
Soulless Transcendent: Twisted Love for My Yandere Wives

Slice of Life in the Terra World! It's a game but not famous; just a slice of life... a boring game. Even the NPCs were mundane; they didn't even perish at all! NPCs devoid of emotions, mere toys. Nothing great about it! It was merely a game. It was meant to be just a game... Yet, "Do whatever your heart desires," were the parting words of an unknown entity who pulled those who played this boring game. And so, they did as their hearts desired! "This world is mine to conquer... Hahahaha," someone laughed. "I am going to build a harem of beautiful women!" another one exclaimed. "I will become the ruler of th......" Everyone poured out their desires and stood ready to embark on their new adventure. They aimed to conquer this world since they couldn't complete it before. They believed they were the protagonists of this new story, convinced that everything would unfold as they wished... until, a certain NPC appeared. This NPC wasn't merely a random figure who materialized out of thin air; rather, he was a victim of the actions of the transmigrated individuals. They say every action has an equal and opposite reaction, but because of the transmigrated person's foolish deeds, this NPC was about to transcend the role beyond the MC of this Story. Did the NPC seek revenge?... No answer! What did this NPC desire?... Nobody had a clue! But all in all, He was searching for something. Something more important than revenge... However, the intrigue didn't end there, as Even the NPC found himself stalked by someone.... or rather, stalked by a group. "W-Who is that B*tch with him?!" one exclaimed in frustration. "Hmm?" The NPC frowned. "I could take care of him better than that B*tch, Hmph!" another remarked. "... Is anybody else hearing those strange voices?" the NPC asked, bewildered. "~Aaahh~ look at his physique... Damn, I want to rid ~beep~ his ~beep~!" "......" The NPC was utterly taken aback when he heard those vulgar words. This is the story of an NPC or Mob Character whose life was turned upside down by the Transmigrators... as well as his Stalkers! _____________ No NTR, No Yuri! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/23gdjwSM3P

AbiLIon · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Just like that day!



An awkward silence lingered among the group, heavy and palpable, as Eli ate his food with a complete disregard for manners.

The clinking of his utensils against the plate was the only sound that broke the tension in the air.

They were seated in a charming, dimly lit restaurant once again, surrounded by the soft murmur of other diners and the clatter of distant dishes. The rich aroma of various cuisines filled the air, a stark contrast to the strained atmosphere at their table.

"I assume you are Asher, Marie's childhood friend, correct?" Alexander inquired, his voice tight with barely contained frustration. His veins bulged with irritation as he observed Amber sitting close to Eli's right and Ania on his left.

Marie, meanwhile, sat beside Alexander, her expression one of annoyance. The distance between her and Alexander only added to his irritation, making the situation even more uncomfortable.

Eli, however, remained silent, his focus solely on his meal. His deliberate ignorance made Alexander's frown deepen. "Do you know who I am?" Alexander pressed, his voice edged with anger.

"Hmm?" Eli paused, slurping and swallowing a piece of chicken before asking, "Are you the King's son?"

"No," Alexander replied, his voice tight with irritation.

"Any noble's son?" Eli continued, raising an eyebrow.

"... No," Alexander repeated, his patience wearing thin.

"A famous celebrity?" Eli asked, a hint of sarcasm creeping into his voice.

"..... No," Alexander ground out, his teeth clenched.

"Then how the fuck would I know who you are?" Eli retorted, his annoyance now evident. He was already sacrificing his time alone time with Ania, and now this stranger was testing his patience.

Alexander gritted his teeth, his eyes flicking to Ania and Amber, who were both trying to suppress their laughter. The tension was palpable, and it seemed like the atmosphere could snap at any moment.

Ania suddenly pinched Eli's thigh, leaning in to whisper urgently, "He's the Chosen Hero."

Amber added softly, "Be respectful around him. He's famous for his good deeds in the Dawn's Paragon Kingdom. There are even rumours that the Princess is interested in him, so he might become a future King... Don't waste your chance!"

A dangerous glint flickered in Eli's eyes as he looked at Alexander, then at Marie, who wore a gloomy expression. His irritation was clear, but he kept his tone controlled, almost mocking.

Eli chuckled darkly, "The Chosen Hero... just like the other one I wiped the floor with?"

"Puff!" Amber covered her mouth to stifle her laughter, then pinched Eli and whispered, "Eli!"

Eli sighed, setting his fork down with a clatter. "What do you want?" he asked, his patience wearing thin.

"I want to know if you're the man called Asher," Alexander said seriously, leaning forward as if trying to read Eli's expression.

"No, my name is Eli," Eli responded factually, his gaze steady.

"NO!!" Marie shouted, her voice breaking the tense silence. She quickly lowered her voice as everyone in the restaurant turned to look at her. "Ash, I know you're Ash. I know you're angry at me, but just listen to—"

"Excuse me, Miss. As I said before, my name is Eli, and you keep bothering me," Eli interrupted, clearly annoyed, making Marie fall silent, her eyes filling with unshed tears.

Alexander frowned, his need to control the situation evident. Though unsure of who this boy was, he needed him and said in a heavy tone, "We are sorry for her behaviour. She's had a hard time dealing with her past." He paused and then asked, "Do you know about the gift you received for winning first prize?"

Eli frowned, his mind racing back to the mysterious key he had received. Like the last time Alexander had inquired about it, Eli did not say anything.

But this time, Alexander tried a different approach, desperation edging his voice.

"I can help you gain entry to the Academy rather than just the division. How about that?" Alexander's tone was almost pleading.

Eli looked sceptical, his eyes narrowing as he considered the offer.

"Don't worry. With my influence, you could easily get in—"

"Are you two done?" Eli asked Ania and Amber, who both nodded, their expressions concerned. Eli turned to Alexander, "We will be leaving then."

'This fucker!' Alexander seethed inwardly, his frustration mounting.

He pleaded like an innocent one, "Please listen to me first." His body suddenly radiated his divine bloodline aura, a protagonist's halo that pulsed with power.

Something subtle yet powerful seemed to seep into Eli, Ania, and Amber, fogging their minds and making their limbs feel heavy.

Meanwhile, a black-haired girl and a golden-haired girl, sitting a little distance away, watched the scene unfold with keen interest.

"Sigh, looks like that guy really knows how to control his bloodline ability," the black-haired girl mumbled, intrigued. She was curious about why Alexander was pestering Eli but was more fascinated by how Eli seemed unaffected by the golden-haired girl's power.

Just as she was about to dispel Alexander's halo,


Alexander's face slammed into the table as Eli grabbed his golden hair and without hesitation,





Eli continued to slam Alexander's face until it was covered in blood, each impact echoing in the stunned silence of the restaurant.

'T-These feelings... just like that day! He's using something!' Eli thought. When Alexander's influence had almost made him obey, something inside Eli had boiled with rage, snapping him out of it and driving him to violence.

Ania and Amber snapped out of their daze, horrified by Eli's brutal assault on Alexander. Their eyes widened in shock, hands covering their mouths.

"Ash, stop!!" Marie shouted, her voice trembling. But a single, cold glare from Eli made her step back in fear, "My name is Eli, woman!"

Clicking his tongue in frustration, Eli realized he had let his emotions get the better of him again. 'Fuck, I need to work on my emotions,' he thought. He then stormed out of the restaurant, with Amber and Ania following closely behind, their faces a mix of concern and disbelief.

The black-haired girl who had been watching wore a surprised expression, while the golden-haired girl clenched her fist, thinking, 'H-He is the one!' She quietly followed Eli, her curiosity piqued.

A dangerous glint passed through her eyes when she saw two girls following him!

Meanwhile, Alexander, still dizzy and unsure of what had happened, knew only that Eli had attacked him before he fainted. He wasn't weak; he had simply been caught off guard by the fact that Eli didn't follow him like a fool.... He slowly fainted.

"What happened?" A whitish-purple-haired girl arrived, her face horrified as she saw Alexander's bloodied face.

"L-Luna?" Marie was surprised to see her.

"What happened?" Luna asked seriously, her voice laced with concern and anger. Marie bit her lip and explained everything, her voice shaking.

"And you just watched them leave?" Luna glared at Marie, her eyes flashing with anger. Marie lowered her head in shame.

"Tsk, Eli... right? I'll deal with him myself," Luna stated fiercely, her sapphire eyes glowing with determination.


"You do realize what you did, right?" Amber asked her tone a mix of annoyance and worry. She couldn't believe Eli had hurt the Chosen Hero so bluntly. If Alexander's followers found out, Eli would be in serious trouble

"Are you scared, Miss Foxy?" Eli asked, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

"Tsk, who's scared? I'm Amber Fox! I'm not afraid of a few Chosen Heroes!" Amber retorted proudly, her eyes flashing with defiance.

Eli smiled and patted Amber's forehead, making her blush and sneer at him playfully.

"Do you truly not know a girl named Marie?" Ania suddenly asked, her voice soft with curiosity. Amber also looked at Eli, her eyes full of questions.

"...." Eli didn't answer, his silence indicating he wasn't interested in sharing his past, which pained them a little.

"Anyhow..." Eli turned awkwardly towards Ania, "I was hoping I could stay at your place tonight."

Before Ania could respond, Amber's ears twitched in curiosity. "Why?"

"Well, I didn't like that place, so I was hoping to find a new hotel for the time being."

Hearing this, Amber nodded while Ania blushed, thinking, 'He's going to stay at my house... OMG!! I need to hurry up and clean my room!' She was about to accept when,

"We have an extra room. Why don't you stay with me?" Amber suggested with a smile, making Ania frown but forcing herself to say, "He asked me though—"

"It's fine, Miss Ania. My house is a bit big, so adding one more is no problem," Amber said with a smile, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"ggrrrr!!" Ania gritted her teeth, seeing Amber's triumphant smile. The tension between the two girls was palpable, each vying for Eli's attention in their own way.