gone.

"....." Morax was speechless once again, but a brief look let him know how much fun Kenshin was having.

"Don't you miss our God?" asked a frowning Kenshin, making everyone near look with narrowed eyes at Morax.

"Of course I do" Morax replied, not knowing what Kenshin was up to. He had never expected Kenshin to accuse him of not missing...his own presence.

"I see" Kenshin patted Morax's shoulders while cleaning his tears. "We must first find the bastards who did that heinous act. Only then will we be able to cry, that's the least we can do for our Archon, our Protector, friend and guide during millennia."


"He's right..."

"Death to the killers...."

Morax narrowed his eyes as he started hearing muttering people, and looked at Kenshin again, who using this moment everyone was thinking of the most painful way of death for those 'Godslayers', had a deranged shine in his eyes.

'I'm going to kick those fuckers out of Liyue' Kenshin was not going to let those Fatuis get away easily.

He couldn't take hostile action, or his family would be in danger again.

But maybe.... agitating the people, and after all this was resolved to send a completely and absolutely 'anonymous' letter to basically every single fucking house in Liyue where a 'regretful' member of the Fatui tearfully confessed 'killing' the Geo Archon and expressing his regret by revealing 'accurate and completely real' plans and motives to kill Morax, which may or may not imply launching an all-out assault on Liyue, enslaving everyone and sending them to work in Szenhnaya's quarries would make the 'righteous and smart' people in Liyue express their just anger.

And all because Kenshin was still angry. If the Fatui wanted to break their deal, they would need to show some proof. 

Kenshin was not stupid, he would go to Mondstadt, use Guizhong's writing machine to not leave traces, and bribe Barbatos to send them to every house from Mondstadt. Of course, Kenshin will hire a lot of people in Mondstadt with his wine as payment to use the writing machines.

It was a perfect plan with no flaws, as the people of Mondstadt would probably forget writing them due to the wine.

"Ehehehehe" Kenshin maliciously laughed, making Morax glance at him.

Even the Geo Archon himself couldn't help but sweat a bit. 

The last time Kenshin had a crowd listening to him, chaos ensued.

But this time, it wouldn't be Liyue who paid, but Szenhnaya.

"Where are we going?" asked Kenshin, relaxed now that wasn't anyone near.

"To my workplace" replied Morax, who Kenshin would need to call Zhongli. "The Wangsheng Funeral Parlour."